Tuesday, November 12, 2013

E. W King: An Earthquake Is Coming! Oh Noooos!

The King had another brain fart the other day.  It is one more in a long line of prophecies that King has uttered and then it came to pass......at least in his eyes.

This one involves an earthquake.  Given that we have numerous earthquakes every single day here in California, I guess we are to assume that this is going to be a great big shaker.

In case this blog disappears in the next three months you will know that California slipped off into the ocean and Eric King is the ONE and TRUE Church of God prophet.

The following is from a recorded message given to Mr. E.W.King on 11-12-13:

“I saw that America would receive a sizable quake within the next three months. If and when this occurs it will point towards a soon to be released prophecy marker which I have been waiting for.” ~ Eric W. King

Let us all watch and wait!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dennis Muses on Intelligent Theology


 noun \ˈdä-pəl-ˌgaŋ-ər, -ˌgeŋ-, ˌdä-pəl-ˈ\
                          : someone who looks like someone else
                           :  a ghostly counterpart of a living person
                                :  a double
 or alter ego

Recently I met with a highly educated Episcopal Priest just to talk.  I had the opportunity and was feeling the need to see and hear what a man in his position would have to say about Biblical topics that I have come to understand in a far different way than my meager WCG training in all things Bible.  WCG trained itself to be good Bible readers, as you have heard me say over the years.  COG ministers are mere Bible readers with no desire to dig deeper into the texts, background, history or intent of what they quote to frame their beliefs. If they had the desire they would have to keep it to themselves.  Only in a secure religious setting can one speak freely of  Biblical realities. Beliefs are framed by proof texting and COGs compete with each other by proof texting better than the competition.  It's a ridiculous approach and why under trained men like Dave Pack and Ron Weinland make fools of themselves with hubris and ego centric ministry.  

To the point.

We talked about the Gospels and the Priest comment to me was that the Gospels are full of contradictions. Neither birth stories no resurrection accounts are eyewitness accounts and are muddled, but they still have good meaning for us.  He noted that if he did not have the desire for Jesus in the picture, he'd be a great Buddhist.  Sigh...

We talked about Genesis and evolution and the Priest agreed that the Adam and Eve story is mythological and not really the origin of human beings.  It was a comment that came with the idea that anyone should be able to understand that.  I got the feeling he'd not understand anyone taking it as literally true. The creation story is not really about science of course but it has some good lessons for us.  We didn't talk about what those might be.  It didn't matter if Genesis wasn't literally true, which it isn't and wasn't in his view as well and held my tongue when thinking of just how much the story being literally true did mean in the New Testament and later in the Church with the concept of Original Sin.  One can't be held as guilty because of the Fall of humans in the Garden if there was no garden and no man or woman actually "fell."  Sigh...

The Priest fully understood the rancour between Peter, James, John and Paul in the New Testament and that none of them agreed with each other much .  But again, there was good in it all.  Sigh...

When it came to Revelation, he noted  the Book of Revelation was never written for us.  It was written for them and the "soon" and "things that must shortly come to pass" was for THEM, not US.  Revelation is a strange book and not for us to get too concerned about today.  We both noted how many "preachers" make fools of themselves with false predictions.  Little did he know how hot a topic that was for me but he understood the actual place Revelation should have in the modern Church.  None.   Sigh...

He recommended a book or two that might help and as I looked through the one he took from his shelf , which he thought was just awesome and true, it was obvious the author was well versed in Buddhism and Buddhist thought as relating to the Gospels.  Sigh....

It was obvious he knew what most who take the time and have the theological inclination can come to see and understand about the Bible.  He made it very clear he understood it was a man originated book as there can be no other kind, and that it was certainly not written by any God literally.  Yet there were many good lessons in it if you skip the crazy parts which he noted as easily found.   Sigh...

