Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rod Meredith: LCG Is On The Verge "Something Really Big In Growth" Because Satan Is Unhappy With Us

Despite the fact that Rod Meredith believes that Satan is making their lives a pure hell the LCG will soon be experiencing massive growth and notoriety.  Dave Pack predicted massive growth last year and that failed.  Bob Thiel thinks he has massive growth and he is a failure.  Flurry has had no growth either.  Yet, Meredith thinks God is soon going to start sending scores of people to him so that LCG's coffers can be refilled and the final push can happen.  Satan knows this and is pissed!  I mean PISSED!

Satan does seem to be trying to attack us at this time as world events are speeding up and as it appears that we are on the verge of something really big in growth and the impact of God's Work. Satan knows this, he does not like it, and he will always come after us, and when he sees that we may be growing or having increased impact on the world, which is still HIS world, as he looks at it. So let us all pray for our brethren, pray for one another, and ask God to fight our battles, and help us do our part in dealing with this situation.

So now its a "situation?"  Is there more going on in Charlotte than Meredith is letting on?

Meredith ends with this:

I will appreciate your personal prayers for me to be able to have the strength and the energy to face these problems and other issues I have to face in my older age and at this point.

Rod Meredith and LCG: Are Issues With Church Government and Demons Plaguing Charlotte?

The ONLY True Power Structure

The quote below is from the start of Rod Meredith's latest letter to the ministry of LCG.  They are required to play a new "Must Play" tape from Rod that supersedes all the other 'Must Play" tapes.  This is serious MEN!  Your salvation and pay check depends on it!

Dear Fellow Ministers and Video Recipients,

You will soon be receiving a special Must Play sermon that should take priority over any other Must Play sermon. Please be sure to play and make a special issue of encouraging the brethren in your congregations to listen to the special sermon I gave on Church government entitled "Righteous Judgment" (given August 2, 2014 in Charlotte, NC).

As you know, the issue of demonism has come up from time to time and seems to be increasing. I sincerely feel God has guided me in bringing up this matter in the recent co-worker letter.
Is there dissension in the ranks of the ministers?  Has the dissension in the membership reached a new boiling point? 

For a church that claims to be the most highly favored of all Christians on earth, the COG seems to have a tremendous fear of Satan.  They have given the guy more power over them than he ever thought imaginable.  Most believers understand that Jesus fought the battle and won and now follower needs to fear anymore.  That is what the "rest in Christ" is all about, but hell what does the Church of God know about Jesus?

Things aren't kosher in paradise!

Obedient Church of God: You're All Going Down! 2.5 Billion of You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Armstrongism has always had a fascination with war, rampaging armies, death and mayhem.  That legacy carries on today in the Obedient Church of God led by Lawrence Nowell.  Because Nowell knows the truth and the rest of the COG's and humanity ignores it, he and 10,000 other chosen ones will kill  200 million people and then four MEN will come and kill 2.5 billion people.  Apparently its not kosher if four women kill 2.5 billion people.

God will do a "short" (final) work Romans 9:28
How long will TO COG continue to warn you to REPENT of your Disobedience?
Answer: "Until" the cities are laid waste, and without inhabitant. Isaiah 6:11 KJV
I will "STAND" AGAINST the World for you Yahweh, Jesus Christ my "LORD"
Zech 4:10 Who has despised the day of small things?
which we will at Passover 2010
activate and present to the World
as a warning message and Witness to the Nations
with Swords are Arriving!!
As the kids would say: You are all going down, UNLESS you start to OBEY every jot of God's way/Shop Manual/Bible.
Christ is returning with plagues, and with 10,000 Men!!! Jude 14
Christ’s Men will Kill “200 MILLION” of you in just 1 day. Rev 9:16
Do you FEAR God yet? The beginning of Wisdom is the FEAR of God. Prov 1:7
When Killing 200 Million 4 Angels will kill another 1/3 of YOU Earth’s inhabitants Rev 9:18
= 2.5 “BILLION of

By just 4 of Christ’s Men.

Obedient Church of God Says God Has Been Crying For 6,000 Years

Here is another Church of God crackpot that has his own video program.  This guy is just as creepy and dumb as Steve Gilbreath.  Did you know that God has been crying for 6,000 years? Armstrongism's god has to be one of the most impotent gods to ever have been created.  He is such a wimp he cry's for 6,000 years.  It also is such an incompetent fool that it lost "the truth" for 1,900 years till Herbert Armstrong discovered it in an old library.
If his god really is crying its because of this idiots singing!
Armstrongism sure has produced a lot of morons that think they are preaching God's word.  Every single one of them are liars.