Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Armstrong Empire: A Look at the Worldwide Church of God

The Armstrong Empire
A Look at the Worldwide Church of God
by Joseph Hopkins
Eerdmans Publishing
304 pages

Excerpts to follow

Armstrongism: Religion...or Rip-Off - Expose: The Armstrong Modus Operandi

ARMSTRONGISM: Religion...or Rip-Off
Expose: The Armstrong Modu Operandi
By Former Staff Member
Marion J. McNair
339 pages

Pacific Charters-Publishing Division
Orlando, Florida

Excerpts to Follow

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Collecting Books

I started collecting books on Armstrongism 4 or 5 years ago.  My first was Robinson's Tangled Web. Then it just started growing after that.

When I first came to Pasadena in the mid 70's there were numerous books floating around.  Ambassador College mail was trying to stop students from receiving them at various times.   The Pasadena libraries were filled with anti-Armstrong books.

One day we were invited to Dean Blackwell's home on Pasadena Ave.  In his house and garage was his immense collection of books.  Being the book fiend I am I was in heaven.  What really struck me about Blackwell's collection was that he had many of the books that I have here/or will be posting here later on.  I figured if he could read them then there was no reason I should not!

Pasadena was always the target for many of these writers. Who can blame them!  Many of the writers quote Rod Meredith the most.  Next up is Herman Hoeh.

Meredith gets the most derision after Armstrong. Meredith was truly one weird dude! His tirades on submissive women, his anti-gay stupidity about white socks, pink polo shirts and manly exercise on the track, his bragging about spanking his second wife when she was rebellious, his totally off the wall articles on prophecy, and his scores of failed prophecies.  The list could go on and on.  He was and still is a one man show.

But sadly, like most WCG members I never paid any attention to the books.  They were just angry men or
ex-members attempting to destroy the one true Church.  If I did read them it was for titillation only then they were quickly forgotten.  What new dirt was being talked about, who was having sex with whom, what minister dared to stand up to HWA,  which evangelists wife had the latest meltdown, etc.  Then the book was thrown out because everyone knew if you got caught with a one of the books you would get fired or kicked out of the church.

When the Ambassador Reports started coming out employees headed down to Bungalow News to buy their copies.  The one magazine I still wish I had was the original "In Bed With Garner Ted".

I have to wonder what would have happened if I had really taken to heart the books about HWA and the WCG.  Life would certainly have been different!

I am always on the look out for new books, so if you have one in a forlorn bookcase and think it needs a new home, let me know!

Armstrongism: Is It The Plain Truth?

Armstrongism: Is It The Plain Truth
by Harold Berry
Back to the Bible
1974/1981 printing

Excerpts to follow