Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Dave Pack Mobile Clinic For Defecting Ministers

Van Robison On "Censorship in the Worldwide Church of God"

Censorship in the Worldwide Church of God

As a former member of the Worldwide Church of God, during the lifetime of Herbert W. Armstrong, I can well remember that reading the literature or material of anyone outside of the "true church of God", was forbidden or discouraged.  Herbert W. Armstrong would say "don't believe me, believe your Bible", but then the cult would tell its members not to listen to anyone other than their own church leaders.  What motive would any religious leader or group have to censor alternative opinions, books, reading material or vocal lectures, unless there was FEAR that they might lose members to alternative possibilities?  Living in a cult cocoon stifles the ability of anyone to learn that there is a vast world outside of the cocoon.

Many religious leaders, religious organizations and political groups hate FREEDOM of thought.  Cult religious groups insist that they and they alone are the bearers of "truth."  Even human governments live in perpetual FEAR of losing their power and control over the common people.  Propaganda, disinformation and distortion, suppression, silence and twisting of facts and truth are common in the world in which we live.  The Worldwide Church of God, was NOT the "Church of God", but was the brainchild of Herbert W. Armstrong.  Herbert was a master deceiver.  Herbert was a wolf in sheep's clothing.  The religious and even the political world have always from the beginning of human existence, been potential deceivers.

How many members of Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, cower in fear that they might be found out, but who secretly read websites such as "Banned by HWA?"  If any such reader is reading on these types of websites, let me encourage you that the world is vastly bigger and greater than any splinter group of the Worldwide Church of God can imagine.  It is only when a human being steps outside of their comfort zone, that they come face to face with the FACT that there are possibilities about God, the Bible, life on earth and existence that are light-years beyond the confines of cult mentality.  There are dimensions of thinking that will
leave a human being speechless, when anyone with a little courage "risks" learning beyond the censorship of the confines of self-appointed "ministers" of Worldwide Church of God splinter groups.

Life on earth DOES NOT revolve around Herbert W. Armstrong, anymore than it does any splinter group of the WWCG, or its self-appointed mediators who think they stand between God and their members.  Censorship of views and perspectives that differ with "accepted" views is a tool of tyranny.  I wonder if Herbert W. could come back from the grave, if he would admit that he was an abysmal failure as a "teacher" of what real truth is concerning God/Jesus Christ?  Just think people, every single leader of every splinter group of the WWCG will eventually kiss the grave and return to dirt.  If dead men could talk, I wonder if they would change their tune about their activities while they had their being?

Censorship is common in human life among the religious rulers, as much as it is common in the world of politics and other matters in human life.  Anyone who differs with the status quo is naturally and automatically
demonized by those who do not want alternative views expressed.  The primary tool used by those who censor, is to demonize, terrorize, ridicule, assassinate the character of opposition, cause fear, cause guilt, make people think that truth is evil, and belittle opposing views.

History is rife with examples of those who were burned at the stake, tortured and put to death for no other reason than that their expression of their own thoughts about issues engendered animosity from the "elite"
rulers who hated opposition.  We all know that Jesus Christ was the greatest Whistleblower the world has ever known, and He exposed the religious frauds for what they were and are---WOLVES!  BEWARE!!!

Van Robison

Prophet Thiel: Would Jesus Watch The Super Bowl?

I find it interesting that Living Church of God's biggest false prophet  is speaking out yet again on how demonic and evil the Super Bowl and American football are.  Yet, in LCG's homes across the country there will be tv sets turned on to watch the game.  Beer will be consumned, hot wings munched on and junk food galore.  LCG members will be cheering for their favorite teams.  But not so in the Thiel household.  They'll be sitting around watching Bambi and polishing their halo's.

False Prophet Thiel writes these silly tidbits:
Since most people in the USA have, at one time or another, made some hint of professing following Jesus, a relevant question may be:
Would Jesus watch the Superbowl?
 I could not reconcile loving my neighbor as myself and cherishing my flesh and not doing violence to any man by watching others do it in a football game.
 The Superbowl will do harm to participants in it.
The New Testament also warns Christians against being violent or approving of those that are (Romans 1:28-32), while history records that early Christians would not watch violent sports.

In the 20th century, the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote:
Football (American football) is a violent body-contact sport. It is often played with an attitude of hostility and is dangerous and is fraught with physical injury…Soccer does not embody the same evils. (Plain Truth, July-August 1984)
Since it is more important for Thiel and Armstrongism to follow HWA than it is Jesus, I guess they must be giving approval for the murders, rapes, stalkings and abuse that went on in Armstrongism over  the decades.  Football is evil but these things rampant in Armstrongism are not. You never see the False Prophet Thiel speaking out against these evils happening right now in LCG or COG.

I conclude with more comments from the false prophet, so incredibly stupid they don't deserve a comment:

Would Jesus watch the Superbowl?
Perhaps, some might say.  And some may ridicule and/or dismiss what I have written.
Yet if Jesus did watch the Superbowl, would He watch it and hope that one team would tackle and crash into members of the other team?  Or might He watch it, if He did, so He could make social commentary against the violence and/or distorted priorities of the land?
This is something that Christians, and others, should think about.