Thursday, July 7, 2016

COG Group Needs Binoculars In Order To Please It's "god"

The Chief Pharisee of Canada has been busy lately trying to see when the new moon was to happen so he can toot a horn.  Because the law is more important than loving one's neighbor, it is vital that his followers still pretend to be Jewish and keep the miniscule letter of the law.

The lengths Malm and his few acolytes go to in order to be "righteous" is exhausting and totally unnecessary.

Dr. Roy Hoffman of the Israel New moon Society saw the new moon this evening.  He is a highly experienced and skilled observer and had to first find the very faint moon by binoculars, then once the moon was located he could see it with his naked eyes and did manage to get a faint picture.  He was the only searcher who did see the new moon.  
On the grounds that: 
1.  Only one person saw the first light of the new moon, even though he was able to take a faint picture [cameras not being available during the Temple period]
2.   and  that even he, a highly experienced expert, needed binoculars [binoculars were not available during the Temple period or before] to find the faint moon before he could see it by naked eye: 
I find that a new moon would NOT have been declared for this evening during Temple times.   
If anyone would like to comment on this please contact me at
 The new moon and first day of the fourth biblical month will therefore begin at sunset tomorrow evening ending Wednesday, and making all day Thursday the New Moon Day. 
When you read Malm's nonsense you can see why he finds Jesus so disturbing and cannot talk about him.  Can you imagine Malm ever discussing this:

Matthew 11:30The Message (MSG)28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Just sayin... Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter Is Child Abuse

Just sayin...  Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter Is Child Abuse

Convincing children creationism is true constitutes intellectual child abuse.
Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter is a Christian fundamentalist project based on discredited science and a literal interpretation of Genesis.
The The life-size version of Noah’s Ark is located in Williamstown, Ky., just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, and is designed to be an exercise in Christian propaganda: a deplorable attempt to deceive children and others by denying the scientific reality of biological evolution and promoting Christian mythology as scientific fact.
The 500-foot-long, $100 million ark opens to the public on Thursday.
Ark Encounter is dedicated to indoctrinating children with ridiculous and discredited claims from the dubious field of “creation science,” claims such as the earth is only 6,000-years-old, that human beings and dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time, and that the story of Noah’s Ark is true.

The truth is that there is no scientific controversy concerning evolution. The assumption that creationism, or intelligent design, constitutes a legitimate scientific alternative to the theory of evolution is simply false.
Simply put, creationism is not a legitimate scientific alternative to the theory of evolution. And preventing children from learning the truth about the world, like teaching children that creationism is an acceptable scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth, is a form of child abuse.
Bottom line: By teaching children creationism is a legitimate scientific theory that disproves the theory of evolution, Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter is engaged in a despicable form of intellectual child abuse.

The list of topics taught by the COG's that are totally erroneous and mistaken is probably endless. All Apostle types, That or Those Prophets, Joshua's, Zerubbabels, Those spoken of by the Prophet Haggai and all of their lesser minister types are poorly educated in the realities of science well done opting more for the dismissive and  anti-intellectual attitude of  calling anything they don't understand or that upsets their Bronze Age views as "Science Falsely So-Called."  

The ministry of the WCG was poorly trained in theology much less science and it is even more ignorant to this day because of merely trying to copy the past mistakes and ignorance to keep their perceived glory days going at least until the end of their unchanged in a moment and the twinkling of an eye lives.

One only need ask "what new things have I learned about the Bible, its origins, intent, politic and historical accuracy and presentation in the last 50 years" to see how backward their views still are. Jesus being the same yesterday, today and forever was the unfortunate cue for them to feel they needed to do the same intellectually.  And they have held their ground in their ignorance against all we as a species have learned about ourselves, our history and our origins very well.  They have to I suppose for once you get stuck in telling and loving "the Old Old Story" you are stuck indeed. 

 Dave Pack boasts that he learned the truth of , or mistaken truth, of evolution 50 years ago.  I was in that same "Genesis Flood" Bible class and I can tell you it was bogus and beyond stupid in my own hind sight.  We have learned more about evolution and Biblical issues and difficulties over the past 20 years than n the previous "6,000".  To even say such a thing as if it was a good thing is both arrogant and ignorant beyond measure.  

