Sunday, March 11, 2012

Restored Church of God and It's Money Managing Ministers


The Restored Church of God has had a couple of articles on their apostate defecting ministers site by a guy from Africa name Prince Vidal Wachuku.  Dave Pack has been trotting out this guy for his saccharine dripping words of praise about the  mightiest, biggest and most important ministry in the entire universe.  Brother Vidal and his wife are from Nigeria. RED FLAGNow it has been disclosed that they are "wealth creation strategists." RED FLAG: Nigeria and wealth creation?  Bad combination of words!)  

Their wealth creation business may be entirely legitimate, but when that topic is combined with Nigeria and a Church of God all kinds of red flags should go upWhen Dave Pack brings in money strategists right at the point where he is wanting to build a new monument to himself should be suspect too.  Are the Wachuku's there to help Dave manage his money?  Was he such an inept boob financially that he had to bring in church money mangers?  Are they there to teach church members how to earn more money in order to send it it to Dave?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wadsworth Ohio: "This town is going to be like the movie "Footloose" before we know it."

notice the subliminal seduction by posing in front of Herb and Loma's picture 
as if Dave and wife and carrying on that tradition. 

There was an article this weekend about Dave Pack and his cult headquarters in Wadsworth.    Click on the link above to read it. We now know that his Wadsworth congregation is 140 members and 67 people work at his cult headquarters.  There is more pablum about being the largest Internet minister on the face of the entire earth:

Plans include a four-story, 38,000-square-foot administration building; a 450-seat auditorium; and a three-story, 19,200-square-foot training facility that will house a printing and mailing center, office space and classrooms. The church, which has more than 370 congregations in more than 50 countries and employs 67 people at its headquarters, plans to launch its cable television ministry this fall. (370 congregations translates to 6 people or less on the average)

Average attendance at Saturday afternoon worship services, which are typically reserved for members, is about 140. Visitors are invited by a member or a minister, usually after viewing videos and reading literature at its website ( Once a minister is satisfied that the individual understands the basic doctrine, he or she is invited to a service. Membership is made official at baptism, usually three to 12 months after a first visit. Baptism is offered only to adults.

Did you know that Packman made a PERSONAL promise to Herbert Armstrong to continue his ministry and doctrines?  Pack is a liar, plain and simple!  HWA never said any such thing to Pack.

After his graduation in 1971, Pack served congregations in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey and Ohio. His role expanded to training and supervising ministers. Pack said he established the Wadsworth ministry because he was determined to keep his promise to Armstrong of continuing his doctrines.

The best part of the article are the comments that follow the article from Wadsworth citizens:

Sounds like a rather large business venture. Time to start paying taxes. We're getting tired of subsidizing religious businesses.

 I still think this space would be better occupied by Costco.  

Why, Wadsworth? Freaking WHY?
How in the world is this going to be a benefit to our community?

Oh joy a cable TV ministry.... Good grief.  

Pretty grand plans for 140 members. Sumthin ain't quite raight heah.

My favorite:  This town is going to be like the movie "Footloose" before we know it.

Perhaps it's time to add your comments to the Akron Beacon Journal article and let the world know the REAL side of Davey.  Add your comment here:  Article comments