Dave Pack has a special place in his heart for those who mock, ridicule and lampoon his asinine teachings. After his god placed the tens of thousands of wayward COG members into his splinter group there will be a remnant who refuse to join. Dave's god will be so pissed at these people that they will be "severed" for all eternity from having a relationship with his god.
When his god "severs" the heretics from his presence, the cooperate churches they belong to will collapse into ruin.
(3) Zechariah 11:9 describes three categories of people remaining after God removes the “poor of the flock” from their midst—a group now called “you.” These are those who will not return to God’s Church when given the final opportunity, and who are permanently severed from God. Read the passage and see the three categories, as we did last week. What do they say to you? Verse 9 is God interpreting verse 3. Possibly small pieces remain, and probably only temporarily. It is obvious they can accomplish nothing. With God’s Spirit gone, the collapse of corporate assets and income, and loss of many ministers and staff, a less than pretty picture remains.