Thursday, September 8, 2011

REAL Apostles Do Not BBQ on Saturdays!

Apostle Malm has laid down the law for all 
current and future Apostles!

Any man who declares that it is good to have a barbecue, or to cook and purchase food, drink and services on Sabbath: does so in defiance of the word of Almighty God.  He sets a hypocritical example and is NOT zealous for the commandments of God, nor is he filled with love for God and man, for he defies God and encourages men to sin by his example!

It is lawful to obey God on the Sabbath and to do what God commands on the Sabbath.  That includes those things necessary to convoke together.  It is NOT lawful to do what God has forbidden on the Sabbath; that includes cooking,  purchasing food, drink and services and engaging in extensive travel.
The man who is not filled with zeal for the Sabbath is NOT an apostle of God!

UFO's, Space Stations, Inhabited Planets, Lucifer's Home Planet, Autotrophs, and Dating Issues

Please bear with me on the length of this post.  What is quoted below is from a web site for M. John Allen, a COG crackpot that used to be in Costa Rica.  He still may be, but not sure.  The things he posts are so incredibly stupid that you are drawn in to see what illogical stupidities he can come up with next.  He is further proof that Armstrongism warps the brain functions in people.

If you are titillated by what is below you can read more of this mind-boggling stupidity here: Restoration: Secret Mysteries of the Ages

You can also read more from this nut job here..  He obviously has a lot of trouble dating and maintaining relationships because of the stuff he writes. He gives you some advice on maintaining relationships:


The Casini spacecraft has just in the last few months done a tremendous survey of the planet Saturn.  It sent back to earth tons of data about that planet and its moons.  Among the surprises were how strange Saturn’s moon Iapetus is. 
Iapetus is not like any other moon that we know of in this solar system.  It is very strange indeed [although information has just come in of another anomaly from Saturn’s moons, where one moon, only 500 miles in diameter, HAS AN ATMOSPHERE, something that should not be possible!]. 
According to an analysis of the strange features on this moon, it become clear that this moon is artificial, and was, in fact, an ancient space station that was destroyed, very likely in some long ago “cosmic war.”
I urge you to read the full details of this amazing story, which you can find here:

Mars has huge craters, and signs that it had gigantic oceans like the earth and an earth like atmosphere very recently in the past.  In addition, there are features that can only be described as artificial, as well as an entire pyramid complex just like is found in ancient Egypt!
And, of course, there is ample evidence to show that there was once a planet between Mars and Jupiter, that has been destroyed!

As a result of this gigantic battle, when Satan was thrown back down to the earth in prehistory, it caused a tremendous cataclysm. Whether as a direct result of this titanic battle, or, rather, as a result of Satan “taking out his anger” about what happened on the earth by destroying it, we do not know. It is also true that he caused great destruction to other planets in our solar system at this time. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that there once was a planet where the asteroid belt now is. There are also millions of meteor storms circling the sun. This planet, and perhaps some moons, could have been destroyed by Satan “on his way down,” so to speak. Once cast down to the earth, Satan was bound here, although God does permit him and some other evil spirits to go up to heaven [Satan is referred to in Rev. 1:10 as the “accuser of the brethren” who does this “before God day and night.”] Since God is in heaven now, God must give Satan access to heaven on a regular basis even today. Otherwise, though, he is no doubt normally restricted to the earth and this solar system.
In any case, after Satan was cast back down to the earth, it went into a form of universal chaos, destruction, and darkness. The world was covered by ocean, and a deep cloud layer kept the world in total darkness (to this day, it seems that demons like hot, dry places -- and no wonder, if they had spent millions of years in wet darkness).

 As mentioned above, Iapetus is one of the most stunning recent examples of two things: 1.  There was at least ONE ancient, high civilization in this solar system, so great, in fact, that it was able to create moon sized artificial space stations.  2.  Something very dramatic happened to destroy this space station.
You can see photo's of the civilizations on this world that he is talking about above - or at least his sick little mind sees them Space Station City

When matter was created, God brought life into the various planets circling their stars.  It is not revealed how many planets have life, and how many of these life bearing solar systems there are, because our narrative and historical records concern mainly our own solar system and portion of it.
And so, the planets of this solar system were created around our star, the sun.  God was very pleased with His work, but it wasn’t finished.  From all indications, there were at least two inhabited planets around our star.  One we know today as Mars, but it was at that time the third planet from the sun, and the proto earth was also there, approximately where the asteroid belt is today, and it was known back then as Tiamet
But there was also another part of our solar system family that the ancients tell us about, and which is shrouded in mystery.  That mystery is called Nibiru, which in Sumerian means “The Planet of the Crossing.”
Continuing, there is a gravitational connection between our solar system and the Sirian star system, and some legends say that Nibiru is an escaped “planet” from that system.  It is further stated that the Sirian star system is inhabited by reptilian creatures who roughly match the description of seraphs as we discovered in the previous chapter.
One theory holds that Nibiru is a rogue planet, most likely escaping the Sirius star system, and which ended up being captured by the sun many hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago after having crossed the emptiness of interstellar space.  The sun then captured this “rogue planet,” and it caused great havoc to our solar system until it settled into a more or less stable orbit that it is in today.
The one glaring problem with this theory is that Nibiru is supposed to have life, much of it similar to earth.  In fact, it is alleged that most of our domestic plants and animals have come from Nibiru.

