Doug Winnail's "sabbath" message this week is about forgiveness. The person who sent this to me said this was a way of silencing members into never critiquing the LCG leadership and the church. If you dare critique or question the leaders or the church then you have a bad attitude because you have never forgiven them for any wrongs they have committed. You are filled with bitterness which means you have allowed Satan to have control of you. When you have negative emotions and memories they are directly tied into "personal pride." Remember, REAL Christians forgive (them) though they rarely ever forgive you. You, on the other hand, are disfellowshipped and marked.
The Power of Forgiveness
One important key for working together in harmony with others is the willingness and the ability to forgive someone for real or perceived words or actions that hurt us—and that is exactly what Christians must learn to do. The Scriptures tell us that we have all sinned, but that we can be forgiven because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died for our sins (Romans 3:23-26; John 3:16). However, Jesus also taught that we must be ready and willing to forgive others who offend us—or God will not forgive us(Matthew 6:12-15). Forgiving others involves: not holding grudges or harboring bitterness against others, not seeking to get even, and not gossiping or saying negative or derogatory things about others who have made mistakes or hurt us in some way. This is not always easy, especially when memories, emotions and personal pride are involved, but that is what we are admonished to do if we want to be real Christians—because real Christians have learned to forgive. Forgiveness is a powerful tool that makes working together in harmony with others possible, productive and enjoyable!Have a profitable Sabbath,Douglas S. Winnail