Wednesday, December 26, 2012

UCG Budget cuts

 As the money continues to drain from UCG's coffers, they have instituted the following budget cuts.  I still do not see any budget cuts for UCG executives, Council of Elders, Evangelists or ministers.  When will they set the example?

• Reduce mileage reimbursement by 20%;
• Reduce subsidies overall for U.S. congregations by 16%;
• Reduce subsidies overall for international areas by 16%;
• Use online ministerial training in lieu of a ministerial development conference
• Postpone area ministerial conferences;
• Conduct Senior Pastor & UYC Camp director conferences by video conference
• Reduce travel reimbursement by limiting travel outside of church circuits
• Reduce travel budget to international areas by 44%.
Media and Communications Services: ($1.4 million):
• Reduce The Good News (GN) magazine from 48 pages to 40;
• Renew GN subscriptions more often to reduce the print run and related costs (as well as consolidate the mailing list with more motivated subscribers)
• Curtail direct mail card packs and outside magazine print advertising for The Good News and our booklets;
• Drop World Harvest Network for televising the Beyond Today program while maintaining coverage on WGN America and the Word Network
• Suspend home office paid Internet advertising for our literature in all areas outside of the United States to reduce GN and booklet circulation costs to those areas;
• Publish United News six times a year instead of ten;
• Move Vertical Thought, our teen and young adult magazine, from print to a solely online production for the time being;
• Publish the United Youth Camps brochure in the February issue of United News rather than as a separate item;
• Reduce the Spanish and Portuguese publishing budgets;
• Reduce funding for bulk literature sent to our international offices.
Aaron Dean identified other ways to economize:
• Modify healthcare program, adding employee premiums, raising deductibles;
• Transfer funding of international ministers’ travel to the annual meeting of the General Conference of Elders from home office to each international region;
• Conduct at least one video conference for the Council of Elders each year, and more when appropriate, to save travel costs;
• Visiting ministers will stay with home office employees during conferences and be served economical lunches and dinners at the home office to save hotel and restaurant expenses.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

E. W. King; My Prophecies Have Come True

E W King is gloating on his blog today that two prophecies he made earlier in the year have come true. 

He predicted solar flares and tornadoes.

On the Christ-mas tornadoes:

Christ-mas tornadoes????
Today, December 25,2012, we see rare tornados hitting the states. A major winter storm sweeping through the United States could tangle holiday travel plans in the central United States and even in the South, as could a weaker storm moving through the Northeast.
The Northeast storm will likely bring a “wintry mix” to cities of the I-95 corridor and east to the coast but could still be detrimental to holiday travelers,
On the official COGSR website there is a whole list of these predictions since April 2011. Stay tooned for more prophecy fulfillments!

He describes himself talking about solar flares:

Mr. E.W.King predicted that the solar cycle would get off to an earlier time than expected. He stated:
“Our sun has a solar storm cycle which comes every 11 years. Sometime in November of 2012 we should begin to see an increase in solar activity. Long lasting solar storms may damage high-latitude power grids.”
And what do we see has happened?
· The Sun erupted with two prominence eruptions, one after the other over a four-hour period on Nov. 16, 2012, between the hours of 1 and 5 a.m. EST.
I tremble at his awesomeness.....where can I send my money?