Friday, September 29, 2017

LCG: "These are truly momentous times." Momentous News Out Of Canada

I can see Canada from here!

Living Church of God never fails to find all that is wrong in the world.  Beauty and wonder are never part of their equation.  Nothing is more satisfying than a good disaster to keep the sheep in line. Hurricanes, earthquakes and Rocket Man Kim pale in comparison with the amazing news out of Canada.  It is truly momentous! God is powerful!

Greetings from Charlotte,
The Fall (Spring in the Southern hemisphere) Festival season is here. Many members and ministers will be traveling in the coming days to various Festival sites. Slow news days seem to be a thing of the past. As I write, another massive category 5 hurricane is taking aim at Puerto Rico after battering the Islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe. Some islands that will be affected are still trying to recover from Hurricane Irma. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocked Mexico City and it is still too early to know how much damage has occurred or lives have been lost. President Donald Trump warned world leaders at the United Nations that “Rocket Man [Kim Jong Un] is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime,” and threatened to totally destroy North Korea if it continues on its current course. Here in Charlotte, we reviewed a telecast by Mr. Ames. A number of productive meetings were held regarding future manpower and how to streamline parts of the Work. Mr. Stuart Wachowicz gave a Tomorrow’s World Presentation in Yorkton, Saskatchewan Canada with 13 guests in attendance.  These are truly momentous times.  Please remember those in harm’s way from hurricanes and earthquakes and that God will protect each of our Festival sites.—Gerald Weston

Former PCG Member Almost Financially Free After Leaving Church

The Great Church of God Lie

For most people who exit the Church of God one of the biggest blessings is not having to tithe on your income to debased false prophets.  Having 30-40% of your income going into the pockets of these spiritual manipulators is financially draining and has ruined many church members lives.

Here is a Philadelphia Church of God member who is almost debt free after leaving the PCG.

Almost Financially Free After Exiting PCG:
September 22, 2017
Ever since I left PCG I am much better off financially. They would say pay your 1st, 2nd and every 3rd year your 3rd tithe and of course the tithe of the tithe before FOT. I was always struggling for money and the "church" was like, well, if you are struggling you are not obeying the tithing law and need to do more. I was at one point considering bankruptcy until I finally left. Now, I am doing much better financially. I have paid down a substantial amount of debt and actually have money in my bank account, unlike when I had to send my tithe money and barely had 2 cents left in the bank. I am getting financially debt free and if I was still paying all those tithes I would likely still be struggling all the time. I could never afford a to buy a home and always rented in part because the PCG seem to frown upon people buying houses due to the "end of days" and all and money should be put towards God's Work and not physical things. Now, I actually believe in a few short months I will be able to buy a home. --Former PCG member  Letters from those impacted by PCG

Thursday, September 28, 2017

See Glynn Washington Live!

Here is your chance to see Glynn Washington live during his Snap Judgement tour.  Glynn is a former  Worldwide Church of God member who shares stories about what life was like growing up in the church.

Tampa newspapers are playing up the angle of his return as a young man compared to the time he was there for the Feast of Tabernacles:

Glynn Washington is the host, creator, and executive producer of the public radio show, Snap Judgement. BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer Glynn Washington’s last visit to Tampa was more than 30 years ago, as a young member of an eccentric religious cult. Then known as the Worldwide Church of God, the Christian group…  Florida Sentinal 

Snap Judgement

"Many NPR hosts come from NPR-ish families. Not Washington. “I grew up in a cult,” he told me. His parents were members of the Worldwide Church of God, a sect founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, an apocalyptic radio evangelist based in Pasadena. Washington got out—a story he tells with an escapee’s pride—and went on to the University of Michigan and its law school. He studied in Japan, then worked for the State Department, then ended up directing a program at the University of California at Berkeley. Some of the best Snap Judgment segments are drawn from his own life, and you get the feeling he could carry several episodes a year by himself.

“Losing My Religion,” a 2012 episode, features five stories. Two are Washington’s own (including the tale of an interracial teen romance that incurred his preacher’s wrath); one is the story of an ex-nun; another recounts a road trip the author Ingrid Ricks took with her dad; and the fifth is a profile of the South African peace activist Robert V. Taylor, who found that his religion conflicted with his homosexuality. Behind the stories are hundreds of separate sound clips, from a suitcase zipper to a police siren to a girl’s nighttime prayers. Not to mention dozens of musical excerpts: De La Soul, Willie Nelson, Aarktica."  NPR's Great Black Hope