Tuesday, December 30, 2014

UCG's Scott Ashley's War On Christmas

Here is an excerpt of a post from an exCOG member and her take on Christmas.  This is from her blog:  It's a Mis-fit.  Her post is in response to UCG's Scott Ashley and his  asinine 10 points on why he doesn't keep Christmas.
Which brings me to the opposite end of the war on Christmas spectrum. As I mentioned in my last entry, I didn’t grow up keeping Christmas, so seeing the following article this afternoon brought up the memories of hearing these reasons to avoid the season at all cost. I get point #1 on that list. The commercialism of Christmas is ridiculous, but there are billions of Christmas celebrants who don’t go batshit insane over commercialism. Its mostly a USA phenomenon. So that point really doesn’t fly.

The second point tries to hammer home the fact that Christmas wasn’t mentioned in the Bible. Well neither was Thanksgiving, Mother’s day, or Memorial day, all three US holidays. Then they try to make the date of Jesus’ birth an issue. It’s common knowledge that no one knows the date, that’s not the point of honoring the event of his birth. One of their proofs, as if we can call the absolute ridiculousness of it proof, was that shepherds would not have had flocks in the field in December. 
There’s this assumption that Judean winters are hellish and too cold for any livestock with heavy wool coats to survive. I just looked up the weather for Tel Aviv. As I am typing this, its 3am there. The temperature is a frigid 54 degrees. Its actually colder in SC.

For those of you who are quite certain that Christmas is the epitome of evil, that those who celebrate the holiday with all its pagan debauchery and frivolous frolicing, and that God is going to make sure that we are punished for our wicked ways,  I wish you a happy and joyous Thursday. Let me also assure you that you have nothing to fear from a celebration season, nor are your neighbors, your family members doing so a danger from God whatsoever.

For all of us, whichever you fit on the Christmas spectrum, as well as those of you celebrating the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Eid, Kwanzaa, and any celebration I missed, I wish you Happy Holidays and/or a restful rest of the week

Feast of Tabernacles 2015: Head Coverings Required for Women While Men Don't Have to Wear Ties

Are you ready to attend the most perfect Feast of Tabernacles ever?  Are you ready to stop wearing your tie and for ladies to cover their hair?  Can you imagine bringing into a hotel your own food cooked in a hotel room because you don't want to make the hotel cook for you - even though they are already working to set your room up and clean up after you?

If so, then get ready to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with the Church of God's greatest Pharisee James Malm and a few of his acolytes.  Women are expected to cover their heads when entering the meeting room they are gathering in.  Since neckties are not mentioned in the Bible the lucky men don't have to wear ties if they don't want to .

Can you imagine what a week of hell this will be for any kids in attendance!

2015 Feast of Tabernacles 
We have booked meeting space at the Medford Oregon Convention Center, from evening Sep 29 through the evening of Oct 7, for the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of The Eighth Day.   

I would strongly advise attendees to arrive a day before to avoid any travel complications, and to have ample time to make preparations for the High Day. 

The Convention Centre has a swimming pool and work out room, and offers a breakfast included.  New this year, a Denny’s is also in the building.  There are also numerous good restaurants in Medford. 

The Centre is only about 150 feet from a large grocery store, similar to Wal-Mart which itself is only a few blocks away.  Rooms in the Centre are no smoking and have cable TV and small fridge’s. 

The meeting space is set up classroom style with tables and they will permit us to bring in food and drink for our Sabbath and High Days communal potluck meals.

Youths 17 and under stay free with parent. 
Our Feast will be very heavy on the spiritual. (Translated: the LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No Jesus and grace but TONS of LAW!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies will be expected to cover their glorious hair during services as per the biblical command.  1 Cor 11: Covering the Hair in Prayer  There is NOTHING in the Bible about wearing ties; so that will be optional.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Church of God Splinter Groups are the GRINCH that Stole Christmas

Overlords of the WCG splinter groups are the GRINCH that stole Christmas from children.  These self-appointed GRINCH type church controllers, have no concept of the damage they are doing to the innocent minds of countless children, who are victimized by foolish man-made religion (in the name
of God/Jesus Christ).

The names of every WCG splinter group church should be made public (along with their photos) on national television, in major news papers of the world and in every significant source of public information, so that the public can see the GRINCH in person.

WCG splinter group overlords have NO CONCERN for church members, but they do have concern for "WHATS IN YOUR WALLET?"  Indeed the motivation to take control over the minds and
thinking of church goers, has to do with $cash, and not because the salvation of the members is a concern.

Every WCG splinter group overlord makes the pretense that they represent God/Jesus Christ, which is as fraudulent as a four legged chicken.  Christmas is NOT the issue, as if by having a Christmas tree, church members will forfeit eternal life.  The real issue is FEAR-MONGERING to keep the naive and gullible members in the fold, so that the $cash flows to the pastors and overlords, and not for Christmas gifts.

God does not send down a lightening bolt from heaven upon people who have Christmas trees in their homes, and gifts for their children under the trees.  It is the WCG splinter group overlords who send out electric bolts of fear to their members, to instill compliance to their religious nonsense.

Van Robison