Thursday, August 16, 2012

E.W. King on "Exorcising" Faith

No wonder Armstrongism has such difficulties!  Exorcise?  Now we know why they are all having such difficulties in maintaining members.  They consider faith something to be cast out.

Doubting God is also something we sometimes struggle with. We seem to be born doubters. This sense is also proper. This means that we must develop faith. True faith is a gift but it must be exorcised. If you don’t use it you lose it. When we do not exorcise true faith we become self-dependent. Learning to be Christian


  1. Drive out or attempt to drive out (an evil spirit) from a person or place.
  2. Rid (a person or place) of an evil spirit.

E. W. King - Mockers Beware!

E. W. King, the wanne-a-be prophetic end time leader of the Worldwide Church of God and/or Church of God Speaking To The Remnant, is not happy that people doubt his prophetic end time standing.  Woe be to you mockers out there!

I am always fascinated by these kooks that refer to themselves as Mr. in their communications. Dave Pack does the same thing.  I guess they think it adds an air of authority to their otherwise impotent names.

Integrity of Mr. E.W.King

Many people who used to be friends with Eric are now on a mission to attack him because he teaches the Truth! If one truly takes time out to visit the website, “Church of God ~ Speaking to the Remnant” and to really read the articles posted in the Library they will learn the Truth.

Eric has asked all members of COGSR to continue praying for all those who are on a “Hate Mission” against the True Church of God [WCG]. We are now even finding out that people in private chats have said things to disrupt the COGSR on Hate Blogs.

God is coming back only for His true Church, “The Worldwide Church of God” [COGSR] and that church has Mr. E.W.King teaching and proclaiming the One Truth about the One Church which was started by the One Christ.
The other thing that continues to fascinate me about these kooky COG leaders is that they declare that God is only working through them and will only come back to their church specifically and use it in the world tomorrow.  When pigs fly...