Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Not Your Mother's Plain Truth


I have not checked out The Plain Truth magazine for some time. It certainly is NOT the magazine your mom subscribed too!  Especially when it has a feature article on Carlos Santana.  Herb is rolling over in his grave! 

Mexican-American rock guitarist Carlos Santana has won ten Grammy Awards—and was named number 15 on Rolling Stone’s list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time. He was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1997, receiving a star on Hollywood Blvd. In 1998 he was inducted into the Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame. Patrick Durek, in an exclusive for Plain Truth, reveals the critically important spiritual dimension in Santana’s life.
—the Editors
Carlos Santana's Spiritual Journey

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Few Of The Things That Occupy Armstrongite Minds

Here are just a few of the things that occupy the minds of Armstrongites on Yahoo.  Nope, there won't be any Jesus stuff with these folks.  That's too trite and silly for them.  There are more important things to discuss.

Those pesky, conniving Germans are first on the list:
The leading German biometric company has already sold its Fingerprint login system (that does away with passwords) & biometric ID verification tools, to many countries.
Since we all have unique fingerprints, if a world dictator took control of their biometric database/s, and computers and bank accounts only opened with an authorized fingerprint, he could theoretically control your internet and banking access.
Perhaps in conjunction with eye scanning. And in rural areas maybe just with a physical mark.

Did the Titanic Sink Because of an Optical Illusion? (Smithsonian)

National Back to Church Sunday (The evil Jesuit conspiracy can sure bring in people to church but Armstrongite cults cannot, wonder why?)

South African Rabbi rules Kingklip fish Kosher

Al Gore 2006: "10 Years Left Before Earth Cooks"

Anti-Jew Vatican sect calls Judaism a false religion

Japan invents speech-jamming gun that silences people mid-sentence

Dr Mercola says to not eat pork!
 Still looking for a Jesus post, but can't find one.
 Did Hitler Have a Secret Son? 
Greeks queue up to learn German

10 Signs That America Is Decomposing Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Massive Rally of (claimed 50m) Atheists at National Mall 24 March
Germans want strong leader--democracy at risk

Santorum's comments about Satan & Obama hero's bow to Satan

Stigmatizing Health: The War Against 'Health Nuts'

Some churches, school using new Patois Bible
At least a Bible was mentioned, but still no Jesus posts.
The Malbim and the USA as Manasseh
 Israel looks to Sodomites to improve its image
Iran Bans the Simpsons

Anti-German Mood Heats Up in Greece: Railing against The Fourth Reich

Still looking for a Jesus post...

Still looking...


Weed through 29,000 some posts and you will be lucky to see Jesus discussed. Maybe 40 times at the most.  Plenty of law keeping, conspiracy theories, pretend Jewish activities, and end times malarkey, but still no Jesus.

 I think you get the picture.