Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jesus Divinity/COG Unity /Sabbath - Just Several of the Issues Currently Ripping Apart UCG

Reading UCG members comments on various web sites about the dissolution of UCG in it's current form is very telling about the upheavals going on.

Of course, just like in WCG  during all the changes, many of the UCG members are totally oblivious to the rancorous atmosphere swirling around them. 

Just a sampling:

A growing number of UCG members and ministers do not believe that Jesus was/is God 

Let me be very careful here. I only said that Melvin Rhodes had said that the divinity of Christ is a Roman Catholic dioctrine (sic) like the Trinity. I did NOT say and I do NOT know if that statement means that he does not believe in the pre-existence of Christ. For that information you will have to ask him directly. The doctrine of the divinity of Christ holds that the one who became Jesus Christ was a part of the family of God and was the very Creator who later married Israel and later bacame (sic) flesh to die for humanity.

I know quite a bit about the elder in Calif. who does not believe in the divinity of Christ. I was there at a meeting (unapproved by UCG) where he made the statement that if you sat in a church that believes that Christ is God then you are breaking the first 3 commandments. I reported this to Kilough. He did not approve of this. It all went on too long and that church is still suffering partly from that mess. I don’t think it is real widespread (the belief) but I also have friends who believe it.
Actually it is far more widespread than you think. Mark Bosserman has even quoted to me the Melvin Rhodes comment that the divinity of Christ is a Catholic doctrine, in support of the idea. I cannot say what the Rhodes position might be, but he has commented that the divinity of Christ is right up there with the Trinity as Roman Catholic.

Unity within UCG and with other COG is an issue:

Unity has been achieved in the Roman system which includes the Harlot Daughters of the Catholics. I find their untiy (sic) to be stronger than that amongst the COG’s. It is good to not have unity especially in these end times as there are new truths being revealed daily to the individuals who have a direct relationship with Christ. In this sense would those individuals have been seeking and given that new understanding if they were united under certain old doctrines which do not encourage or allow searching for the new truths being revealed in these Last Days?

Unity has been achieved in the Roman system which includes the Harlot Daughters of the Catholics. I find their untiy to be stronger than that amongst the COG’s. It is good to not have unity especially in these end times as there are new truths being revealed daily to the individuals who have a direct relationship with Christ. In this sense would those individuals have been seeking and given that new understanding if they were united under certain old doctrines which do not encourage or allow searching for the new truths being revealed in these Last Days?

I also feel that UCG is too liberal to pass this resolution. However, even if the DC, as it is presently constituted is allowed to rule, and is overruled by the COE8, even then, I think the cult conditioning is so strong that most people will still believe anything the COE8 say. I daresay that 2/3 of UCG will be led into apostasy this time, even though they resisted last time. Do not ask me how an individual can fail a test after passing it the first time, but the facts on the ground support this conclusion.

Arrogance and Bitterness Directed Towards Chilean Family Who Is Feeling the Wrath of UCG Conservative Legalists 

Not that I ever doubted either the fairness or thoroughness of the Kilough-Franks arbitration that determined (as did their then-pastor Saul Langarica) that the Roig family’s behavior disqualified them from sitting in the assembly of God’s faithful servants until they brought forth fruits of repentance in their lives, but that their subsequent behavior continues to so disqualify them.

And of course we cannot forget UCG's Sabbath and Fasting Papers That Stirred the Pot Up Even More.  One of Their Main Demons is John Elliot.

While I would hope for repentance from those usurpers who are destroying UCG, I think that if by some miracle the dissenting elders prevail, the usurpers must be removed from any and all leadership positions, even from speaking in the congregation.
If a mere member, committed any of these sins, they would be expelled without even a conference.

Beyond the disgust and outrage that someone under the guise of being a minister of Jesus Christ would utter or write such nonsense, John Elliot and those of his ilk are a cause for sadness and instruction.

John Elliot is not some village idiot or certified imbecile, so how do we explain his contempt and disdain for the law of God?

