Bob Thiel, the self appointed world renown authority on prophecy, the Mayans, Catholicism and God's truth.has finally come clean with his announcement that he was formed his very own splinter cult of the Church of God. Since Herbert Armstrong started his little group well over 700 groups have broken off over the decades, Each one claiming they were carrying on the true mantle that the previous group was ignoring.
Word has been circulating for months that Thiel was having big issues with Living Church of God despite his slobbering posts on how great the LCG was. Hypocrisy in the Church of God apparently has no boundaries.
Rod Meredith, after spending a week with Thiel haranguing him finally sent Thiel a letter kicking him out of LCG.
...I have been trying to resolve many matters with those in Charlotte and telephoned Dr. Roderick C. Meredith every day this week.Even apostle Malm saw through that statement Malm writes:
Instead of speaking with me, a few hours ago I received a factually incorrect letter from Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. Based upon its tone, numerous inaccurate statements, accusations, and his unwillingness to address the real issues that I wanted to bring up, this letter is 100% proof (to me at least) that my view that the Living Church of God lost the ‘Philadelphia mantle’ in 2011 or 2012. I am saddened by this development and had hoped to avoid having to make a variety of decisions. But, God’s will is to be done (Matthew 6:10; 1 John 2:17).
It appears that Bob Thiel has received a letter from Rod Meredith disfellowshipping him, and Bob never a man to admit coming in second is saying that he left LCG months ago.
The Church of God cannot have two big ego's at it's head. Meredith and Thiel cannot both be true leaders.
About an hour ago, I signed various notarized documents to declare the start of a new organization. It is legally to be called the Continuing Church of God Overseer and successors, a corporation sole. Next week, the corporate documents are to be filed–but legally CCOG now exists as a real church. The late Herbert W. Armstrong formed a corporate sole in the 1970s and this seemed to be the best available option for me in California.The Church of God is a dead church, why would anyone want to "continue" it??? It no longer has anything of value to offer the world. The Church used to have a vision, however misguided it was, that it kept members longing for. Now the members are leaving in droves because there is no vision. There is no worthwhile message, no unity, no hope and no brotherly love. Greed, avarice and vanity are the catchwords of the day now when describing the Church of God.
So what is that special new message that Thiel is proclaiming?
The Church will commonly likely be known as the Continuing Church of God, probably abbreviated as the CCOG.
We expect to best represent the true remnant of the Philadelphia era of the original Church of God that began on Pentecost in Acts 2 (c. 31 A.D.)
Oh give it a rest Bob! We have heard that same phrase used by each of the 700 some splinter personality cults over the last several decades. Every single one has proven to be liars and frauds. All this move does is provide another money stream for Thiel.
Our mailing address is Continuing Church of God, 1248 E. Grand #A, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. And yes, in the USA, donations postmarked by 12/31/2012 are immediately tax deductible. For those who in live in the State of California, we signed a declaration to apply for the determination letter from California, which, for those in California is legal assurance of the deductibility of donations in California (they are now 100% deductible in all the other US states).
Can people really be stupid enough to join up with him? Apparently so! He claims:
It is important for all to realize that despite flaws of Christians, including those of us of the Philadelphia remnant, that love is what God’s way of life and His kingdom are really all about. And that spreading that message of love and all of God’s ways is what the Continuing Church of God wants to be about.
This message was subject the first service of the Continuing Church of God which was held earlier today.
If they are dumb enough to follow Malm, you can be guaranteed that some will follow Thiel.