...or anywhere else in the Bible for that matter.
!00% of them were 100%
wrong 100% of the time to date. Their time will run out as well and then
they can be added to the list. I'll throw good intentioned in there to be
kind, but what kind of a man sees HIMSELF spoken of in the scriptures?
That is simply an amazing study to me in all sorts of aberrant thinking, the
outcome of which gives birth to even more skepticism in the minds of people who
at least can learn from such insanity.
Old Testament Prophets
always speak to their own times. They are trying as best they can to
explain what has happened to their nation. In the case of the Nation
of Israel, the prophets took the opportunity to blame the sins of the people
and rejection by God for it all. Actually the armies of the
surrounding nations were bigger and better. If you have ears to hear,
the "Suffering Servant" of Isaiah was not Jesus of the New
Testament. It was either Israel or Isaiah himself as he viewed his role
in being a "major" prophet in Israel. I realize that showing
New Testament writers used a writing style called Midrash , which is
looking back into the past to explain the confusing present, as the
technique they used to cobbled the New Testament story together, but
that takes a desire to realize things are not as you have been taught.
Try this for starters if
you are interested at all in learning the bigger picture of how the Bible
was constructed and the stories put together.
For example,the Gospel
writer Matthew, puts together the entire birth story of Jesus by seeking out Old
Testament scriptures he can weave a tale into about a birth he actually knew
nothing about. In his "thus it was fulfilled" stories of Jesus,
Matthew misrepresents the original meaning of the Old Testament to make it mean
what he wants it to mean to tell a story. His Virgin Birth story,
taken from Isaiah is an example of this classic cut and
paste method which leaves Matthew open to much criticism and skepticism.
Isaiah 7 has NOTHING to do with Jesus. It had everything to do with Isaiah's
time. ( Luke's story of Jesus birth was totally different and you can see
he NEVER read Matthew's tale before he wrote his.) Matthew is
good at this proof-texting until he gets to misquoting the OT and
having Jesus ride into Jerusalem on two donkeys rather than one. No
problem. The other Gospel writers saw his mistake and corrected it.
That one story alone proves the Gospel stories of Matthew are made up from Old
Testament scriptures and were nothing he actually knew or witnessed. But
hat's another story.
The unknown story of how
Jesus died was well served by Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 neither of which had
anything to do with Jesus at the time nor were ever intended to. But they
were great for mining and Gospel writers did it often. All that came later in
the form of Midrash. If you don't know what Midrash is, you OWE it to yourself
to understand it. You'll never hear it explained in church.
Back to
Prophets. All OT prophets speak to their own times. They
don't speak to times in which none of them will live to see. They may
project hope into the time to come as do and did we all, but they speak to
their own times.
Church of God members
are so used to thinking, "well yeah, that was a type but the fulfillment
is what is happening in my Church and today," that they just can't see the
point. They also don't see that there are many failed OT prophecies and
explain them away with "well, they just haven't happened yet." In
the Church of God, soon, shortly, the time now is, the day is far spent and so
on, do not mean what they mean. They get a 2000 year hiatus before they
mean in this time yet again it is short. "This Generation"
doesn't meant that generation. It means MY CURRENT GENERATION, which it
didn't back then. The mind is a trickster when it comes to making things mean
what one needs them to mean rather than what they actually mean and
meant. Since it didn't happen for them, it must mean us.
Hard facts to accept at
face value:
Jesus was wrong about himself at times and how it would all work out for him and his disciples.Peter, James and John were wrong about it would all work out for them and their communities of believersPaul was terribly wrong about "we who are alive and remain..." and much of the advice that the sincere took literally which disrupted their lives and relationships was also wrong advice.The Book of Revelation, written by Jewish Christian for Jewish Christians in the siege of Jerusalem was wrong about how it all would work out for them. The Romans won and did it in 8 months not three and half years.
Now I know well the need
for us in our time to fall back to "it was a type," but back then, it
was never envisioned to be a type only for the far distant fulfillment.
One must make the leap from their reality to our hope their reality was a mere
type to do that.
Now to the heart of the
matter. Apostle Dave Pack is NOT spoken of in the Minor Prophets.
Nor is That Prophet Gerald Flurry nor was HWA or GTA....EVER. Certainly
Non-Prophet Robert Thiel isn't. (I, however am. I am a scoffer but
only because I am an observer of what does not happen and is not so). I
know what's coming in the Apostle Dave's yet to be explain presentations.
I have reread the these minor prophets and it's obvious what is coming.
