Monday, October 13, 2014

Dingy Gerald Flurry Says Only 10,000 Philadelphia Church of God Members WIll Be In Petra

Redfox has an article up today on his Living Armstrongism blog concerning the latest Gerald Flurry nonsense that is in print by the Philadelphia Church of God.  I have to had it to Red.  I don't know how he has the patience to read through all the blatant bullshit these guys write.  It gets tiresome to me to read the pseudo-intellectual bullshit these uneducated men try pass off as "sound wisdom."  None of these men have a real education but brag about being 'trained at the feet of Herbert Armstrong."  What kind of an education can you get from a man who mocked higher education and of which there is no evidence he even graduated from high school!

Neil Earle writes about the anti-intellectualism of HWA and those who went through his system:
In Stage Four, “life must first be school life,” writes Erikson, “whether school is field or jungle or classroom.” 17 One cannot, of course, censure Herbert Armstrong for not choosing a college education in 1910. That career choice is an understandable pattern given the times, as was Frank Armstrong’s admiration of corporate leaders. This was the Production Era of America’s economic advance, a time when Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller were in their heyday. 18 The lasting significance is this: All his life, Herbert Armstrong would be quick study. As a young man he claimed to study incessantly on his own outside the classroom. Tellingly, the evidence is unclear from his writings as to whether he graduated from high school. This is important, for, as Joseph Hopkins notes, Armstrong’s studies did have consequences for his later mass audiences. This anti-intellectual reaction formation is a major thrust in his development process. It is important to remember Erikson’s insistence that Stage Four is when the child’s exuberant imagination is “tamed and harnessed.” As Erikson says: “Many a child’s development is disrupted when family life has failed to prepare him for school life, or when school life fails to sustain the promises of earlier stages.” 19 Freud labeled this the latency stage, the lull before puberty. By his own accounts, Herbert Armstrong loafed and lounged in school. The botany teacher called him a sponge: “Herbert Armstrong, you are just like a sponge. You never study your lesson, you never contribute or give out anything in class. You just sit there and soak up what the other pupils recite, and then, when final exams come along, you always get close to 100%.” 20

Back to Gerald Flurry's uneducated nonsense:

In Chapter 10 of his book, The Former Prophets: How to Become a King, Gerald Flurry speculates that about 10,000 PCG members will get to flee to the Place of Safety, which is often said to be Petra, Jordan. Here is what he says.

A couple of biblical prophecies refer to 10,000 saints being in a place of safety in the end time. (You can read about this in Chapter Five of my free booklet No Freedom Without Law.) Deuteronomy 33:1-2 speak of “ten thousands of saints” coming with Christ from mount Paran, which is located in Petra, Jordan. The Apostle Jude referred to this in an end-time context as well (Jude 14).
God clearly says there will be 10,000 members in a place of safety. It has to mean that. He is going to come back with those 10,000. So maybe we’ll convert, say, 500 of our teenagers in the place of safety, and between now and then. And maybe we will pick up between 2,000 and 2,500 from the world and from the Laodicean churches.
Reaching that number might take a little more time than what we have thought, but I would hasten to add that so much is happening in this world, and it is disintegrating so fast, there is no guarantee it will take long at all. (Gerald Flurry, The Former Prophets: How to Become a King, 2014, Chapter 10, p. 226.)
Actually PCG members have already been waiting about thirteen years already to get 10,000 members.

Gerald Flurry's personality cult has been losing numbers for many years now.  He is not even close to 10,000 persons being with him in Petra.   Even if every single youth in his personalty cult converted over night he still could not reach his goal of 10,000 members.  How does he think he will accomplish this when God's greatest COG evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver, David C Pack, has been unable to do the same thing for the last three years.  No one is flocking to Dave Pack just as no one is flocking to Gerald Flurry.

People in the various Church of God's are starting to wake up to the abuse they have been subjected to over the decades.  Every group is losing members now.  No new members are coming from the public to these groups.  Even United Church of God couldn't draw in members after a $70,000+ recent media debacle in the Cincinnati area.

