I should have known it would only be a matter of time before the apostle would stick his nose into members medicine cabinets. The medicine cabinets of COG members are always in the leaderships domain as are kitchens.
Beware you heathens that use gel caps or take Condriton. Your salvation is at risk if you dare consume these things!
The Malm writes:
Gel caps and geletine based capsuls are not acceptable unelss they are agar or beef hide based. You can internet and email such questions to the manufacturer.
Discuss the matter with your physician or pharmacist, most medications are chemically produced and it is the caps that are the problem.
There are some things like Condriton that are made from shellfish which should be totally avoided. Beware of iron suppliments that are made from hemoglobin. Also clearly unclean things like shark oil.
List of common medications. http://www.savealife.org/kosher.htm
Remember that acceptabe medications are widely available, to the billion or so Muslims and jews demanding acceptable medication.
Apparently insulin is also can be a sin.