Friday, November 18, 2016

Gerald Weston: Now That Trump Has Been Elected We Have A Few More Years Left. WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Gerald Weston is back at doing what the Church of God is best at doing, constantly resetting the clock for the end times.   After 8 decades of one lie after another a person would think that they would learn to keep their mouths shut and just go about being "Christians" instead of speculating on end times malarky.  But no, they can't, even though every single day, month, year and decade they have to keep resetting their end time countdown clock.

Living Church of God, like most of the other COG's sighed a collective sigh of relief after Hillary Clinton massively lost the election.  Hillary was Satan personified in the eyes of many in the church, while Trump seems to be portrayed as the golden haired saviour.

Gerald acts like he and the Living Church of God are being constantly persecuted for their message.  They are not and never have been.

It appears from a policy perspective in light of the outcome that we may have a few more years of freedom to preach the Gospel. However, unforeseen events can change this picture overnight. It is going to be interesting to watch. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dave Pack: There is only one church in the Kingdom...mine

Woe be to anyone who is not a Restored Church God member and is in one of the splinter groups.  When Dave's "jesus" sets up his kingdom after converting all the Jews, Dave and crew will then be installed to rule the world.  There is no other COG that exists that is a valid at this point.  These slovenly laodiceans will be JERKED out of the church and Dave's kingdom.  Dave says so!
There will be only one organization. The wicked, therefore, because it is the kingdom of God, have to be removed…… because now you have wicked people mingled with others……Christ is not going to protect them. He’s not going to, in any way, exempt them. They’re part of the world. They’re going to be jerked out of the Church……

Dave Pack: I am called to study the Bible more than you

God's most superfantabulous Church of God leader to ever have lived on this earth in millions of years wants all of his flock to know that he is a hard worker and that he has to study the Bible more than anyone else.

I’m involved in…and I hope you would do the same yourself…in the most fascinating pursuit of my life. Again I will add, I hope yours. I am studying probably three to six hours a day, and of course trying to do other things. I’m not called and paid to, basically, just study all day. I’m supposed to probably study more than any of you, because of my role. I understand that…I’m sure you do, too…but there is so much to learn.
The Bible is different, though. You can read something, and the next chapter goes backward in time without telling you it did. You have to know it well enough to know that it did…and sometimes, you have to stop and realize…Wait a minute, now what just happened? Are we still in the same timeline?…because we serve a God who says He wrote His book here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept, so that people would go forward, fall backward, be broken, taken and snared, because He doesn’t want the world at large to understand His book—and they don’t even understand that. So everybody studies the Bible and thinks they do, and they get taken and snared by it, because it doesn’t read like other books. 
Dave is the only one who can fully understand the Bible.

Mr. Armstrong puzzled over things…The Bible can be a book of conundrums, enigmas, mysteries and prophetic Gordian knots—but it is coming amazingly clear……Surely the one who restores all things—Elijah—would restore proper and full understanding of restoring all things. Would he not? If it is not just the Church, then the one who restores all things ought to, at least, tell the Church what doing that means…Right? Particularly, if every one of you is involved in it in ways that are going to blow your mind before you put your head on a pillow tonight……