Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dave Pack: RCG members to be telepathically told when they have escaped

Dave claims that Restored Church of God members around the world, and a few converted Church of God members who jump on board, will receive an instantaneous message from his 'god' that will let everyone know at the exact same moment that they have escaped.  His 'god' has to do this because Dave claims he does not use a cell phone or a computer, and therefore will not be able to tell everyone at the same time they have escaped.  Because many RCG members don't own computers or cell phones, and those who do don't check email regularly, they will not know when they have escaped.

Now just think about that.  If you had escaped some serious tribulation that was going on, don't you think you would know it and not need a secret message from Dave's god?  The more Dave speaks the more it is obvious the man has some serious brain malfunctions.

Here’s the question—how do we…you…I…know that everyone receives the same instruction on the same day, in the same way? How do we know that? How do we absolutely know that everybody escapes together? And the answer is, it happens at the 1,335—not the 1,336 or the 1,334, -3, -2 or -1, depending upon when you get the email, you see, or the voice message on your phone, if that’s what we think, because the Bible says “Blessed is he that waits [which means “happy” is he that waits], and comes to the [1,335]” (Dan. 12:12).
Everybody comes to the same date, you know, at the same time! You know, no matter where you are…what time zone. Presumably, you could be asleep or awake…depends on where you are in the world when it happens. But everybody is waiting for that date—not some other date. Get that in your head. We escape together, which absolutely destroys any idea that you’re going to hear it from me or from Headquarters or from your local minister. That’s out! It’s impossible. It’s logistically impossible—not improbable or difficult—it’s impossible, and that’s why we’re given Zechariah 3Zechariah 3 is not a one-off about Joshua and certain people in front of him. Think of it more as the cookie-cutter that is not only coming to you, but has to, because there’s no other way.
Think of it this way, it’s not a rolling happening that could take days, or a rolling period of waiting where some wait a little longer than others. It’s the event of a single day when we escape, and when you understand that, it just brings right up in your face…you’re confronted directly with…there is no way the Church, from Headquarters, even in this technologically amazing age, could guarantee that we could reach everybody and tell them “Congratulations! You escaped.” A lot of people don’t even have phones. Some don’t have emails, and what if they didn’t check it? How do you absolutely know that it’s certain, that it’s not fraudulent? And the answer is, you’re going to have to hear it directly from the only Being that can bring about your escape, and that’s why Zechariah 3 is there.
Now something else is kind of fascinating…And I hope that I made that clear. There is no way…Let’s imagine that at one minute after midnight…Before I go on, I’ll give you one more example…one minute after midnight, my time, or whatever is the best time for all, for all peoples of the world in their time zones to hear…I’ve now got 23 hours and 59 minutes, because it only comes to me, or it comes to all of those at Headquarters, which is kind of what we thought back in the Worldwide days…sort of that it would come from Headquarters. Now that’s not what the Bible says, but we were left to speculate.
We have 23 hours and 59 minutes—if God so generously apportioned us that time—to reach out as fast as we could to as many as we could. And you know and I know, there are people that don’t check their email; that don’t pick up, don’t check their voicemail. I don’t. I don’t use a cellphone or a computer. I would need to be told directly, okay? Maybe some others theorize they wouldn’t. But I would just like you to consider, you know, your minister…we might not even reach your minister and there went a whole congregation—“Well, we’ll pick you up in three-and-a-half-years. Sorry, you know, your minister didn’t get the email” or the phone call or whatever.

Does God Allow His ONLY True COG Leader To Teach Falsehoods?

Something to think about in regards to Bob Thiel's post on the Bilderberg Group.

Thiel's "correction" only makes matters worse. He is distancing himself from the "Hitler's grave" claim, but leaving alone the assertion of the Bilderberg meeting in Sierra City -- a claim almost equally bizarre and easily disproved.

Thiel teaches that God is working with ONE MAN, who just happens to be Bob Thiel.

Thiel is demonstrably teaching falsehood, such as the assertion of the Bilderberg meeting in Sierra City. Not only is he teaching falsehood; he is teaching falsehood that any reasonably competent researcher can disprove.

