Friday, June 20, 2014

The Famine of the Word Is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rejoice and be glad!  The famine of the word is over! God's most highly favored prophet ever to live in human history is back.  He is back with a vengeance today with a list of prophecies that he claims has all come true.

Eric King is not like the failure that Herbert Armstrong was or that David C Pack currently is.  Gerald Flurry has nothing on this guy and cowers in Edmond with staggering embarrassment.  Why?

Because this is what King says about himself:

Eric W. King has been right not 99% of the time but 100%

People have been following our COGSR predictions for going on three years. Join us and learn the TRUTH. Below are more links to help you see that we are living in REALITY.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The GREATEST and MOST EDUCATED Man of the 20th Century

The Philadelphia Church of "God" is back with a whale of tale!

According to those delusional folk over in Edmond Oklahoma, Herbert Armstrong was the GREATEST and MOST educated man to ever live in the 20th century.

One of the greatest and most educated men of the 20th century was Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of three liberal arts colleges and president of the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation. During the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s, Mr. Armstrong traveled the world on public-speaking tours, speaking to and motivating thousands; he even had private audiences with kings, emperors and presidents of many nations!
HWA's "education" came from a public library when it comes to theology. Six months spent in a public library filled with late 19th century books does not make one highly educated in theology.  He also never went to college but did surround himself with other men he thought were "successful"

Surrounding ones self with other egotistical men to learn from is not an education in wisdom either.

Egotistical men do not allow themselves to be taught,because they already think they know all the answers.  That is why HWA created such division in the Church of God Seventh day when he broke off to start his own group.  They did not listen to his demands and he threw a hissy-fit, just like Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Rod Meredith, David Hulme, Dennis Luker and Bob Thiel did.

King James Was Not Loose In His Boots!!!!!

This made my day.  Well done!

Anonymous said..
How dare this site imply that King James was gay! The word didn't even mean that back in his times so how could he be "Gay"??? God would not choose a gay King to write down his own God breathed words and you should know better. And don't give me that "But God lives alone in heaven with no wife and with his single son" either! It's different in God's world. His relationships are not our relationships. And just because men have to marry Christ in the resurrection and women have to become sons of God is NO reason to go after Noble King James!!! Men marrying Jesus is not GAY! It's spiritual.

And NO. Just because Mary, as a 12 to 14 year old middle eastern girl was not married when God impregnated her, it is not FORNICATION either!!! God's thoughts are HIGHER than YOURS! And NO, it is not sex with a minor either!!!

And just because it says she was prego by the Holy Spirit who is a third person...just don't go there Mr. YOUR way SEEMS right to You, but you need to know where it is going to end.

God's ways are not YOUR ways Mr. Blogger and His thoughts are NOT YOUR thoughts!

King James was not Gay nor was he loose in the boots. He was God's chosen instrument to bring us all we need to know about relationships and proper living.

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