Here is a former Church of God member who is providing vital information about aliens and how to rebuke them. So the next time those pesky aliens try abduct you for experimentation just rebuke them in the name of Jesus and you will be OK.
FACT: Based on polls, over 60% of the population believes that there is likely alien life in outer space. Around 48% of the population believes that aliens from outer space may be visiting the Earth in UFOs, and 12% claim to have seen a UFO.
FACT: A 1991 Roper poll estimated that 4 million people in the US may have had an "alien abduction" experience (2% of the population). This does not even take into account the number of abductees worldwide, which based on the Roper poll, could be estimated to be 129 million people. This is a number of pandemic proportions.
Christian research in this field has shown that these are spiritually dangerous false beliefs, which can open a spiritual door to the occult, resulting in having dark paranormal experiences.
These experiences destroy people's lives and relationships with family and friends, and changes their worldview.
It is very important for Christians to learn about this topic and get more involved in this field of ministry.
The need is very great, as the belief that alien life is visiting humanity is steadily growing in popularity.
FACT: Alien abduction experiences can be terminated in the name of Jesus Christ.
FACT: Documented messages of "aliens" to contactees and abductees reveal an undeniably unbiblical spiritual agenda.
FACT: Modern documented reports of alien's activities and abilities parallel the abilities of (fallen) angels as seen in the Bible.
CONCLUSION: Deceptive spiritual entities are posing as modern day "aliens", bringing tormenting experiences into the lives of individuals, and offering a false gospel message, in opposition to the true message of Jesus Christ. I Saw The Light Ministries