Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Elijah Passover Pack: It Is An IMPOSSIBILITY That ANOTHER Elijah Can Come After Me!

Since Elijah Passover Pack is the MAN, there can be no others to come after him  that can be Elijah.  It is an absolute impossibility.  Anyone who claims such a name is an imposter.

God does not just give truth to apostles; he gives to truth to his church through apostles. That's the way he does it, it's his chosen method of conveyance, if you will, of all doctrine, so I couldn't just hold it myself, I had to also teach it, and the chips have to fall where they may. And imagine knowing these things and not teaching it, well we could lose some people. I know there's some people who might get through the first three points, they'll knee jerk do hard they'll knock their own teeth out and they'll go running out of the hall to the dentist; I understand that, that's just the way some people are, they won't listen. I know our enemies, some who've left and others, AH they'll just play on emotion, "Claims he's Elijah!" No, they won't listen to a hundred and thirty points. The case is air tight – it's air tight. There's no possible way somebody else is gonna come along, and even if they did they'd just say the same things, and meet all these parallels. And that's assuming they'd even identify Moses. And then they'd have to start all over and do everything; it's impossible, there's nobody else coming.

Elijah Passover Pack: My Wife Is The Only Person In Female Form Who Is As Analytical As Me

Elijah Passover Pack's second wife is starting to sound like Loma Armstrong.  Through Loma, Herbert found the "truth."  Through Passover Dave's second wife, he has found the "truth."

Pretty soon she will be given divine significance in the plan of Passover Dave's ascendance to greatness.

...the woman I'm married to now, she's the only person I've ever met in female form who's as analytical as I am, and she'll sit hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours and hours with me going over prophecies, and never can get enough of it; drops the wash or whatever else, and we just sit down and go at it, and up comes the computers and all the different things. She thinks like I do and I would consider that someone I needed at this stage of my life in this role to even get to the understanding that I did.

Elijah Passover Dave: The Earth Will Be Destroyed By God If The Devil Is Allowed To Discredit Or Kill Me

Thanks to Passover Dave the earth will not be destroyed, even though Satan is really, really pissed at Passover Dave. Whew! What a relief!!!!!  Apparently Passover Dave's god will not even allow Passover Dave to be discredited!  Passover Dave is such a superfantabulous man of God that it is impossible for Satan to discredit him. If by chance the devil succeeds in discrediting Passover Dave then we are doomed to destruction.

Passover Dave sees himself as the most significant human to exist in history.  He has already left Jesus Christ in the dust.  Who needs Jesus Christ when Passover Dave's here!

123 – Just a few more points before some concluding points – it's come time to ask, why is Joshua and not Zerubbabel, or anyone else, shown as so hated by the devil in Zechariah 3 and verse 1? Why? Why Joshua? You ever wonder? Let's just, let's just stop; nowhere else in scripture do you see anyone so hated that the devil is shown right beside him. Is it just the Judah-Jerusalem-Jericho-Jesus connection, or is it something even bigger that causes the devil to want me dead above all human beings on earth? If Elijah's commission is stopped God said he would destroy the earth, brethren. Now, if you're uncomfortable with me holding that job, you couldn't be as much as I am; somebody has to hold it. And you better go looking for that man because the only alternative is break scripture because God says without him he would destroy and strike the earth with utter destruction.
If the devil can kill, or discredit, or block me using every means possible he can make God – put God in the position – to destroy this planet, the only place in the universe where there is life and God is reproducing himself.