Meredith writes in his latest member letter:
Back in the late 1940s and early 50s, I saw how Mr. Armstrong—on the radio and in person—described how Germany would rise again and become the leading nation of a coming European Empire. How the United States and Britain would be brought down from our pride and prestige if we did not deeply repent of breaking God’s laws. How we would soon begin to lose control of the vital “sea gates” which God has promised the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 22:17). Later, Mr. Armstrong predicted again and again that the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops, tanks and guns would be withdrawn from the eastern European nations and that the Berlin Wall would come crashing down! I tell you sincerely that all of these specific prophecies Mr. Armstrong proclaimed have come about or are in the process of coming about right now.Meredith says this after talking about the "sea gates" around the world:
Herbert W. Armstrong had the faith and the courage to “stand alone” and proclaim these powerful events in a way that no one else was able to do!Yep, faith and courage to talk about "a strong hand from someplace." He was too embarrassed to talk about his god and had to use coded language so he would not offend people. The main purpose of the creation of the Ambassador International Cultural Foundations was to give him an "in" in countries around the world that would not allow an American cult to otherwise enter. Of course bringing a blank checkbook with him to buy his way into countless countries helped a lot. Who needs the Bible when a checkbook and some Steuben Crystal do a great job in opening doors.
No one in the Church of God had the one on one contact with HWA that Meredith had, to so he claims. Even Dave Pack cannot compare. Because Meredith's track record is one of massive failures, he has to trot out HWA as a safety net.
In the early years of this Work, I had the opportunity to assist Mr. Armstrong for thousands of hours, to have hundreds of meals with him, and to get to know him as a “second father” as God used him to help build the Work of God. Now, at age 86, I am trying to carry on that Work with all my heart and with all my strength.He then has to attack Christianity:
Dear brethren and co-workers, are you personally “stirred to action” by the total collapse of nominal Christianity in our nations, and of the increasing downgrading of decency and human dignity in our present society under the sway of Satan the Devil? Are you, personally, willing to go “all out” to help build the final Work of God which will eventually SHAKE this world before His Son returns?I would think Meredith would have look into the mirror and caught a glimpse of the total collapse of the Church of God over the last 40 some years. Ever since the great Petra fiasco, the church has been shrilling down. The the Tkach empire dealt the deathblow to the church. The church ruptured into hundreds and hundreds of little personality cults all doing nothing. The church cannot even get along with its fellow brethren in other COG's so how in the world will it EVER shake the world?
He then ends with this:
Certainly, all of our lives will eventually come to an end. We will return to the dust. In the sight of God, what will be your legacy and your level of commitment to reach this world with His message at the time of the end? Let all of us do all we can with our time, our talents and our resources to help get Christ’s message to this terribly mixed-up world while we can!What will rod Meredith's legacy be? Being publicly rebuked by Herbert Armstrong? Being sued by Leona McNair? Being sued by the Scarborough's? For stealing all of Global's money, the bankrupting it? For forcing Raymond and Eve McNair to get on their knees in from of him begging forgiveness? For the Milwaukee church slaughter? For ripping apart hundred and hundreds of marriages? For his blatant nepotism? For encouraging Bob Thiel to believe he is some kind of a prophet?
Yep, that is some legacy to be proud of.