Mr. Elliot gives the appearance of supporting attendance at family Christmas and Easter gatherings! He argues: “Some non-Church families hold their family’s reunions only in connection with religious holidays.”
Yet according to Paul’s clear instruction in 1 Corinthians 10:14, 18-21, 28 (and throughout the Bible!), we are to refuse to eat any meal that we know to be connected with idolatry – as certainly is the case at any Christmas or Easter dinner!
•Beyond the matter of Christmas and Easter, much could be said regarding Mr. Elliott’s other listed points, many upon which the Church has yet to conform to God’s Word. However, for brevity, may I just comment on Mr. Elliott’s misconception that “Contractors often require that construction work on members’ homes and Church buildings continue on Saturdays”:
Perhaps Mr. Elliott derives his misconception from the fact that when we were at Ambassador College, Mr. Herbert Armstrong claimed (verbally to us as AC students) that during the construction of the Auditorium, the site belonged to the building contractor, that we had no rights — even of access to the construction site, and that the Church had no choice but to let the contractor work on the Sabbath (the contractor did work on the Sabbath).
Yet in actual fact, Mr. Herbert Armstrong gave another student and me a personal tour of the partially constructed Auditorium one Sabbath morning without asking anyone’s permission! Interestingly, God did not let us retain that building, did He?
Further, in my experience of over three decades of buying, selling, remodeling and/or building several homes, I have never had a contractor or a realtor refuse my business due to disallowance of working on God’s Sabbath or Holy Days, and I have always refused to allow them to work for my benefit during holy time.
•In his overstated claims regarding the Church’s duty to “bind and loose,” Mr. Elliott apparently experiences confusion from having failed to search out the actual meaning of the Greek in Matthew 16:19. Brethren who investigate this for themselves will discover that the Greek regarding “binding” here is estai dedemenon, which is singular in the future perfect passive tense; thus, “shall have been bound.” The Greek regarding “loosing” here is estai lelumenon, also singular in the future perfect passive tense; thus, “shall have been loosed.” For both Greek phrases, Mathew 18:18 is the same, except that the verbs are plural. (The newest NASB translates these verses accurately, and emphasizes in a Study note that Christ is delegating, “Not authority to determine, but to announce …”)
•Most alarming to me are Mr. Elliott’s assumptions: (1) that current Church leaders are certain to arrive at “God-inspired judgment[s],” and that (2) “Consequently, [all] opinions which run contrary to [any of] the Church’s Judgments become irrelevant and insubordinate.”
Beyond the fairly recent fact that WCG’s Church leaders failed to arrive at God-inspired judgments, why are we not all Catholics? Frankly, the proto-Catholic “Church fathers” worked very hard to turn their followers away from God’s Sabbath and away from His Holy Days utilizing an approach very similar to Mr. Elliott’s – they repeatedly pounded the hammer of “the authority of Church leaders.” More recently, do I recall correctly that these arguments about judgments for the Arctic Circle, etc., were among those same arguments put forth by Mr. Tkach and his helpers in their efforts to ultimately disconnect God’s people from His Truth?
God, Christ and His apostles, on the other hand, despite being authoritarian, applaud the individual Christian’s evaluation of Church leaders’ teachings and their conduct. (Compare 1 Kings 13; Jeremiah 35 [where God expects righteous people to disobey His prophet!]; Ezekiel 9; Matthew 7:15-23; Acts 5:29; 17:11; 2 Timothy 3; 3 John, etc.)
Although Mr. Elliott acknowledges certain of the pertinent Biblical passages, and he admits that judgments are to be made “under the umbrella of God’s Law”; nevertheless, he appears completely blind to the peril that current decisions may contradict the clear instructions of God’s Word. However sincere his intent, Mr. Elliott sedates unwary sheep at a time when we most urgently need to be Bereans, “examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things [taught by the Church are] so,” willing to do God’s will so that we are able to discern whether teaching[s] are of God or from men (John 7:17), standing firm with Peter and the apostles in our conviction that “we must obey God rather than men.”

The book all UCG members should be reading at this very important time

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Busy Day At UCG: Another Resignation!

Another resignation letter has hit my mail box.  This time it is Paul Carter.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dear Denny,

I have known you and some of the men on the council and administration for many years. I now write to you the president of the United Church of God an International Association, with regret for the position we find ourselves in as an organization and body. When hired into the full time ministry of the United Church of God, I never imagined the Church or myself coming to a day like this.

For many years now the ministry of the United Church of God has not been walking together. It is clear that the differences go back long before the recent troubles began, but have escalated to a devastating degree, as men who longed for something different whatever that might be, finally achieved positions on the council or in the administration. These men, in a very short time, have proved they do not have the leadership ability to serve the people of God in a righteous manner. We are told in Matthew we can know individuals by their fruits. The fruits of these men have been shown, and are quite evident, and quite disheartening.

