Thursday, January 12, 2012

God Discussion Puts Ron Weinland On Hot Seat Tonight

Sign on tonight to listen to a lively discussion about one of  Armstrongim's biggest false prophets. There will be a discussion tonight on "God Discussion" that will feature a segment about Ron Weinland.

This is from the email I received this morning:

"...on our "God Discussion" show tonight during the 2nd hour of the program to talk about Ron Weinland.  The freethought types of blogs have gone wild promoting the story over the past few days, so it should be a well-received interview. 

Details on tonight's guests are here:

The show itself can be accessed live here:

There is a web-based chat room that appears automatically, also, and it tends to be a hoot.

When it is live, the page notes that it is ON AIR and it will play from your computer speakers (you might have to press a button -- BlogTalk keeps updating but generally, the show automatically plays).  About 10-60 minutes after the podcast concludes, it is available for download as an MP3 from BlogTalk and shortly thereafter, is available on iTunes.  Slowly but surely, I am converting the shows into YouTube videos.  It's a long process and I cannot give a specific date on when tonight's show will be in video format."

This Week on the God Discussion Show: A night of humanism and reason with Roy Speckhardt, Al Stefanelli and others, including the scoop on the latest 'end times prophet'

Roy Speckhardt of the American Humanist AssociationA slate of outstanding guests will be joining us for the first God Discussion Show of the new year.
First, we will be talking with Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director of the American Humanists Association.  Roy actively promotes the humanist perspective on progressive political issues. He’s appeared on CNN Headline News, Fox News, numerous national radio shows, and has spoken to dozens of local humanist groups across the country. He also serves as a board member of the Humanist Institute and the United Coalition of Reason and as an advisory board member of the Secular Student Alliance. He holds an M.B.A. from George Mason University and a B.A. in sociology from Mary Washington College. He lives in Washington DC.
Al Stefanellli, a voice of ReasonAl Stefanelli is well-known for his work with United Atheist Front, Inc., which he founded in 2005 and ran until August 2011, at which point he shifted gears to serve as the Georgia State Director of American Atheists.  Al is the author of A Voice of Reason in an Unreasonable World and is a widely read journalist with the National Atheism Examiner, Freethought Blogs and Associated Content.  He has been a writer and journalist since 1993, starting out as a weekly columnist for a McClathy Newspaper, where he wrote a column called Think About It for ten years.  His work won a North Carolina Journalism award.  Al also produced and hosted the weekly syndicated broadcast Millennium for three years.  He is also a former Baptist Minister, Preacher and Evangelist.  Links to his various projects and online columns can be found at his official website,
Show Time:  Thursday night, January 12, 2012, 6  Pacific / 7 Mountain / 8 Central / 9 Eastern
Call-In Number:  914-338-0452
To hear the show live and participate in the web-based chat room:
More info about time zones, the chat room, archive downloads and hosts:  The God Discussion Show
Extra regarding Thomas PaineExtras … Thomas Paine is perhaps the most influential of America's founding fathers, yet he is ignored or forgotten. The World Union of Deists has launched a campaign to convince the History Channel to produce and air a documentary about Paine. Jayson of the World Union of Deiests tells us more (you can sign the petition here). And *tentatively* we'll learn more about the Ronald Weinland, the doomsday preacher who says that Jesus Christ is returning on May 27, 2012.
Ronald Weinland storyAs an added treat, we're happy to announce that we will have a chance to talk with Mike, who blogs at  Mike will give us the scoop about God's latest "prophet" who has proclaimed that Jesus Christ is returning to earth on May 27, 2012 — and that people who "mock" Ronald Weinland's message will die of cancer.  Weinland's so-called prophecies have been around for awhile, and despite the failed May 21, 2011, doomsday prophecy of Harold Camping, has not backed down from his prediction.

Meredith's Wife Has Stage 4 Cancer

Living Church of God Northeast has announced that Rod Meredith's wife has stage 4 cancer.

Your prayers are requested for Mrs. Sheryl Meredith, wife of Mr. Meredith, who has been diagnosed with stage-4 cancer throughout her liver and other parts of the stomach region. 

It has always been a fact that wives of so many ministers and church leaders have been stricken by cancer.  During the 1980's there was a huge number of ministers wives that were stricken.

I am sure this has to be hard on Rod Meredith, since his first wife Margie also died from cancer. Plus, with Rod's stroke and his declining health this does not bode well.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Restored Church of God Defecting Minister Letter


