Sunday, May 15, 2016

"We Found A Gold Mine"

Guest column:

For years, like many others, I had concluded that Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) had done well under Loma D. Armstrong's influence but then, after she died, HWA went off track.  This made sense as this period after Loma dies is when he began to purchase the real expensive planes and spend much of his time traveling in luxury.

However, after reading more of HWA's earlier writings and by re-visiting his autobiography, it became clear that the duplicity went much further back in time and that Loma was in on it too (at least passively). It was clear that even as early as 1947, that both of the Armstrong's were enjoying life at a standard of living far above the average church member.  Few members could have afforded a 7 bedroom, 4,169 sq-ft home on 0.4 acres adjacent to Cal Tech, nor could they have afforded a 6-week first class luxury tour of Europe.  Most still can't 
After realizing how HWA lived while simultaneously claiming one financial crisis after another (even while the income was growing at around 30% per year), comments that I had previously discounted about HWA being largely motivated by money began to make perfect sense. 

One example:

"Honey, I know how we're going to get rich"
Gene Scarbrough, who was an elder in YEHOVAH's Church for over forty years, was ordained in 1967, and came out to Pasadena, California, in that year to serve full-time in the ministry. He told me that years ago his daughter Peggy, spent some time visiting with Mrs. Loma D. Armstrong, who took a liking to her. While they were together one time, Mrs. Armstrong reminisced about how the Work and Church began. While reflecting on how the ministry of her husband Herbert and his eldest son, Richard David Armstrong, originally got started, Mrs. Armstrong told Peggy, "They got into it for the money!"

This type of candid statement would not be surprising if heard from the lips of an enemy of the Church. But, coming straight from the lips of Mrs. Loma D. Armstrong, it packs a wallop!

Another friend corroborates the above story in part. According to his information, Garner Ted Armstrong once told a teacher in the church at Big Sandy and a personal friend that when his father was in the aluminum siding business back in Oregon, he got a call from far away to make a bid on a job. Herbert jacked up the price because he didn't want the job, the location was so distant. To his surprise, the customer said, "When can you get started?" It turns out the customer was the minister of a Seventh Day Adventist Church, and had plenty of money from tithes and offerings. According to Ted Armstrong, upon returning home that evening, Herbert -- who all his life wanted to be considered successful in business and make lots of money -- told his wife, "Honey, I now know how we're going to get rich!"

The above comments may be found at the Hope of Israel site:

And just yesterday (5/14/16), from Art Mokarow...

"We found a gold mine!"
While speaking with Mr.Mokarow about how my views regarding HWA had changed after examining his earlier writings, and how I began to question if he had ever been sincere, Art shared the following, "Before GTA was even preaching, HWA had told Loma that 'We found a gold mine!'"

Saturday, May 14, 2016

LCG To Run "Training Camp" So Their Weak Men Can Be He-Men Again

With all of those pesky gays, effeminate liberals, and "graceite's" out there robbing the men of LCG of their masculinity, the church has finally decided to do something about it. They will be running a "training camp" for their men to become men again. We can be guaranteed that their standard bearer of masculinity will be Rod Meredith, Mr. Golden Gloves himself, a man's man. Sinless Rod.

Men will be trained to rule their households with rod's of iron.  Wives will need to submit and children tremble in their presence.  After all, authority is from the top down with women and children  are at the bottom of the heap.

If Jesus Christ is even mentioned at all during the entire "training camp", you can be guaranteed he will be pictured like this:

Northeast Men’s Training Camp 2016August 26-28​We live in a time of crisis for men. The role, identity and the very purpose for being a man is being called into question. How do we fight the demise of men... as a man? Here’s one way. Come and be part of this unique program this summer. Our spiritual “boot camp,” August 26-28, is specifically designed to build and strengthen men through eye-opening and interactive learning. We’ll learn what it takes to build bonds of brotherhood, serving God, our family and our brethren. It’s time to stand in the gap and take action against the tide of cultural correctness sweeping over our nation.

Wild Fires, Drought, Rain and the Gays...Just Another Day in LCGland

Its just another typical day in Charlotte with the Living Church of God. Horrible events and gays, two things that LCG can't start any article with without mentioning them both in the first sentence.
Greetings from Charlotte
World events today are sobering to behold: an out-of-control fire in western Canada destroying a town of 80,000 people, torrential rains and droughts plaguing various parts of Africa and Southeast Asia, armed struggles tearing apart countries in the Middle East, ambitious politicians promoting themselves and assailing their rivals—while America and other “nominally” Christian nations fight over issues of “gay” rights and who is allowed to use which public bathrooms. The world certainly needs the return of Jesus Christ to restore peace and sanity to this suffering and mixed-up planet. Here in Charlotte, Dr. Meredith has returned from a profitable trip to Houston and is busy writing a semi-annual letter that will go to more than 500,000 subscribers. Latest figures on the Spanish language YouTube channel, El Mundo de Mañana, show the channel now has more than 18,000 subscribers and more than four million visitors. The Days of Unleavened Bread have been a very profitable time for God’s people around the globe. Traveling speakers from Charlotte have returned with very positive reports from congregations they visited. Members of the Council of Elders will arrive this weekend for meetings that begin on Monday. Your prayers will be appreciated for these meetings.—DSW

Never fear though, LCG is here and has the truth to restore "peace and sanity" to the world.

Who really can believe LCG when it is filled with the most corrupt leadership imaginable? What truth does it have that the world needs when its headquarters is filled with nepotism, financial abuse and spiritual abuse?