Not one of us can claim to be a perfect leader, and yet all of us as pastors were called to dedicate our lives to the work, and to the people of God. Some members of the current council and administration have shown by their own fruits they do not care for the people of God. Proverbs 26:28 tells us “A lying tongue hates those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth works ruin.” The lack of concern became even more apparent with Latin America. Some council members have spoken very openly that Latin Americans will keep the Sabbath and have Feast sites of their own; they just won’t be with us. They ARE our church family! It is a disgrace how faithful members of the church and ministry have been treated. Council and administration, and some of those who support them, have continued to strive for power, pride, their own agendas, and even their own interpretations of doctrine, or the application of doctrine in the church, without adhering to our own policies.

The explanation of the crisis we find ourselves in has been “twisted” when expressed to the members. Some are told it is over “people” wanting one man rule. Others are told that it is over people wanting their former positions back. Still others are told that this is because of the move to Texas, when in truth and reality the Council and administration know otherwise. That is deceit.

You and others as leaders have accused many in the ministry of being “rebels,” “Korah’s rebellion,” and “wolves.” I have also been personally accused of “undermining the faith of the brethren.” For what reason? I have been told it is for not supporting the council. Yet it is simply for no other reasons than the following:

* I as a pastor and elder in good standing will not accept unethical behavior such as what has been displayed by the CoE, and the administration over the last few years.
* I and other ministers are labeled “rebellious” because 167 elders in good standing, wrote and appeal to the Council humbly asking for reconciliation with Latin America.
* Nearly 60 elders in good standing, and other smaller groups of elders, wrote appeals to the Council humbly asking that they address major concerns, and unethical behavior in the government of the church.
* Elders and members have shown concern for doctrinal integrity when the approved teachings of the church have been compromised. White papers written by men other than you and Melvin Rhodes were made available to the church without going through the doctrinal committee, and without recognizing that the doctrine (teaching) was contrary to what had been previously approved and taught. Melvin Rhodes and you signed your names to these, and thereby show your support of such papers.
* I have a responsibility to teach and to warn the flock, yet I am labeled as rebellious and undermining in doing so.

Does labeling men as “rebellious” and denying their requests for reconciliation, and asking that the CoE honestly look at unethical behavior, make individuals rebels? These are simply men who will not give up on personal and doctrinal integrity and hold fast to the truth!

Members of the Council and administration have refused to answer letters of concerns from members and ministers across the U.S. yet they simply tell those concerned that they have answered questions, and will not answer any more. They have refused meetings and resolutions presented to them to address the current situation. We have followed the principle over and over of going to our brother. The message is very clear that “our brother will not hear us.”

Well-respected men such as Leon Walker and others have had their names slandered by deceitful words, twisted reports, and direct lies. Other faithful men have been accused of things by false witnesses who speak lies. This is something that God hates. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

The list of reasons why I cannot support the current Council and administration goes on and on. The last three years have been recorded in detail, and the substantiated evidence is almost surreal.

I was ordained, not hired, to be a shepherd. My responsibilities and duties as a shepherd are given to me through Gods Word, as you yourself also know. I have been called to feed and care for God’s sheep, and it is a tremendous blessing and privilege to do so.

As an employee of the United Church of God, I have responsibilities to my employer. I have carried out those responsibilities and duties with diligence. My first responsibility is to God and His people, and sadly my responsibilities as an employee is now in direct conflict with my calling, and the responsibilities given to me by God as a shepherd.

As an employee, I can no longer support the current Council or administration because of their actions, based on Gods standards and scriptural principles. I hereby tender my resignation as an employee of the United Church of God AIA effective immediately. My signature is affixed to this letter. I in no way resign as a minister of Jesus Christ.

I pray that God will grant repentance to you, the Council of Elders, and the current administration of the United Church of God. I will continue to pray that God will deal with all of us, including myself, with mercy as we strive to become more like Him and operate according to His way of life, and His government.


Paul Carter

Another UCG Resignation: Jonathan Pinelli Resigns

November 26, 2010

Dear Mr. Luker,

It is with the heaviest of heart that I must write this letter to you. I write to you as the highest human level in the administration of the United Church of God.

Clearly for some time now, the United Church of God, (UCG), has experienced a turbulent, troubling, ungodly atmosphere. When did it all start? Some say it was with the removal of the former administration. Those who foster this idea seem to think that the former administration has fomented this rebellion against the Council of Elders and the current administration and thus we find ourselves in the current climate within the organization. I do not believe that to be true in any way, shape or form.