As such, we are left with one of three conclusions:

(1) Thiel is God's Man, in good standing, in which case God knowingly and deliberately teaches lies.

(2) Thiel is God's Man, but is rebelling against his God by teaching stupid falsehoods.

(3) Thiel is not God's Man; he's a narcissistic and deluded lunatic.

No one would follow a deliberately deceitful God, as to do so would be pointless and fruitless. No one would follow a man who was rebelling against God, lest we be caught up in his rebellion and suffer accordingly. No one would follow someone recognized as a narcissistic and deluded lunatic.  

Thus, with his handling of the fake Bilderberg meeting "news", Thiel has ensured that nobody in their right mind will be following him. June 1, 2017 at 1:21 PM
Bob's original post can be found here: Bilderberg meeting about to begin for 2017 SaveSaveSaveSave

This is the information Thiel still stands by:

The infamous Bilderberg meeting is about to start:
Sierra City, CA — The annual private meeting of North American and European elites known as the Bilderberg Group announced this week that they will be holding their annual conference at Herrington’s Sierra Pines Resort in June of 2017. According to chairman Henri de Castries, the site was chosen due to its remote location and convenient helicopter landing area directly across from the resort. 
“It makes, um, perfect sense to hold our annual meeting in Sierra City,” said Mr. Castries in broken English in a Scooper telephone interview. “It is the perfect place with trees and beautiful mountains. it’s also far away enough to confuse Alex Jones. And it’s also the final resting place of Adolf Hitler.” 
The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings, or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954.  According to some, the Bilderberg Group is the leadership committee for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King. To name a few. 
Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg conference is an annual meeting designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.The conference is a forum for informal discussions about major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor any other participant may be revealed. 
Thanks to the private nature of the conference, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no desired outcome, no minutes are taken and no report is written. Furthermore, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

UPDATED: God's ONLY True End Time Prophet Claims Bilderberg Group Will Be Meeting In California Next To Hitler's Grave

Bob Thiel, following in the footsteps of Herbert Armstrong

See UPDATE at bottom of post.

It is a fun day in Armstrongism!  It is not our usual COG idiot leader, Wade Cox, who consistently falls for fake news stories, but today it is God's most important prophet in this latter-day dispensation, who got conned big time.  A person would think that TRUE prophets would have an inside scoop with their god who would not let them fall for stupidity, or in this case "fake news", especially when they are doubly blessed!

This is not the first time that Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, Amos, Habakkuk, Mayan Authority, closet Catholic, prophet, apostle, future martyr, end time witless witness, Chief Overseer and the White Bwana to Africa, has fallen hook, line, and sinker for a most idiotic fake news story.

Elisha Thiel claims that the Bilderberg Group, those evil Illuminati demons, are meeting in Sierra City, CA for their latest conference in 2017 where they will plot to destroy civilization.  This has always been the other COG wet dream waiting to happen.

Amos Thiel writes (screen captured above for posterity):

The infamous Bilderberg meeting is about to start:
Sierra City, CA — The annual private meeting of North American and European elites known as the Bilderberg Group announced this week that they will be holding their annual conference at Herrington’s Sierra Pines Resort in June of 2017. According to chairman Henri de Castries, the site was chosen due to its remote location and convenient helicopter landing area directly across from the resort. 
“It makes, um, perfect sense to hold our annual meeting in Sierra City,” said Mr. Castries in broken English in a Scooper telephone interview. “It is the perfect place with trees and beautiful mountains. it’s also far away enough to confuse Alex Jones. And it’s also the final resting place of Adolf Hitler.”
Yes, you read that right!  Herbert Armstrong was correct in prophecying that Adolf Hitler did not die!  He moved to California where he died!  The Bilderberg Group wants to meet in Sierra City, CA because the meeting site reminds them of Germany and they will be close to Hitler's grave.

Can Prophet Thiel really be this STUPID???????????

Is he too dumb to fact check the article?