Please use this form when specifically transferring your loyalty and mind over to the Restored Church of God and the Resident Apostle.  If good enough, if you are well known enough and can prove that you can send this letter to thousands of current COG members now attending the untrue churches, you just might have found yourself a job.
"Dearly Beloved____________________________________________________   "    
                             Please use the appropriate words that will endear you to the
"Greetings to all of our dear friends.  ________________________________________________________________"
Give a long history of where you have been and how you got here. Please take your time and explain your entire connection to WCG including ALL your amazing contact with the Armstrongs.  (Do not mention the Tkaches).  Be careful NOT to say Mr. Armstrong trained you or any such thing. This simply will not wash.
"Over the last few years______________________________________________
Please take lots of time to explain your perception of what has happened compared to the truth. Be dramatic.  Tell the brethren Satan's role in it all but be sure to point out the human instruments used to destroy God's Church.  Hold yourself above the fray of course and share the agony you felt watching it all but never really speaking up of course.
"Finally our eyes were opened.______________________________________________________________
Explain clearly how you opened your eyes. DO NOT take anytime to speculate on how long it took or why now.  You can lose points here if your move is connected to lower numbers and discord in your present Church.  Also, do not reveal they have been paying your retirement for a few years now.  Use appropriate "eyes opened" scriptures.  Be careful to make it sound like your eyes were recently opened. Saying your eyes have been opened for years is a mistake.  Also credit Satan with your not seeing things for such a long time.  If the brethren think you were too comfy staying put and saying nothing...well, just don't fail to credit Satanic eye scales.
"Almost as if Christ himself was leading us, we decided to stop by and take a tour of the Restored Church of God's World Headquarters.___________________________
Ok, here ya go.  Be very enthusiastic about this visit.  Please use the words "amazing, overarching, world's biggest, incredible, true, on track, " etc in your praise for the organization.  Mention the entire staff and team and again use words that make it seem they all get along, love how things are done and spend hours a day trying to be more and more transparent to all concerned.  DO NOT ask how many members there actually are.  DO NOT inquire about specific income figures. When you are told the stats  given be sure to act like that actually was the answer to your question.  DO NOT ask what personal family members, mostly untrained if ordained, make as a salary.
"We were honored to spend many hours personally with Mr. and Mrs. David C Pack._______________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ very careful here.  Be sure to pour praise on the Resident Apostle.  DO NOT refer to him by a first or shortened name.  This is BIG NO NO!   Honor to whom honor and all that.  How well you learn to do this will directly impact your future income.  More honor=More Income.
"We have come to realize_____________________________________________
Here is your chance to shine and justify yourself. Please show how what you are doing is exactly what GOD, CHRIST, THE EARLY APOSTLES (especially Paul) HWA, Roderick C Meredith and a few leading....oops, no wait!!!!   HWA, David C Pack and a few unnamed yet to come leading Evangelists, would do.  Be sure your actions are easily proof texted in both the Old and New Testaments.  A lead towards the NT is helpful but not necessary.  Call Jesus  "Christ" as it sounds more crisp and authoritative.  BE SURE TO REMIND THE BRETHREN YOU HAVE FOUND THE LONG LOST ONE TRUE CHURCH.  Nothing short of this will get you hired.
"I must caution you about criticism to come both to myself and Mr. David C Pack
Here is your chance to shine again.  Be a martyr glorious. But be careful!  You must be willing to blow off a bit less criticism than The Resident Apostle.  You must not come across as suffering more than he. It is your job to absorb the blows.  You are the armour. You are the buffer between Satan and God's anointed.  Do not take too much credit to yourself to be willing to be thrown under any bus. It is Satan who is criticising you.  NEVER take any input from your former friends and such too seriously.  They are blind and have eyes that do not see as you do and ears that do not hear the piper as you have.
"Brethren just look at these statistics from Mr. David C Pack himself.
Please just read the statistics given to you.  Do not ask about how much the income is or what the actual membership numbers are.  There are reasons these things are not given unto you. Just go with the numbers.  Don't kid about how years ago you had a garage full of Plain Truth Newstand copies that were counted as given out and weren't.  BE SURE you credit David C Pack with originating the Plain Truth Newstand Program, even if ...well, you know.  Do not kid about what "World Leaders" may have said after Mr. Pack left the room.  DO NOT compare what they may have said with what was said of Ron Weinland when he spoke to the brilliant a year or so ago and made a fool out of himself. At this point, real income is none of your business and that number resides only with the Resident Apostle.  DO NOT ask if Mr. David C Pack thinks you might be one of the Two Witnesses he will train.  Give it some time.
"Brethren, time is short.  If you have any questions, I would welcome you in my home, office or even if you wanted, you could come to church after I check with Mr. Pack. _________________________________________________________________
Let it go here.  Be suave and caring. Let them know you love them with all your heart and would move heaven and earth to get them attend, er....ask you anything they want and come visit you.
DO NOT tease them about giving a discount on tithing for the first few months if they will change over right now.  There is never a discount and soon you also will learn to "send it in," because you are now one of God's employees. 
"Please check my new website and ask any questions you might have.  I will post the ones I like and skip the ones that question my decision or want to fill me in on their own experience working for RCG.  I did say my eyes were open but did not say my ears were near as open so don't push me.
In Christ's Service________________________________________________
Be sure to indicate you know you are the service of Christ himself and a reference to the Great God and Father can't hurt either.  Thank them for their concern and love and be sure to repeat that you love them more than they love you and that you are anxious to hear from them.
Depending on who you are, how famous, popular, well know and so on, you will receive a reply either really really fast,  really fast,  fast,  slower than fast, not so fast, slowly or not at all.  DO NOT CALL to inquire about your status.  That will be decided by Christ and the Resident Apostle