Monday, January 30, 2012

Restored Church of God Receives Partial Approval To Build Monument to Dave Pack

Davie Pack has received partial approval to build his monument to himself in the middle of Ohio. The Post has an article describing what Pack wants to build and the city ordinances he has to pass. Perhaps people can write in and let the City Planning Commission know what kind of cult is in their midst.  You have until February 13th to let them know the monstrosity in their midst. Entire article is here: Church planning campus, world headquarters Commission approves plat, tables site plan approval

"I'd recommend that the commission grant the variances to subdivision regulations for the sidewalks on the south side of Ambassador Drive and also allow the right of way width of Ambassador Drive to taper from 80 feet to 60 feet and also to allow the roadway to taper down to 28 feet. And I think at the point that the right of way and street width begins to narrow is best determined with the city engineer ... and then I'd recommend that the commission approve the preliminary plat that would extend Ambassador Drive and split city lot 9679 into two lots subject to the three conditions listed in the staff report," Kaiser said.

Members of the planning commission then unanimously voted to approve the preliminary plat and grant the requested variances.

Moving onto the site plan, Kaiser presented the submitted plans for developing the complex, which will consist of six buildings. As envisioned, the church would like to construct a 34,000 square -foot administration building, an auditorium with seating for up to 450 people, a 7,200 square-foot office building and training facility, a 5,400 square-foot mail processing center and two dormitories, each with accommodations for 20 people.

"It does appear that all of the usages comply with intent of the C5 district, which is really to provide space for office buildings for business, industry and nonprofit organizations and engage primarily in general office uses and professional services. I'd also point out that churches are conditionally permitted in C5 districts," Kaiser said.
Kaiser said that the development does meet zoning code setback requirements. The commission also reviewed the planned parking facilities, as well as future sites that could be used to expand parking facilities if necessary.
Following the initial site plan presentation, Kaiser said that the applicant is working on completing a traffic study analysis, which could possibly show a need for improvements to Akron Road. In addition, the applicant has been asked to submit a photometric plan and a revised architectural plan indicating the height of several of the complex buildings, including the auditorium. Finally, some additional clarifications regarding the site plan were requested by the city engineer, the fire department and the electric department.

"There are some issues that need to be addressed before approval. I'd recommend that the commission table any action on the site plan approval until the next meeting in order to allow the applicant time to address any questions ... we would also have access to the traffic study results at that time," Kaiser said.
Commissioners, after speaking with the project engineer and Scott Clark, a representative from the Restored Church of God, voted to table action on the site plan review until the commission's next meeting, which is scheduled for Feb. 13 at 7 p.m.

One thing we do learn is that that Dave's Mini-Me group has close to 125 people who attend on Saturdays.  Obviously this has to be the largest congregation because it is the cult HQ.  That means all of the rest of  RCG's churches are less than 100.  Most likely less than 50.  It is no wonder that his little cult has no more than 2,200 people in it!  Even Six Pack Flurry has more members than Pack!

Local Saturday worship services, which are held between 2 and 3 p.m. depending on the season, attract about 125 people. Services are not open to the public, Clark said.

Apostle Malm Says Chances Are High You Are NOT A True Christian

The Apostle does not think too highly of most Church of God members. You are just a bunch of lazy, blinded Laodiceans!  He has this to say about all of you:

It can take many tons of ore to produce one ounce of gold. God is refining his gold. There is always more chaff than wheat. Many are called and FEW are chosen and the Laodiceans are among the chosen when they repent. In God’s plan the remnant is always the much larger group or number; for his faithful are a “little flock”. Do not be deceived by numbers. There are approximately 50,000 who would call themselves Armstrong based COG people; the ppeopele I am writing about [God has others in his flocks]. Of those perhaps only about half or 25,000 are even converted. Of those probably a maximum of half will turn to God in zeal before the trib, and probably far less. Most of the remainder will repent during the trib remembering the warnings. I would expect that there will be a few hundred to a thousand or so pillars who take a stand on God’s word before the trib; the majority will face correction after they have been solidly warned. Then in the trib they will be an example through faithful obedience unto death and many others will also repent from their example. The pillars who are mainly independent minded people will have to learn to work and cooperate together in the widerness. God knows how to save his people! James

Why has Armstrongism created such arrogant impotent little men like this?

Apostle Malm Looking For TRUE COG Members To Coordinate a Feast Site (UPDATED)

The Apostle Malm is looking for any willing MEN who are TRUE Christians, that are new moon keeping, don't eat out in restaurants on the "sabbath", and who have their wives under control, to help organize a Feast site this year.

