Thursday, February 21, 2013

Prophet Thiel: The Germans Are Coming! The Germans Are Coming!

The non-ordained and self appointed false prophet is all a dither today about the rise of Germany and how he expects it to lead to World War III.  

The prophet starts out by quoting from a web site Global  Global Research is a Canadian web site that is full of more conspiracy theories that the Illuminati could have ever dreamed up.  Like Armstrongism, they take facts and slightly distort them into darker fear based meanings.  It is a site that is fear based to the core. Conspiracy theories and Armstrongism both are fear based and fear driven so it is no wonder that prophet Thiel is using them in his fear laden posts.

The prophet quotes Global Research with:

The return of German imperialism is a threat for World War III

 The very same business circles that financed Hitler are again banging the war drums…Paskert makes clear that the German bourgeoisie is willing to use military force to secure such resources against its rivals…

The return of aggressive German imperialism initiates a new stage of inter-imperialist conflict, raising the threat of a Third World War…

The Handelsblatt bluntly states that the German army will be rebuilt “in order to be used all over the world.”  The vast majority of the German population is vehemently opposed to militarism.

There you have it folks!  The German state is rising up and will some be coming to the United States to take it over! Concentration camps will soon appear.  Cities will be bombed into submission.  Families will starve because no food will be available. Famine, disease and pestilence will be the theme for the day and worst of all, COG members will not be allowed to worship on Saturdays.  Fear is in the air!  Fear! Fear! Fear!

The prophet breathlessly announces:

Notice that the above states that the vast majority of Germans do not want to be militaristic, but that voices are calling for that anyway.  And that some suspect that this could lead to WWIII.

The Bible shows that certain descendants of ancient Assyria (many of which are German) are to dominate part of the world scene, do not wish to think they are militaristic, yet they will takeover certain descendants of Israel (it is probable that the USA is considered to be Samaria in certain end time prophecies)

So, according to Bible prophecy, an Assyrian-descended power, who does not intend to take over various nations, will do so anyway. Various historical records suggest that at least some of the Germanic peoples have Assyrian ancestry.

Germany’s influence and aggressiveness are becoming more apparent, to some at least.  Those in that nation will help fulfill biblical prophecy.

Brethren, it is time for the final push!  Send all of your money to Arroyo Grande, CA as soon as possible.  The non-ordained self appointed prophet needs it!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Apostle Malm: Majority of COG Scoffers and Those That Ignored Me Will Run to Me in the Tribulation

Go ahead and mock apostle Malm.  Ignore his warnings. Laugh at his law keeping silliness.  Come the tribulation you will come running to his door as fast as you can. You will suddenly realize that only he had the truth unlike that non-ordained prophet/fool you followed.

The overwhelming majority of the fruit of this work will come during the tribulation when the majority who will not believe now; will remember and turn to God during the great trial.
I have tremendous hope for those who reject this warning now, for I know that they are sincere and simply cannot see and understand until they are forced to face what they refuse to accept now.

Bob Thiel: Shocking News! One Youtube Viewer Liked My Video

The non-ordained and self appointed false prophet Thiel is having fits of ecstasy today that ONE viewer liked a video he put up in 2009 referring the present Pope resigning. That was such an earth shattering event that prophet Bob dedicated a post to it today.

ME has replied to your comment on 2012, Catholic Prophecies, and the AntipopeTo reply back click here. To see all comments on this video click here.
“Near or after 2012 the last pope will arise”, and Benedict resigns Feb. 28 2013…Wow! he hit the nail right on the head three years before it happened! Popes don’t retire, they die in office!
What I stated in the YouTube video back then was:
…the Malachy list…
If that list is intended to be complete, and that is to be fulfilled, the next pope will be the last pope and he is likely to arise sometime near or after 2012.
Wow!  Spooky!

Prophet Thiel wants you to know that because he is soooooooooooo accurate in his prophecies that you had better be concerned when the new Pope is elected.  The new Pope will quickly morph into the anti-christ. He will then rally the Germans into invading the U.S. where they will be allowed to make slaves of the young nubile women and strong young men.  The rest will be relegated to concentration camps where meat hooks will abound. 

Soon after this happens the non-ordained and self appointed Second Witness will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem where he will be resurrected 3 ½ days later at which time he will rise to meet his Jesus christ in the air so he can come back and kick some  so-called Christian ass.

Anyway, the YouTube I did in 2009 was related to the promotion of my book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Since it was released in September 2009, world events have aligned with over 30 predictions in it (a list of which is at the beginning of the article End of Mayan Calendar 2012–Might 2012 Mean Something?).

We are close to the end of the 6,000 years that God gave humanity to rule itself on its own.  This means that the next pope, who will apparently rise up shortly as I somewhat speculated years ago, certainly may be the final Antichrist of biblical prophecy.  If he is the last one, he will be.

You need not live in fear though. If you join his little cult you will be given a place in Petra where you can gather at his non-ordained feet and be taught.  You will then be given a world to rule over with a rod of iron as you are now a glorious God all because you joined up with the most perfect Christians ever to grace the planet. Woo Hoo!

Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God.