All I can say  is that the experience was interesting with a touch of regret.  Of course the Episcopal Church is sacrament oriented. It has no interest in the strange and weird ideas of those like a Dave Pack.  It is not interested in Prophecy Coming Alive! It doesn't beg for money and expects to be around a very long time. I found a grave in the Church Yard going back to 1700's and it was filled with both Revolutionary and Civil War..oops, War of Northern Aggression soldiers.  It's just there for people of faith and provides a setting that serves that need.  I don't find the congregants particularly Bible literate.  They leave that to the Church. The members have lives apart from Church and yet the Church provides much in ways of social opportunities and excellent works in places like Haiti and the community, God forbid.  Having attended, it is orderly with not much room for straying from the Liturgy or Homily.  The Homily is short and to the point.  No Dave Pack or Ron Weinland, Bob Thiel or James Malm would get an inch in the Episcopal setting.  And this crowd would not be inclined to the personal views of a Dave Pack on everything from himself to what they should or should not eat.  With forty or fifty lawyers in the audience Dave would have to be a different kind of human being. 

I did have my doubts that all congregants would see or think of the Bible in the same way as the Priests do and he admitted to that being the case as well.  I once heard that the average well trained theologian is 50 years ahead of the congregation in what they understand about all things Bible and this is true. Very true. I'd say maybe 2000

I had met my Doppelganger...my ghost.  Maybe I was the ghost and he was the real thing.  I left with several emotions tugging at me.  I was a bit frustrated that we had such similar views but such different lives, though I always imagined myself in ministry from way back.  I went to Ambassador College really believing it was a Seminary if you can imagine that.  I was a kid and no one told me otherwise.  When I was at AC I would study at times at Fuller Theological Seminary and had an inkling that that might be a better place.  But with the world ending and Jesus coming soon, I stayed put.  Besides they ate pork and didn't keep the sabbath. I was a kid. It was not difficult to compare his relatively easy life of being kind and loving, generous and helpful to a very unique group of people with my own at this time.  I left having a chat with myself about it all just being a story.  He had his and I had mine.  But I had met myself in that office and it was an interesting experience and I left realizing what is uncommon knowing for the average congregant is common understanding when a man or woman is well trained in Biblical studies and can admit to the reality of it all. 

Just thought I'd share it...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

David C Pack Continues His Downward Spiral

With David C. Pack's recent abysmal prophetic failure on the "great"reunification of all the Churches of God under HIS leadership, he has been fairly quiet.  Expect of course in his sermons each week. 
Unless you have a family member or friend part of his cult you will not hear much about these sermons.  Members cannot record sermons and if a recording is played in church it must be destroyed or returned to Wadsworth immediately afterwards.  Because Pack says such weird and off the wall stuff, he has to cover his ass and not let his off-the-cuff remarks get disseminated to the heathen apostates or the world.  After getting burned and ridiculed for his "Clarion Call" sermon, Pack has been in cover up mode ever since.

There was a letter recently on Silenced from a person who has a friend in Dave's cult.  Dave is apparently sinking further down the rabbit hole with the following:

I asked my dear friend (the one drowning in the Pack church) how Pack is dealing with this issue of being a false prophet. Apparently Pack is now telling his sheeple that he misinterpreted the dates and that it will occur, but not right now. Nothing more, hang on and keep sending in your money, just more vagueries and BS as they move on to other topics. Recent topics in their “sermons” (Pre-recorded garbage broadcast on the web so no one can think for themselves) has been to try and dictate how and what people in the church eat and how they view food. More garbage about pork, most of which is an outright lie. Also in these sermon sillies are edicts about food and how it is bad if you are eating any food that you have not grown yourself.

Interesting timing that this is all being spewed forth just before Thanksgiving to further encourage the sheeple not to celebrate thanksgiving, or any other personal holiday, with their families. They are told that they should only associate with those in the church. Why do these people not recognize that the sole purpose in most of this spew is to alienate them from their families, friends and all others who are not “with the church”? Classic mind control techniques. Trust no one. Trust nothing. Only the special people can be trusted. Jeez. Astonishing that people can allow themselves to be controlled in this way.

I wish there were some way to talk sense into these people, but they are so completely brainwashed that they can not tolerate any common sense or find any truth for     themselves. 
Kevin then followed up with this comment about how Dave is telling church members to stay away from doctors.

I forgot to include one other tidbit; the recent sermons are also (yet again) reminding the chosen fools that they are not to use modern medicine under any circumstances unless it is a dire emergency. “Pray on it, and God will take care of you” is their suggestion. I suppose if the flock really adheres to this mandate there will be far fewer of them in the next few years since many are elderly and infirm.
Great will be the day when the vermin that run these splinter cults are gone.   Sadly, once these men are gone there will be another whack-job that will take their place and the sheeple will surrender themselves once again.