Dave Pack, God's most important human to ever exist since Jesus and leader of the most superfantabulous Church of God EVER is pleased to announce that he has bought more land so he can enlarge his magnificent property in preparation for the coming reunification. After lusting for this land for 5 years, he has finally snagged it.
It will not be put to used by UCG's epic failure and reeducated Dale Schurter, who is trying to reinvent the the old Bib Sandy property with a farm, dairy cows and chickens. This incessant imitation of the days gone by is is making these people look rather foolish. They can never recapture those days. It is the 21st century - - move on! Design and re-imagine something new!
Davey is also building a "field of dreams" on his new land. Dennis's last article was rather prophetic in that it pictured the thousands of returning members all streaming to Wadsworth like they did in The Field of Dreams.
Davey also apparently things this land will supply him with lumber, food and water during the tribulation. He is also excited about a vein of natural gas being located on it. There is enough gas coming from Davey to fuel the entire City of Wadsworth for the next 50 years!
"Before beginning this next-to-last announcement, those watching the
progress of God’s Church will be pleased to read of the next BIG
DEVELOPMENT in His Work. We have finally been able to purchase 59 acres
of adjacent woods and farmland to expand our campus—now upper and lower
sections—to 88 acres, making it now three-quarters of a mile long. We
are absolutely thrilled about this development. We have wanted this land
for almost five years and nine months. And over this time we have come
to really NEED it for a variety of reasons. Here are some: (1) A
powerful agricultural program, featuring a small farm with crops,
livestock and poultry in the spirit of the Big Sandy agricultural
program approved by Mr. Armstrong and directed by Mr. Dale Schurter to
speak to the world about God’s form of agriculture. (2) Room for an
expanded summer camp that would by next year be on our own property—much
easier than driving almost to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (3) A pavilion
and ballfield for the Church, a camp and college activities. (4)
Additional much needed parking space for activities right next door at a
future Auditorium. (5) A few faculty residences. (6) A source for
natural gas, lumber, food and water. (7) A place for possibly one
college/camp community center/building.
"There may be some other small adjoining properties that someday could
be added, but it is this central addition that will allow the projected
pattern of buildings, grounds and gardens to capture the elegance of the
former Ambassador College campus in Pasadena, California, but also the
more rural Big Sandy, Texas environment. It also brings in elements that
will reflect the environment at Bricket Wood in England. The whole
campus will be (and is already coming to be) woven in trees, gardens of
every design, as well as one or more small lakes, a stream with three
waterfalls (now complete) and other water features, all interwoven with
uplit walkways and sitting areas.