Monday, June 19, 2017

COG False Prophet Twists World Refugee Day Into An Attack Against Other COG's And Christians

Syrian refugee camp

It has always fascinated me as to how COG leaders can take everything that happens in the world and twist it into something completely out of context and then use it as a weapon to smear other COG members and Christians in general.  99% of the time these theological buffoons have self-appointed themselves to their positions.

Our favorite deluded false prophet and godless wonder-kid has posted about World Refugee day that draws attention to the millions of people currently refugees from their own countries and home because of war, famines, and despotic leaders.
In marking World Refugee Day Saturday (2015), the United Nations refugee agency [UNHCR] said a record number of people, 59.5 million people compared to the 51.2 million from the previous year, have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. 
“We are witnessing a paradigm change, an unchecked slide into an era in which the scale of global forced displacement as well as the response required in now clearly dwarfing anything seen before,” U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said of the new report. 
The U.N. said one in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced or seeking asylum.
So how can this be twisted into something used as a weapon to smear other COG members and Christians?

This is how Almost-arrested Elisha, Elijah, Amos, Habakkuk, Bob Thiel does it:
However, before then, there will come another time when all real Christians will be subject to intense persecution.
But this will come in stages. First, mainly the faithful Philadelphia Christians will be affected: 
Of course, the only "real" Christians out there are those poor deluded fools in his personality cult.
25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. (Daniel 7:25a)
33 And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. 34 Now when they fall, they shall be aided with a little help; but many shall join with them by intrigue. 35 And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time. (Dan 11:33-35)
13 Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. (Rev 12:13)

The Philadelphia Christians who survive will then be protected:
The Philadelphia Christians flee to become refugees in a place in the wilderness: 
Some believe that this place in the wilderness will be in or near Petra in Jordan 
Prophecy scholars tend to recognize that the expression “time and times and half a time” equates to 3 1/2 years. The fleeing to the wilderness happens just after the Philadelphians have successfully preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14) and just prior to the start of the Great Tribulation(Matthew 24:15-21). 
For some reason, apostate Thiel thinks he is doing a "work" that is preaching the gospel to the world. NO witness is being done in the United States.  World leaders know nothing about the self-appointed buffoon.  No global reaching work in happening.  Nada...just crooked bookcases, 1980's curtains, thumping bibles, nonsensical sermons on scores of subjects that never discuss Jesus, grace, justification, or mercy.

He next writes this:
Jesus said to watch and pray to be accounted worthy to escape, indicating that not all Christians would be accounted worthy:
One guess as to who the worthy Philadelphia Christians are.  It is not anyone in Living Church of God or Restored Church of God or Philadelphia Church of God and most certainly would not be anyone in Grace Communion International!  Only those in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God are true Philadelphians.  

As if any of his followers in Africa care about this church era malarkey.   

According to the lying fool, no one in the other COG's has any chance because none of them are Philadelphians.
So, what about the rest of the Christians in those days?
The Bible shows that they will be subject to death and persecution:
17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:17)
25…Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time. (Daniel 7:25b) 
While he and the rest of his little flock are in Petra, the rest of the COG's will be suffering intense persecution because they refused to "gather together" with apostate Bob and crew.
So, this second period of persecution for those who do not flee to the wilderness lasts 3 1/2 years as well. Those subject to the persecution from the Beast power are mainly Laodicean, Sardisian, and Thyatiran Christians (though some of the Thyatiran remnant may be protected per Revelation 2:22-24). Those Christians would be those that failed to heed various parts of the Bible as they should and will ignore the warnings in Zephaniah 2:1-3 to gather together prior to the time to flee.
The apostate one has said over and other that those in the other COG's have the wrong view on prophecy and understanding.  Therefore they will not know when the time to flee happens.  Only apostate Bob knows this.  All of the other COG's will not be ready and will certainly have not joined forces with Bob.  This has been a bitter pill for Thiel to swallow, just as it has been for Dave Pack. Everyone in the other COG's know these men to be false prophets and liars.

While we Christians go through our day to day lives, the Bible is clear that those who live long enough are going to be subject to intense persecution and becoming refugees.
Apostate Bob is suffering intense persecution now, or so he claims, and it is only going to get worse. 

So if you do consider the plight of the millions of refugees on the Earth, you may also consider that if you are truly a Christian, that you will be subject to intense persecution and even being a refugee yourself.
Won't you join apostates Thiel as a refugee in Petra?  Doesn't that sound fun?  Just imagine 3 1/3 years listening to him pontificate as his whiny voice wafts around the valley sides.  That would be the ultimate persecution!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Dave Pack and the Stork Women

Beware the Stork Women!