With your selection as the new president of UCG, many saw a chance for healing to take place; that the bitter attitudes that some have had over the former administration’s decisions and philosophy would have the salve of a Denny Luker to heal the division. Understandably and most assuredly first and foremost it is God’s Holy Spirit that must lead us as members of the body of Christ to heal, but many put their faith in you to lead this spiritual healing. Sadly what many of us, myself included have witnessed is not a healing, but rather a “doubling down” on rhetoric and actions that speak to further division rather then healing and spiritual vision to look onward and upward. This has saddened me and surprised me. I expected so much more of a man of fifty years dedicated to serving God’s people.

Over the past seven months, I have found little that I could agree with in terms of your administration and the Council of Elders in words, deeds and actions. Your letters profess love and outgoing concern for the brethren, as do the letters from the Council of Elders, but the actions are clearly not in line with your words or Council’s words. Some examples:

Removal of the Director of Latin America who has served God’s people for 50+ years. Lies and cover-ups told in the aftermath to make it appear as if Leon Walker was the “bad guy” in a situation that was clearly “botched” start to finish. The level of character assassination against Leon Walker has been epic. Never in my forty eight years growing up in the Church have I seen this level of vilifying of a spiritual brother. This includes our time spent under the Worldwide Church of God after Mr. Armstrong’s death. The administration and Council of Elders of the United Church of God should thank God that Leon Walker is a converted man. Many of us believe that he could take this organization to the cleaners for defamation of character.

A minister of Jesus Christ who has dedicated 50+ years of his life deserves much better – both from a human standpoint but more importantly as a spiritual brother. The actions of this church organization with regards to this situation have been very, very far from the love that so many of the Council and you profess. This is not an example of love!!

Appeal for Latin America.

167 members of the General Conference of Elders out of concern for the members and ministry of Latin America, our spiritual brothers and sisters, signed an appeal to ask that the Council of Elders look at this matter, reevaluate and seek the path that we all have been called to; reconciliation. The response? On August 6, 2010 an official letter was sent out. The first paragraph expresses the fact that the Council and Administration have sought to have reconciliation. The letter then goes on to further chastise Leon Walker and other Latin American ministers. This is not the hallmark of reconciliation; this is not love.

White papers entitled “Observing The Sabbath” and “Fasting, Prayer and the Will of God”.

These papers do not agree and mesh with our doctrinal teachings and fundamental beliefs. These papers have not been submitted and vetted through our approved doctrinal processes. These were processes that were put in place so as to protect and preserve our doctrines. You may not have written these papers, nor had any say in there editorial review however as president you are responsible for your operations managers. You have allowed the media department of the Church to post these papers on line on our web site. Therefore the Council of Elders and you have condoned their content by allowing them to be viewed by members and the world at large.

These are only three examples of a myriad of doctrinal, ethical and moral failings of an organization that was founded on many different principles in May 1995 then those we now see. You were at those meetings Mr. Luker. What has happened to you? Why do you not see the demise of our founding principles? Where is the passion and the fire that I saw when you as a Regional Pastor in WCG stood up to Joe Tkach, Jr., Mike Feazel, et al.? I am so very sad at what I have witnessed since you took the office of president. It has not been the Dennis Luker that I saw in 1995.

My responsibilities and duties as a shepherd of God’s people are clear. Those are defined through the Bible as you already know. Feeding and tending God’s sheep has been a tremendous blessing. I thank God that I have been called to care for His people.

I also have duties and responsibilities as an employee of the United Church of God. However, when the duties and responsibilities of the physical organization are in conflict with my spiritual duties as a shepherd, something has to give. I CANNOT NOR WILL I COMPROMISE THOSE SPIRITUAL DUTIES.

Therefore, with my signature affixed to this letter, I tender my resignation as a pastor in the full time employment of the United Church of God, (Effective November 27, 2010 6:00 p.m., MST). I do not resign from the ordination to the ministry that God has given me. I intend to fulfill my calling as a minister of Jesus Christ.

I regret having to make this decision, but the Council of Elders and your Administration make it necessary at this time. I wish no ill will towards any member of the Council of Elders, Administration or you. I will continue to pray that God deal with us all, myself included, in His mercy and bring us to the perfection of His son Jesus Christ not just in words but in deeds and actions.

Jonathan R. Pinelli