Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why has the COG culture deemed "personal calling" illegitimate?

The church has for decades sent out a mixed message when it comes to the members putting their talents to use.  On one hand, we were encouraged to use our talents to the best of our abilities.  These talents were "God given" and were to be nourished, but on the other hand, the church regularly beat down and diminished many members talents, deeming them unworthy because they just "might" interfere with the directives of the ministry.  In no manner were members to ever interfere in matters relating to theology.  God forbid if you were a nurse or doctor!  You might be needed to take care of someone on the Sabbath.  Be a Policeman?  No way!  Fireman?  Nope!  You just might need to be called in on Friday night or Saturday and that CANNOT happen. Being a Good Samaritan on the Sabbath is forbidden!

Wired into WCG culture was a notion that individual initiative on anything that actually mattered, such as with social or creative consequences, was not to be done outside the control of a top-down hierarchy. Even something as innocuous as a member organizing a book discussion group or an Amnesty International letter-writing group was unthinkable. A person feeling an internal calling to become a teacher or counselor or clergy to others, no matter how good and pure their intentions might be (to help people), would also be regarded as a threat by the hierarchy unless the hierarchy wanted to invite them. Was this why the concept of listening inside for one's "personal calling" was deemed illegitimate?            

How Will We Remember Bob Thiel and James Malm When They Die?

Yesterday I posted a brief story about the death of William Dankenbring, a former Worldwide Church of God member, writer, and minister.  I deliberately did not make any comments about his track record of public pronouncements, predictions or esoteric beliefs.  That should not be the point of announcing the death of people who have historical ties to the Church of God movement, and of whom many of us know.  

Not so with Almost arrested and jailed Bob Thiel and Chief Pharisaical Zealot James Malm.  Both of these false prophets let the spittle fly right off the bat with righteous indignation.

Zealot Malm writes:

29 Aug:  Self proclaimed COG prophet William Dankenbring  died today from congestive heart failure and renal failure, he had been living in Omak, Washington. 
False prophet William Dankenbring had numerous prophetic failures and many obviously false doctrines, which were as unscriptural and as utterly fantastic as Dave Pack’s or Ron Weinland’s.   He left the WCG to form Triumph Ministries, establishing himself as a sacred names enthusiast.   Most COG folks saw through him but he did have a small following.

Elijah and Second Witless Witness Bob Thiel  was even more brutal:

William Dankenbring was a prolific, though often inaccurate, writer. He used to write for the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God until he left and went out on his own. 
Although I heard about him originally in the 1970s, my first encounter with William Dankenbring was about 25 year ago. I wrote to him then objecting to some of his writings and asking to be taken off of his mailing list–a mailing list I had never asked to be on. Well, he was not pleased and wrote a tirade against that which he published. All my encounters with him over the years were negative. 
William Dankenbring made many false predictions over the years that I have denounced. He was always in error and time proved that.
But perhaps the most egregious negative experience I had with him was when I informed him that a written source he claimed proved at 15th, and not 14th of Nisan, Passover did not say what he claimed it did. He refused to even look at the actual proof when I offered it.
He, like many, had an opinion, and did not want to believe facts that did not support that opinion. 
Here we have two certified liars and false prophets, who currently preach unscriptural baloney, proclaiming another fellow COG leader a false prophet and a liar.  Talk about total hypocrisy!  Thiel and Malm have both lied and made false prophecies and predictions.  They both teach heretical crap that has no relevance to a new covenant Christian.  Both continue to bow at the altar of Moses while ignoring and diminishing that so inconvenient dude, Jesus.  Whoring themselves out to the law apparently is not an issue for them.  Nor, is looking inward at their own warped sense of reasoning.

How people respond to the death of these two will be interesting to see.  It remains to be seen if they will continue to lie and set wrong dates, and then back peddle and lie again, as they already have been doing, and as Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry do. I can guarantee though that when Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack die there will be no mercy leveled at their death announcements.  Perverse men like these do not deserve the honor.

UCG Member Just Thankful To Be Able To Sweep Doorsteps IF and IF God Lets Her Into The Kingdom

Did you know that the life story of Herbert Armstrong is comparable to Jesus' story or that of the original apostles? Herb was betrayed by many loyal men over the years just like Jesus was.

Even worse though is the idea that the person has been brought up and taught by UCG ministers that as a woman in the church she was unworthy and that "god" just might possibly let her into the kingdom if she fulfilled all the commands of the church.  Works always trump mercy when law reigns supreme. Armstrongism has always taught that none of us were ever qualified to make it.  We could never do enough, do what was right, or ever please God.  Herbert Armstrong's coworker/member letters always brought this point out.

Here is what a UCG member said on Facebook:

I'm just hoping I can sweep a door step somewhere in the Kingdom.. As long as I get there.. I don't know what UCG church you went to but it wasn't the same one I know. As far as HWA is concerned, I never met the man but I have listened to hundreds of stories over the years about him and his teachings.. His mistakes.. His sins.. His great accomplishments.. His betrayals at the hands of those closest to him... His story sounds fairly similar to most every man on this earth.. Even some from a group of 12 many years ago. Was he.. I don't know.. Only God does.