Can you imagine the elite of the Bilderberg Group staying in this motel?  Seriously!

I guess they will give up their elite comforts just so they can be near Hilter's grave:

Researchers: Hitler’s Grave Found Outside of Sierra City, CA

Sierra City, CA — After recent revelations that Hitler may have not committed suicide inside his Berlin bunker in April of 1945, a crack team of anthropologists and archaeologists from Brigham Young and Southern Methodist Universities set out to find Hitler’s grave. The team, fresh off its recent amazing discoveries in Nevada City, CA and Lake Tahoe, have been studying recently declassified FBI documents since the summer of 2014, when the Obama administration released the controversial documents to the public.
“We were just as shocked as everybody else when the President released these redacted documents,” said lead SMU anthropologist and group representative Henry “Hank” Starnes, PhD on the archaeological team that made the discovery. “It was clear from the initial documents that Hitler made his way from Tempelhof [airport] in Berlin to Spain where he got on a U-boat and headed for Argentina. That’s the low hanging fruit of this investigation. It’s what happened after he arrived in Argentina where it gets curious.” 
The Starnes team have claimed to have uncovered a grave just outside the small, quaint town of Sierra City, CA along the shores of Sardine Lake. According to Dr. Starnes, Hitler kept his “summer retreat” at a cabin alongside the popular tourist destination. And like the Rocky Mountains of Glacier National Park, the Sierra Buttes reminded him of the Bavarian Alps in the summer time.
“You wouldn’t believe the amount of trouble we got in trying to research this,” said Dr. Smithson smirking at Professor Starnes. “I mean, no one would talk to us. Not in Sierra City nor up around the lakes. Every time we’d start asking questions, people would either just laugh at us or get very irritated with us. Especially some of the old timers who told us on several occasions to ‘get lost and mind our own business.’ So after a while, I was ready to give up on Sierra County. That is until Hank talked to Joe Kruger at Salmon lake. That changed everything.”  See the full story here.
Dear Elisha Bob, the Sierra Scooper is a satire site.  Yes, false prophet Bob, SATIRE!  ROTFLMAO!
A FAKE NEWS site.  FAKE!  Rather well done though, but still fake, just as you are!

Also, Elijah Bob, if you had checked your news sources, which you RARELY do, you would have seen that the Bilderberg Group is meeting in Chantilly, VA  June 1-4, 2017.

Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, Bilderberg has been an annual forum for informal discussions, designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the meeting. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields. The meeting is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed. Thanks to the private nature of the meeting, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights. There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.
The 2017 Bilderberg Meeting takes place from 1 - 4 June in Chantilly VA, USA. A press release including the list of topics and participants can be found here.

Dear Bob Thiel, thanks for making a total ass of yourself once again!  This just goes to show us all that being doubly-blessed doesn't mean shit when it comes to you!

UPDATE:  Elisha, Amos, Vandenberg "vet", Thiel has added the following to his original posting

(Note: By posting the above I was NOT trying to make any claims about Adolf Hitler’s burial.)  In the past this group showed a preference for Hillary Clinton and against policies of now US President Donald Trump.
You will also note that he left posted the ENTIRE original quote from the  Sierra Scooper, a SATIRE site,  that is filled with one erroneous satirical comment after another.   The totally FAKE article is his basis for a tirade about the Bilderbergs, end time prophecy, the Beast and loads of other useless bullshit.   Is he that stupid that he does not understand the problem with basing his entire article on a FAKE news story?

As Byker Bob reminds us in a comment below, it is STUPID things like this that remind us all how simple minded church leaders are, and how we were when we bought into this useless nonsense.  No one in their right mind sits around and contemplates the useless and idiotic topics that Almost-arrested Thiel salivates over daily, particularly those living in Africa!  The only people who do this are American religiously haunted privileged white people usually tied into aberrant religious movements.
"Actually, it's quite good to have continuing examples of stupid or simple minded thinking around (Heh! People think they are warning us with this stuff) just to remind us of how we used to think before we received and processed better information."