But we need to appreciate, once you understand where the land of Shinar is, all of a sudden you understand the ephah is shooting from the Vatican to Jerusalem—not from some unknown place to the Vatican. You have to clarify that. Then all of a sudden…Ahhh, his resemblance through all the earth…I get it. This is “Christ” coming on the Mount the Mount of Olives. The whole world has to see it, or obvious scriptures in the gospels are just slaughtered. And he has to sail through the air, meaning, he comes down on the Mount in a visible way that…Ahh, that, and it happens fast—the wind is in their wings. Tuesday, the world is a normal place. Wednesday—BOOM—we escape, fire explodes into the cab and drops on the whole world, and this guy drops in on Jerusalem…to put it mildly. So there’s a lot here, and it’s a grander story as to why, of course, this temple will be built for another man and then ultimately destroyed.
So, the stork-women, if you will, are first seen flying at high speed before lifting up the ephah to bear it. Now that’s interesting. They may be visible in some way, to those of us watching, before they start on this high-speed move to Jerusalem. We’ll have to see. Or that may be over reading it. If you are there in Zechariah, you can clearly see that they just come forth. In verse 9
“Then [I lifted] up my eyes, and looked, and behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings…they had wings like the wings…and they lifted up the ephah” (Zech. 5:9). Now, if it’s literally the way it’s written there, then maybe we see them, or we know of them, a little bit before we know who this man is. But it’s not in any way that ruptures, or fights the principle of…of the snare, because it still has to snare the whole world in a single day.
The devil has the ability…Let me just throw in an interesting thing here…has an extraordinary capability, has the ability to cast apparitions and do all kinds of trickery and gimmicks and devices. His wiles and his depths are just almost unlimited. It’s no trick for the devil to be able to pull off a trick. It’s barely a trick to him…Let me put it that way…for the whole world to see this happen. He comes with all of his power—all of this deceptive and destructive capability—and his ability to purport fraud on people who are eager to be frauded.

All Foods Are Clean - Debunking Samuel Bacchiocchi

When I first came to Pasadena, the college bookstore was selling Samuel Bacchiocchi's, Sabbath to Sunday book.  Certain ministers in Pasadena were enthralled by the book, a book by a man who was part of a crazy cult that placed Ellen G White into the same position that COG members had placed HWA - God's only true messenger of the end times and one step below God.  The WCG also loved this book because Bacchiocchi had been granted permission to study at the Pontifical Gregorian University at the Vatican where he claimed to have "proven" that the Sabbath had been changed by the Catholics.  This sent certain leaders of the Worldwide Church of God into ecstasy to have "proof" those evil Catholics had changed the Sabbath and therefore HWA was right, never mind the fact that the SDA's are just as theologically bankrupt as the WCG was.

Later as the WCG started its devolution into debunking the requirement for keeping Sabbath on a specific day of the week, those still tied into HWA's  teachings latched back on to Bacchiocchi's books and actively sought him out to put a dent in the WCG changes.  Books and articles flew around Pasadena trying to stop people from accepting the changes.  He also came out at the time with a book telling women in the SDA church they should not be wearing jewelry, wedding rings or dressing fashionably.  Certain legalists in the WCG jumped on that bandwagon too.

Many critics over the years have debunked Bacchiocchi's writings, and now a new book has taken Bacchiocchi's SDA tainted research on the Sabbath to task and the issue of food laws for New Covenant Christians.

This is an excellent work on the age-old issue of Sabbath observance by Christians. The writer, a young scholar in the making, ably challenges the Seventh-day Adventist church’s position on and arguments for weekly Sabbath observance as a requirement for Christians today. Through careful exegesis of primary scriptural texts bearing on the Sabbath question, as well as explicit considerations and applications of the principles of biblical hermeneutics, the writer presents a thorough and convincing case against mandatory observance of the weekly Sabbath, establishing that for Christians, Old Testament feast days and festivals (which included the weekly Sabbath), as shadows pointing to Christ, met their consummation in Jesus Christ, and consequently have no claims on Christians who are children of the New Covenant presented in the New Testament. 
While the work extensively interrogates long held scholarly arguments in support of weekly Sabbath observance, and explores in detail the peculiar family of doctrinal teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist church on the Sabbath, both the scholar and the lay individual will find the work refreshing, insightful, and provocative. The work is heavily referenced and the writer evinces a comprehensive grasp of the material on both sides of the argument. Every Sabbath keeper (and every Adventist in particular) should read this book and critically assess its evidential worth. Of course, any Christian who so chooses, may without condemnation, observe the weekly Sabbath; but in doing this, the individual should know that he/she has no special mission from God to evangelize other Christians to keep the Sabbath. Importantly all Sabbath keepers must realize that keeping the weekly Sabbath does not make them especial in God’s eyes, nor does it secure for them God’s unmerited grace, through which He has reconciled us unto Himself. The interested student should eventually come to appreciate that the believer’s true rest does not consist in the ceremonial observance of special days, but is instead found in the glorious Person of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who Himself gives us life more abundantly. 
In respect of the issue of dietary proscriptions for the Christian, the writer sets forth a very strong case for liberty in dietary choices based on the clear teachings of New Testament Scripture. Thus for the Christian, there is no food which is essentially unclean, and those believers who embrace vegetarianism, do so against any injunction expressed in Sacred Scripture. It is therefore potentially spiritually dangerous for any church or Christian leader to marry diet to the experience and final realization of salvation, as Ellen G. White, SDA prophetess, has done in her doctrinal and prophetic pronouncements.”—Andre R. Hill (Ed. D, M.S., M.C.C.Psy., PGD Psy., M.Th. (Prospective), BA.).