In my last post I had an article about a sermonette from Rod McNair reinforcing the rules of disfellowshiment that LCG uses against members and ministers. That post stirred up a strong reaction form many LCG members who lashed out that it was all a lie because LCG is the most unified COG in this dispensation. It is filled with more brotherly love than any other COG out there because it has true doctrine and government.
That facade is now crashing down around them. Various Elders and ministers of the LCG are under the microscope of Rod McNair and Bob League.
James Malm is reporting:
Malm is correct in the fact that Meredith, McNair and others have deliberately lied to members as they tried to present the facade of extreme unity. Any thinking person could have seen through that facade if they actually used their brains instead of swallowing every word from Charlotte as the gospel truth. Countless articles, letters, sermons, sermonnettes and messages of encouragement in the LCG News have repeatedly in the last year made comments about the importance of keeping unity in the church.Rod Meredith has now appointed an inquisition to cleanse LCG of any who are not in full agreement with everything he says. “I’ve asked Mr McNair and Mr League – they’ve been working as a team to get all the information on many of these things – and I’m working with them and other leaders … We’re trying to keep God’s church clean.” That is, they are now purging LCG, due to the extensive divisions in that organization, which until now Meredith has lied about.
Malm continues:
How swift with be the naysayers hopping on here denying that there is still no problem in the LCG with unity?Rod Meredith then lies in an effort to defame those who do not follow him as their idol. Roderick Meredith says, “We found that some of these people we’ve had to put out (of the church) … they often lie and lie, and they’ll twist and turn, and turn things around …” which is exactly what Rod does.
For some time there have been more than a dozen elders and a large number of brethren who have been very unhappy with changes in LCG teachings and with the heavy handed obey Rod or else, exalting Rod Meredith above the Word of God. It appears that Rod now knows who they are or he would not have announced the League/McNair team. It is easiest to gather such information in secret before announcing what is being done.
Meredith and others in the Living Church of God have a rich history of causing division and destroying unity. He went on numerous witch hunts while over Church Administration in Pasadena before he was exiled to Hawaii for insubordination. He caused another division when he turned his back on the Worldwide Church of God and started the apostate Global Church of God. Then after Raymond and Eve McNair came crawling to him on their knees with trembling lips begging his forgiveness he then took Global Church of God's money and started the Living Church of God. McNair and those few who remained in Global never recovered financially from Meredith's despicable act.
Hundreds and hundreds of destroyed lives have been left in Meredith's wake over the decades. When will these people ever wake up?