Friday, January 13, 2012

Thiel Making Eyes At Baron Guttenberg Again

Dr. Bob is at it again. He wants you to know he has his eye on the Baron. I wonder if Spanky approves of this bromance?  He also wants you to know that the Baron will be the one that will come back over here and kill all of you reprobates when he brings the German armies back to destroy the nation.  Ho hum

As regular readers know, I have long had my eye on former German Defense Minister Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg as one to watch as a possible candidate to be the final King of the North of Daniel 11 and Beast of Revelation.

I have warned for some time that he would return to politics if he is the one.
His actions show that he is one we all should watch (cf. Mark 13:37).

An Ecumenical Church of God Love Fest In The Works?

Armstrongism has always mocked the Christan world when various churches met together to work towards a common goal.  Now it seems United Church of God and Living Church of God are extending an olive branch to each other so they can work together in fulfilling the commission.  Quite absent from this love fest is Church of God Worldwide Association, UCG's recently departed brethren.  Why the hypocrisy?

As the end of this age draws near, it seems more appropriate than ever that God’s people, wherever they may reside, support one another in fulfilling the commission Jesus Christ gave us. With this in the forefront of our minds, representatives of the of the United Church of God, an International Association, met with the leadership of the Living Church of God at Living’s Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 9-10 for a two-day visit. 

The purpose of the visit was to rekindle friendships and discuss ways to cooperate in serving God’s people. The meetings were cordial and positive and included an open and frank discussion about those things that we have in common, and some of our differences, including church government and the way each Church is organized. We also discussed our different strategies for preaching the gospel in this modern age. There was no discussion of any type of merger.

Discussions about areas of cooperation within the greater Church of God community included humanitarian concerns, disaster relief and other unforeseen events where we can help our members meet critical needs by supporting and loving one another as Jesus commanded. Cooperation could also include helping members who have difficulty getting time off for the Sabbath and Holy Days, and other legal matters that affect both organizations.  It was agreed that open communication between Church of God organizations will become more important as world events move towards their ultimate prophetic fulfillment. 

Those in attendance at the meetings in Charlotte on behalf of the Living Church of God were Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Mr. Richard Ames and Dr. Douglas Winnail. Those who traveled from Cincinnati for the United Church of God were Mr. Dennis Luker, Mr. Victor Kubik and Mr. Peter Eddington.  Mr. Luker commented that the Cincinnati team felt most welcome and were treated very warmly. In addition to the meetings, the UCG visitors were given a full tour of the Living Church of God headquarters and adjacent media center.

Another tour?  These tours are starting to be dangerous!  Will the representatives immediately jump ship now to LCG because they were in awe and amazement at the magnificent work being accomplished in Charlotte?  Will we have another Schurter 20 page resignation letter from these guys?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Schurter Says He Offers Hope to COG Slackers

Dale Schurter has written about his amazing and mind boggling defection over to the Restored Church of God.  He claims hundreds have written to him and been restored back to wholeness by his amazing letter.  You would think that this event is the most miraculous thing to happen in the Church of God in decades.

Greetings again, everyone. As I continue to hear from people around the world, many are emailing and calling from several of the break-away groups of the WCG, in addition to folks in general. Comments indicate my letter has already helped many to see that they have slacked off in regular and heartfelt daily prayer and Bible study, among other things, and some have again committed to “get back on track.” As of this evening, my website has reached 960 cities in 40 countries. How encouraging and sobering at the same time.

He then goes on that not all comments have been warm and fuzzy.  Some disagree and he is not happy about the detractors ridiculing him. But takes it on the chin as a martyr for the truth no matter how painful..

And yes, some comments are negative, a few of them even hostile in nature. How we all long for the day “the accuser of the brethren” is no longer able to accuse the faithful daily before the throne of God. However, the vast majority of the comments are positive, including comments of appreciation to receive a “wake-up call,” and gladness to be back in touch again. Please continue to pray for all the brethren and those being called of God….yes, including those who do not yet understand in full, and strike out at others. This can be painful, but should never dissuade us from our commitment to the Father and Jesus Christ to stay the course to which we are called. Remember, “All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (II Tim. 3:12).

He should realize that his "detractors" see through the malarkey of his miraculous visit to Packman's HQ and how that cult is damaging hundreds of lives.  People are still shocked that he wants to be part of that kind of evil.