Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Idiots In The Pulpit: Do You Need A Holy Ghost Enema Before The Feast?

This still has to be my favorite idiot pretending to be a minister.  Only someone associated with Benny Hinn could be this stupid!  She since has divorced Benny, so have to wonder if she still believes this garbage?

GCI Allows Members To Hold Regular Feast of Tabernacles

Grace Communion International is allowing those  members in their midst who still hold on to all things HWA taught to keep a traditional Feast of Tabernacles in Monrovia this year.  It is set up to run on the "official" dates of the Feast that other COGlets are keeping.

GCI also set up a Feast of Trumpets observance here in Southern CA for those members who want to keep it too.  The silly thing is that the minister that spoke at is is a New Covenant minister who does not believe in keeping Trumpets.  Why in the world the die-hard Armstrongites in GCI's midst would sit in a service on their Feast of Trumpets, which they believe is to be observed, and then to be preached at by a non-believer is beyond me.  There is something wrong with that picture!

These people are still of the belief that God personally placed them in the WCG under HWA and that they are to remain true to the church where they were placed.  They think they are preserving the faith once delivered and many have the hope that things will switch back to the old ways and they will then be used as instruments to teach the lax laodicean heretics on how things really should be kept.

LCG's Preeminent Scientist Speaks Out Against Synthetic Vitamins and Non-Feast Goers

Prophet Thiel wants you to know what an important scientist he is.  He claims he is the first scientist since WWII to have his article published in a major medical journal about synthetic vitamins versus natural food vitamins.  His pomposity reminds me of  Samuelle Bacchiocchi who loved to brag that he was the first Sabbath keeper allowed to use the Vatican archives and have a book published by them about the sabbath.

I guess we are supposed to be groveling at the Prophet's feet now.

And when I say that nearly all multi-vitamins sold are synthetic, yes, I mean nearly all sold in health food stores and through multi-level marketing groups.  Those that buy them are normally deceived,  FWIW, I am the first scientist since WWII to have a paper published in a major medical journal explaining why food vitamins are superior to the synthetics that the mainstream supports (this can be found at 

For some reason Prophet Thiel has to use vitamins as a segue into TRUE Christan's keeping the Feast of Tabernacles.  If you are not already or about to be keeping it, you are filthy, low life pagans who are going to suffer horribly when the Germans take over this country and throw you into concentration camps!

For being such a preeminent world renown scientist you would think he would have to brains to see that he is part of a man made religion too!

Of course, most of what passes for Christianity by the mainstream is also human-developed.  If you are not about to (or actually) observing the Feast of Tabernacles now, you are not following the practices of the Bible and early Christians, but instead relying on human-developed alternatives to biblical Christianity.  And while synthetic vitamins are dangerous physically, false religion is more dangerous spiritually.