Apostle Malm instructed his followers to stay in their own churches last year and attend at their regular Feast sites because he did not have the means to organize one. Now he claims, because of thousands who are following his words that there may be a need this year.  The problem is he is not quit sure on how many would come.  Most of his readers are fence sitters who are waiting to see if any of his predictions come true. They agree with his writings but are gun shy in jumping into his ship considering all the other failed Apostles out there.

These fence sitters are perturbing him.  They don't seem to really trust the Apostle.  He blames that on the proven track record of HWA and others making thousands of failed prophecies over the years, for teaching false doctrines and other sundry things that he, The Apostle, has corrected in this end time age.  Perhaps if they could all meet together and learn together then they would start supporting him more financially.

The Apostle writes:

In other words about 6-7 thousand persons are seeing the entire content and are interested enough to continue doing so for almost two year, while thousands of others come when they hear of posts of personal interest.

I have been putting out news of the COG Groups, doctrine and prophecy.

I do know that there are many brethren and elders who do agree with me on most of the doctrine including the Calendar, New Moons etc.  I also know that they are gun shy because of their past experience.

Many people find the doctrine positive and uplifting, but they are afraid of the prophecy and are waiting for the fruits to become evident;  is he right or wrong?

I have also written of doctrinal error and change and many are waiting to see that as well.

In addition I have advised everyone to remain where they are until they are convinced in their
own minds that the fruits warrant a decision.

At this time the situation is that many thousands throughout all the COG Groups; especially the independents. UCG, COGWA and LCG have received a sound witness of these things and are sitting on the fence waiting for the fruits as Jesus Christ has commanded.

A few hundred, widely scattered worldwide are already convinced and want a Feast of Tabernacles.

I cannot organize such a Feast as I have none of the needed resources and these folks are far too widely scattered.

If there are any groups who find that they are in agreement with the doctrine etc at this site and they will hold the Feast on the correct date, which is a day later than the Rabbinic calendar, and who would have space for others; please contact me at jddm3@hotmail .com
All I can say though, as the person taking on this job had better be prepared for the end times to also happen at the tail end of the Feast.  Are they ready for that to happen?  The Apostle has laid out some things that need to happen first.  So any job applicant had better keep these in mind:

1)   A broad regional Mideast war resulting in victory over Islamic Mahdi Extremism and regime change in Iran and Syria.

2)   A governmental change in Israel.

3)   A genuine dialogue for peace in the region.

4)  Most likely the death of Benedict XVI in late Aug.

5)   The abomination being set up in the papacy on or close to 16 Sep.
 6)   Political and economic crisis which brings on; a solution and call for a New Europe from this final false prophet.
7)  The Feast of Tabernacles will come and the hot topic will be this abomination and the warnings from this Blog; as well as the Bob Thiel false prophecy that a major work must be done; AFTER peace is confirmed and BEFORE the tribnulation begins.  This man has deceived LCG and their friends in UCG who then broke away to do an expected ”Elihah Work”.
8)   After the Feast the two  large remaining COG Groups will meet over the situation and discuss cooperation to do the Elijah work, as they have been deceived into believing they will have to do.

9)   God’s two prophets will be empowered to give a final warning and to take the faithful away to their place,before continuing to work at witnessing and warning the world for their full time.  The real “Elijah Work”.

10)   A peace agreement and the deployment of peace keepers around Jerusalem and Israel.

11)   At about the 75 day mark after he was made Pope, this abomination will go to the Holy Place and an announcement that peace has been achieved will be made; followed by the immediate start of the tribulation.

12)   Failing to get at the faithful, Satan will go out to persecute those who did not believe or act on the warnings, the majority that stayed behind to do the “Elijah Work” as they have been deceived ;  and many will immediately repent when they see their error and their fears come upon them.

Here is what will be happening at the end of the Feast his year (2012):

In 2016, from the time that the resurrection would take place on the 6th day of ULB up to and completeing the day before Pentecost is 45 days.  That will not come again for several more years and along with the imminent war, and the frailty of this pope;  makes this year stand out.

From 16 Sep 2012 to 16 Dep 2015 is three years.  One half year more brings us to spring 2016.

Counting 1,290 days from 16 Sep 2012 brings us to the sixth day on Unleavends on Mar 30 2016, another 45 days ends on Sabbath May 14th with Pentecost the next day.
Dan 12:10   And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, [to allow the abomination to be set up as pope] and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.  Then the resurrection.
12Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh [continues to] to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
13But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot [inheritance] at the end of the days.

Those extra 45 days will see the marriage of the Lamb and the seven last plagues poured out;  Pentecost will be a New Beginning with the establichment of the Kingdom of the New Covenant!

We will get to soon witnesses, once again, another lying Church of God member  proven to be a fool.  How many more lives will be damaged because of this imbecile?