Anti-intellectualism is a hold over from the formation of fundamentalism from 1900-1930's here in the United States.  That is right around the time Herbert Armstrong was gaining his foothold in ripping apart the Church of God 7th day when he separated to start his own personalty cult.

Read Redfox's take on Flurry's silliness:  Gerald Flurry Repeats 13 Year Old Bizarre Prophecy of 10,000 PCG Members Going to Place of Safety

Aura of Authority: Cult Preachers and Churches

Detecting cult religion is really quite simple.  The characteristics of a cult religion revolves around fear-mongering.  The naive and fearful who are seduced into cult religions, are  uninformed church goers.  Anytime a church goer  thinks that some character standing in a pulpit speaks for God/Jesus Christ, they have been seduced.

No preacher or pastor speaks for God.  God speaks for Himself and you have yet to see God or hear His voice. After all don't you speak for yourself?  Should someone pretend to be you and speak for you, would that not be preposterous?  The same is true for God.

When those who penned ink on paper and called it "the Bible", they had no real authority from God to do so, but they made the claim that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God"  and that "God commanded"  and so forth.  What overwhelming vanity and ego for those who made such fraudulent claims.

The greatest deception on planet earth is that "God said" something, or "God commanded" something or that "the Bible is the word of God", as if humans had a right to put words in the mouth of God.    It is as easy as falling off a log to accept that because someone long ago said something, it is
true, but is it?

You read that God supposedly spoke with some character named Moses out of a burning bush, and yet all that is, is ink on paper and there is no proof that such a thing ever happened.  Do we assume "truth" just because we read a myth, a legend, a fiction or a human fabrication?    Should you
or I today make the claim that God spoke to us out of a burning bush, would anyone believe it?  Not likely. So why  believe ancient myths as valid?

Cult preachers are great pretenders.  They have an aura of "authority", when in reality they have none.  You can be positive if free $money, were not involved, these preacher pretenders would be reduced to common and normal human beings, who have no desire to rule over or control others.

The real motive for churches, preachers and all religions, is free $cash and the love of power and control, which equates to super vanity and ego of the overlords.

In reality the self-appointed "lords" in the pulpits are driven by  extreme self-importance, all the while the simple minded in the pews tremble in false fear of these religious clowns.  Jesus came to set the captives free, and if you are captive to a church lord, the only way you will ever be free, is to exit and exit now and forever from the cult, because it is a cult.

All religious cults thrive on FEAR, but God is LOVE and He does not exist by compelling fear.  Tithing, Sabbath keeping, Feast days and such are all man-made concepts, which give religious overlords false power over the gullible.

Why quote "the Bible" as if God is the author?  Men penned the so called bible and it is the greatest source of fear-mongering on planet earth.    There is NO FEAR in love and if God is love then God does not compel humans   on the basis of fear.    God compels humans on the basis of LOVE, COMPASSION MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY.

Proof that your preacher is a fraud, is that he compels you to comply to the false doctrine of tithing and other legalistic nonsense.

Van Robison

Satan is Really Pissed You are Keeping the Feast!

Those fun loving folk at Church of God the Eternal can't even go to the Feast of Tabernacles without Satan trying to thwart their every move.  How exhausting it must be to be constantly worried about Satan or demons trying to do you in all the time.  Why is it that Armstrongites prefer slavery to freedom?

A large part of preparing for the Fall Holy Days involves setting priorities in order. This is a time of the year when we are especially commanded to draw near to God, and we can only imagine how angry and jealous this makes Satan. He will look for our weaknesses, and tempt us to find reasons not to observe God’s Feasts. As we are advised in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” With this in mind, let us be prepared to overcome the weaknesses that cause us to neglect observing the Feast with the right spiritual state of mind.

When we are told to be sober and vigilant, this means that we must be on guard, especially when we know that our actions are an affront to Satan, causing him to become angry with us. This can be a very difficult affair. The strength that we have personally might not be enough to confront the temptations we encounter, but fortunately, we have the strength of Jesus Christ living in us to help. Paul reflects upon this fact in his own life in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This strength promised to us includes the ability to face the physical obstacles that we experience on our path to observe the Feast.