Thursday, April 16, 2015

Rod Meredith's Deep Seated Racism Comes To The Surface Again

Rod Meredith is still wailing on about blacks rising up against whites in this country.  This has been one of his fear tactics for 60 some years. He has always referred to African-Americans as "Gentiles in our midst."  Since they are not from the chosen seed of the 12 tribes they cannot share in the glorious truth of British Israelism.  That doctrine is at the very core of the racist polices and teachings of the Living Church of God, United Church of God, Philadelphia Church of God and the Restored Church of God.

Living Church of God members will soon be cowering in fear of their black neighbors.  After they have slaughtered many of the white LCG members, demons will be unleashed to finish wreaking havoc.
We in God’s Church will soon be surrounded by situations where whites are killing blacks, blacks are killing whites, and almost no one truly loves and trusts people of other races or ethnic backgrounds. We will come to the place where increasing numbers of demons will be “set loose” and unleash truly powerful attitudes of hate and violence. Literally millions of people in Europe will become so deceived by Satan and his demons that they will literally “make war” against Christ Himself as He returns to this earth as King of kings! Remember, as I have explained a number of times, Revelation 17:12–14 makes this very clear. Those brainwashed young men in the coming army of the “Beast” will “make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful.” This very real “war” against God Himself—in the person of Jesus—will occur within the lifetimes of many of you! It will be a time like that described back in Genesis 6:5–10. Personal - Will You Walk With God?

The Sins of UCG, LCG, PCG and RCG

There is an ultra-conservative Armstrongist group on Yahoo Groups that only discusses HWA and church teachings prior to 1986.  Their god was only at work in HWA's life and the Church of God till he died.  No truth has come since then.  They tend to be appalled by everything happening in the COG today.  From women dressing like hookers to talking about football, the grievous sins abound in the various COG's. Heaven forbid if you dare to go out to lunch or dinner on a Saturday after church for a nice conversation.
These are some of the sins in the church today.
In addition to immodest feminine apparel, the following sins have been quite common in congregations I have attended through the years:
  • Talk about sports, celebrity gossip, or politicians instead of whatever topic the minister might have presented in his sermon.
  • Going out to eat at restaurants on the sabbath.
  • Multi-level sales drop offs, (everything from ladies cosmetics to nutritional supplements to precious metals and coins), recruitment, and the collection of email addresses or other contact information for further sales efforts.
Oh the humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Talking about sports on Saturdays!  What else can one do when he/she has just sit through 1.5 hours of the most incredibly BORING sermon ever preached expounding point after point?   If a minister can't deliver his message in 20-30 minutes then he needs to quit.  These bloviating windbags need to give it a rest!

Dave Pack Continues To Suffer One Humiliating Episode After Another

It been three months now since Dave Pack preached his weirdest sermon series ever. This is the series where he had 130 points on why he was the reincarnated/channeled Elijah.  At that time he also made another sermon that went into detail the miraculous "healings" that were supposedly are ONLY happening in his personality cult.

He was widely mocked by various web sites and church groups for his arrogance and extreme narcissism.

Dave felt his sermon was so magnificent that tense of thousands of Church of God members would leave their respective groups and come running to him - along with their money.

Dave continues to suffer one humiliating episode after another.  After two years of making boastful prophecies about three COG splinter group leaders would be killed by his god and that their members would come running over to the dark-side his side, nothing still has happened.  All three leaders are still alive, none of their members have left to join Dave.  None of their money made it into Dave's coffers.  With his membership holding at around 1,000 for contributing members, Dave's empire is on the verge of collapse.