Have you ever heard the words or admission "We were mistaken" or "I was mistaken" from any of the leadership of the splits, splinters and slivers, like Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Rod Meredith?  Joe Tkach doesn't count either as he has gone on to adopt new and improved falsehoods in his reinvention of the wheel of theology.  One read or listen to any presentation of "The Surprising God" perspectives on all things God, Jesus and The Enigmatic Holy Spirit should convince you of what word salad means.  Maybe it's just me and my early life questions and problems with growing up in a Trinitarian Church before WCG.  as a kid.  I never liked that answer.  That always meant to me "we have no idea" but you are to stay put and have faith.  As I got older I learned faith is what one had before the facts eradicated it.

Very little of what LCG, PCG and RCG teach is actually true.  They are perpetuating ignorance in both theology and science to yet another generation of well meaning  but nonetheless  "just tell me what to believe" men, women and children who ultimately won't be served well by it all.

Recently in a rebuttal to the view that the Book of Revelation is a failed first century prophecy written only to the holders on during the Roman siege of Jerusalem back in the day, someone proved how modern and yet to be Revelation was because it spoke of armies of 200 million, which were impossible back in those days.  Of course the answer to that would be a good study in Biblical hyperbole and it's use but those kinds of concepts escape literalists.  The concept of Midrash in writing the New Testament story of Jesus and how it makes the Old Testament look like it so accurately predicts the New is also not a concept understood or even heard of by COG ministers much less members in their study of scripture.  

And science well done?  Well all we have to recall is "A Theory for the Birds" and "A Whale of a Tale" to understand just how little WCG and Ted Armstrong understood about evolution.  In Dave Pack's recent mistaken series on Evolution, Dave harkens back to those booklets and uses them just as they were used 50 years ago as well as many other now totally discredited "facts".  Sad and pathetic actually for a man who is touted as "very intelligent".  Ignorance posing as intelligence is merely being clever which is not the same as truthful and professional. 

In theology, the leadership and ministry have much of it wrong.  In science, they have just about all of it wrong.

Sometimes there is a way that seems right to a man because it is right.  Sometimes the wisdom of man is really wise and the foolishness of the gods or his representatives is really foolish. Sometimes man sees not as a god sees because the author who told us what the god saw was mistaken.  The science that is falsely so called is only  false to those who refuse to see the truth of it because it upsets the apple cart of their cherished beliefs though beliefs are not the same as what is actually true.

In science well done,  "If you can't show it,  you don't know it".  But in the theology of the COGs,  if you can't show it,  it's just a mystery and it would  be in your best interest to simply pray, pay, obey and stay put....which is intellectual abuse for both adults and children at its worse.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What's Your Favorite Stupid Church of God Story?

The following story was discussed on other group the other day and goes to show how SICK Armstrongism is with it's magical god and stupid stories.  What stupid story do you remember?

Anyone ever hear of the story which circulated about a situation at a feast site where a toilet was plugged up in the mens' restroom and several men were standing around, discussing how to unplug it? The story goes that this set of circumstances arose and some stranger stepped out from behind the group and reached down inside the toilet bowl and unclogged it with his hand. Then, he left the bathroom. Somebody tried to follow him, and when he stepped outside the restroom door, the stranger was totally vanished. So, the story got around that angel stepped in to save the day at the feast, and that other angels were among us, but we couldn't see them. Believe it or not, our congregational Super Hero actually performed a copy-cat act to this story! One sabbath not too long after that story first circulated, we had a clogged toilet in the ladies restroom at our local church meeting hall. When the ladies reported it to "Mr.Gung Ho," he had to replicate the angel in the story, and so he went in there and reached down and unclogged that toilet with his hand. He was the same Super Hero who studied Arabic so that when WCG fled to the place of safety, he'd be able to communicate with the locals in their native tongue and serve as a go-between between us and them.