I believe it shall be demonstrated later on that the “planet” Nibiru is indeed this ancient and original seat of Lucifer.  It was his headquarters and throne.  It was cast out of the Sirius system, where it originally was, and became a rogue planet causing destruction and havoc to our solar system.  It is now the location of this abyss, or bottomless pit, from which many of the fallen angels will be released for a short time.

As I said above, Nibiru went from star system to star system under Lucifer’s jurisdiction.  Nibiru is capable of self propulsion, if you would call it that.  Actually, in its heyday, it was teleported instantly from star system to star system, so that the director of the region could inspect the progress on the thousands or even millions or billions of planets under his control.

God Himself has taken away the power of Nibiru to cross interstellar or even intergalactic space anymore at the blink of an eye like it once did.  It used to be the planet of the crossing, going  from one place in the region to another at the blink of an eye.  It was also the place where the dimensional/universal/timelines for this region crossed, enabling Lucifer and his top agents to literally step into anywhere or anywhen within the region under his control.  Lesser angels used star gates or even spacecraft that we call UFO’s today, depending on their rank, power, and abilities 
 It is known that some of the lower angels need spacecraft to move around in.

As Nibiru moves ever closer to our earth, a point will be reached where our world enters within this barrier I spoke of that keeps the majority of the fallen angels locked up and held to Nibiru and its vicinity.
As Nibiru nears this earth, we pass through this barrier, and we come out on the inside of that barrier, which means that most of the fallen angels suddenly have access to this world, whether through their flying craft [most of the space ships cannot travel beyond this barrier either, meaning that the “UFO’s” seen on this earth are probably all based either under our own oceans or underground, as there are about 10% of these monsters living down here with us, not affected by this barrier’s limitations as much as the weaker of the angels], through star gates, or just plain teleportation.  The rank and power of the angel determines the method of travel they must use, but, once the earth is within the prison barrier of Nibiru, all of these methods will work to take them from Nibiru to earth.

Sometimes in the past, Nibiru has been parked above the earth’s North Pole, in a stationary position,  sometimes for centuries or even millennia.  And now, Nibiru is making the crossing through the vast depths of space again, to return it to within range of this planet so that their fun and games can begin anew in this very end of days.
Direct rule by and from Nibiru will be once more established on this planet, and this is part of what the New World Order will be all about.  It will herald in the brutal oppression of Satan, whom they call An, the ruler of the Anunnaki, able to manifest again into physical, human form to deceive this entire world in the days, months, and years just ahead.

I will note, though, that this website has been attacked repeatedly, and sometimes the very servers on which we are hosted have been fried from mysterious attacks.  That is why I encourage every reader to download a copy of this book to their own computer, and to email it to as many people you know that might be interested in this material.  It is vital that this information gets out and is well distributed, which will make it utterly impossible to suppress or stop it. 

Then the highlight of his stupidity is brought forth in how he describes how you can become a self sufficient "autotroph" who no longer needs food or water to  survive.  Once you are able to give up all food and water your suppressed powers will be unleashed and you supernatural abilities will return.

The method of transformation into an autotroph that is reported to have been used by these Russian autotrophs is a several step process, that gradually cleans the system of the poisons from regular food that we take for granted, and also gets the body used to manufacturing some of the missing elements from the food that he or she is still eating.  I also believe that this is also a matter of impressing your INTENT upon the universe and your body.  If you INTEND to turn yourself into an autotroph, and desire it, and visualize it as covered in Wallace Wattle’s book – in other words, if you work in the certain way, as he puts it, you WILL achieve your goal.
The first step is to withdraw from eating meat.  This may take more time with some people, because the poisons in the meat we eat are addictive, and some people eat more meat than others.  And when you add the hormones injected into cattle, chickens, pigs, etc., this adds an additional poison to the system that did not get there naturally. 

Back to our story line.  As we saw above, the first step to becoming an autotroph is to stop eating meat.  The second step is to remove all animal products from your diet.

The third step is to remove all artificial ingredients from your diet.  That means none of this plastic, manufactured “soy product,” or preservatives or additives of any kind. 
Finally, convert your diet to only raw fruit and vegetables.
Once you have progressed this far, which could take several months or even a year depending on the individual, you are now ready to begin fasting.
Take only short fasts at first.  Start with one day.  Next time, fast for 2 days, then 3, and so on.  Always remember to take adequate rest periods between fasts.  You most certainly do NOT want to over do this at first.  And don’t forget to impress your goals on the universe, working in the Certain Way while you are at it.
Eventually, your fasts will get longer and longer.  Once you get to well over a month, you will reach the point where you can just stop eating altogether on a permanent basis. 
You have become an autotroph, and are energy and nutritionally self sufficient.  Reports coming from Russia say that people have dramatic health benefits as they go through this process.  Degenerative and terminal diseases have disappeared, and people have looked younger and healthier.  And once you have reached this stage, other portions of your unused DNA will start to open up, and you will begin to function on a higher plane of existence if you desire it.  Long forgotten natural powers, which we mislabel as paranormal, will begin to come back.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

True Christian Love in the Church of God

A story from Facebook on how a COG minister treated the members in his area.

We had a young family that occasionally arrived a little late...three boys and a newborn baby, who can blame them? Well... The Pastor and elders set up the chairs and podium to face the entrance door to teach them a lesson. That week when the family walked in late they entered next to the speaker who stopped and stared at them, the entire congregation facing them gasping in disgust. HWA would have been proud.