Wiggle Room!
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From the last needed announcement by David C Pack on the immediate fulfillment of Haggai and August 31, 2012
Four weeks ago Dave wrapped it up saying...
“Notification” by God
"Some weeks ago, when explaining the year that the prophecy is fulfilled, I listed perhaps two dozen reasons for 2013. There are perhaps twice that many more reasons that have been listed by those of us inside the process of learning what God is doing. There is no point in enumerating them all because they would merely be lampooned by scoffers and mockers who in many cases might not even respond to the prophecy when they SEE it! For those who wish to be objective, but who take as a starting point that they do not believe the year of the prophecy’s fulfillment is 2013, ask why you disagree with the internal elements of the prophecy itself. I have put in a great many hours preparing what you read because there is value in getting people to think about what will happen BEFORE it happens. If you are among those who agree with the prophecy but have decided that some later year carries a better chance for fulfillment, then you are probably already at least a little bit “considering your ways” as God instructs twice in Haggai 1. This much is good. The job was never mine to convince you of the prophecy, but rather to inform you in the spirit of God’s promise in Amos 3:7, explained last Friday. It is God’s job to convince you of EVERYTHING He is going to do. His servants merely inform you, knowing they are powerless to convince. Grasp this difference." (In other words....don't blame me!)Is this the soon to be announced wiggle room coming out of last week's debacle? Will it center on getting the year right and not the specifics of August? There were specifics of August you know. Dave said he knew the year and this year makes the most sense. The date of the beginning of sorrows may have been August 31st but the year has four more months to go. Whew!
I still marvel at Dave being so stupid in doing this and how unlike him it was and is, unless he left himself an out. I suspect he has more in the pot brewing to keep it going awhile.
Beats saying "I was mistaken," or "I guess Haggai never meant what I said it did." It's tough explaining why, no matter what it appears to be, one is always right. It takes skill and hours of heavy thinking after things don't actually work out as projected.
We'll see..........