Anyone who has any history with WCG can read Haggai and Zachariah and see
exactly what's coming. I can tell you who is going to end up as who in
this upcoming tale weaving and how all the types, fulfillments and
delusions are going to be explained. The actual stories are about Israel
coming back to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity but hey....great stuff
to be manipulated over weeks of wear you out letters and sermons to make it
mean what it never meant and doesn't mean. The stories have lots of room
for the mistaken idea that all the splinters will come back again into one
place, the Restored Church of God and under one leader, Apostle David C
Pack. Nice analogy. Totally bogus. I can't speak to sincerity
of belief or teaching, but I can speak to ignorance.
I no longer feel sorry
for Restored or Philadelphia Church of God hangers on. There is so much
information available to you outside of your small circle and one man shows
that there is no excuse to get hooked into something that simply is not
so. Has the Apostle Pack sought council and advice on his views?
Has there been a multitude of counsel in which lies safety over these ego
centric, "Yes yes!!! The Bible speaks of me right here!"
musings soon to be truths for you? I doubt it. What kind of men
would put their stamp of approval on such malarkey? Has one stood up and
said they don't buy it and been allowed to stay? Doubt it.
So here is what is going
to happen. Like you being convinced "And yes, I am an Apostle,"
which took hours of type, analogy and self promotion before that was
proclaimed, you better hold onto your sore butts again. The wear you down
with more analogies, types and Mr. Armstrong this and that is underway.
You are going to be numbed into acceptance, unless of course you aren't going
to accept it and I advice you not to based on the real meanings, background and
history of those books you will be soaking in. It can sound plausible if
you take any of the Minor Prophets actually leading up to the Apostle
David. But plausible is a slippery slope. Ten thousand religious guru
types could and probably already have used the very same arguments to make the
same erroneous points about their own ministry and mission. Most are dead
A scripture can never
mean what it never meant. You are about to learn the truth of that
statement in spades as you see scripture wrestled into doing just that.
Why do I bother with
this. I honestly can't question anyone's sincerity. I believe Ron
Weinland probably believes his own misguided, misspoken and misinterpreted views
about the Bible and himself. He's paid dearly for his foolishness in
taking people's money to do his work. But i hate ignorance and
manipulation that leads to pain and suffering for yet more sincere people who
trust too much, study outside the box too little and believe everything one
human being over them tells them. How many times do we have to learn that
I have known Mr. Dave
Pack since he was 20 years old. Winning is everything and it actually is
all about the numbers.
I personally
believe that some of the OT prophet types were probably mentally
ill and what today we call schizophrenia , temporal lobe epilepsy
and a host of other human conditions , they called
"inspired." Strange people and behaviors in history could
easily be mistaken for spirituality then, but illness today. I believe
with all my heart that a man with mental illness can hide much more easily in a
church setting than in a corporate setting. Visions and interpretations
of scripture can be seen more as obedience and spirituality rather than the
actual mental disorder they may be. Dictators who would be either highly
promoted in the corporate world (by those like them) or cast out can hide
better in ministry as their quirky and maddening ways can be seen as some kind
of weird Bible strength. "Well Ezekiel cooked food with
his own dung laid siege to a frying pan, so I'm just like Ezekiel," really
doesn't work well today. Making oneself correct by analogy is not the
same as actually being correct.
So, whatever the Apostle
Dave presents will be well presented. It will be done meticulously over
many weeks and finally hours. And it will be wrong. The Minor
Prophets never spoke of Herbert Armstrong no matter what he or Gerald
Waterhouse speculated about. Dave is only an Apostle because he has
claimed he is. NO ONE ELSE outside of himself thinks that is so. Any new titles
such as "And yes brethren, I am Joshua," is just silly. The
Minor Prophets are not speaking to or laying any groundwork for the Apostle
Dave to appropriate to himself and use yet again to promote himself as special
and his sliver as the one true church on earth.
That is just nuts and I
hope you will do your homework well before you end up a few years from now
writing about your incredible and painful experience as I do today about
my own. In my view, those who become most skeptical had once
been the most sincere. If you are going to have an experience you may as
well share the lessons learned. Experience is not only the best teacher,
it is the only one. Everything else is hearsay. I just don't like seeing
others get hurt in the process of outgrowing foolish beliefs and being
discouraged from being yourself in this life. You do not have to ever
filter your life, thoughts or beliefs through another human being or see the
world only through their eyes. History warns us of that mistake.