For decades now we have seen one prophet after another rise up in the Church of God spouting their "inspired" interpretations of scripture and their dates of Christ's return. Every single time they set a date, Jesus plays a game with them and delays his coming. I can see Jesus sitting on his throne with a reset button at his right hand; hitting it whenever a COG prophet runs off at the mouth.
The official Pharisee of the Church of God, who spends every waking hour bastardizing the law to support his legalistic rants, is back again letting us know that Christ will be returning in 2022. But that " only a general, vague, ballpark date, and is not a set in stone firm precise date" even though it WILL be 2022.
All of these buffoons in the church spout this nonsense every year and every year they end up looking like blithering idiots.
The Pharisee James Malm writes:
The Daniel 8 study on the 2,300 Day prophecy reveals that Messiah the Christ would come to cleanse the sanctuary and build the Ezekiel Temple 2,300 years [at a day for a year] after the empire of Alexander was divided into four parts. That happened in approximately 280 B.C. and counting forward 2,300 years brings the coming of Christ in early 2022.
The problem with this date is the word “approximately,” because in fact pin pointing the precise date that Alexanders empire was divided into four parts is impossible and with the start of the count not precisely known, any count could be in error by a year or more. Therefore the coming of Christ in early 2022 is only a general, vague, ball park date, and is not a set in stone firm precise date. it is an approximation only.
He then proceeds to do everything he can to "prove" his calculations are correct:
We must now look for confirmation of the Daniel 8 2300 day prophecy in holy scripture and we find it in the Ezekiel 4 – 5 forty year prophecy.
God reveals to Ezekiel that in the latter days he would protect the Jewish state for forty years before giving her over to severe correction. we all know that independence came in 1948 which is much longer than forty years ago so what does this forty years of protection mean?
In October 1978 a peace treaty was agreed between Egypt and the Jewish state with the United States [the Anglo Saxon peoples of America being one of the ten tribes of Israel] guaranteeing the security of the modern Jewish state against all enemies.
The treaty was actually signed on 26 March 1979, and became effective January 1980. IF this peace treaty is what is meant by the 40 year prophecy, then the tribulation could begin in either late 2018, 2019 or 2020 depending on the date used; either the agreement, or the signing date or the effective date.
Daniel 9 tells us that this tribulation or Time of Jacob’s trouble will last for 42 months; if we add forty years plus 42 months for the tribulation to the peace treaty between the Jewish state and Egypt we arrive at 2022, 2023 or 2024 for the coming of Christ.
2022, 2023, 2024......1971, 1972, 1975, 1978, lie after another!
The Pharisee ends his article with this:
The US and the Anglo Saxon nations based on the US Dollar will quickly fall into economic collapse and escalating cascading catastrophes over the next 42 months (Dan 12:7) until they have been humbled and are ready to accept the King of kings when he comes.
We must be very careful not to get carried away when this war comes, because a peace deal still has to be made and ratified which might be very quick or it might take many more months.
As always be vigilant and also be careful to wait for all the signs.
- When a Mideast peace deal is being finalized,
- When this man of sin is set up and doing miracles in the Vatican,
- When he calls for a New Order in Europe and
- Then schedules his trip to Jerusalem and
- God’s two are set up after the abomination is set up;
When these key signs are fulfilled, we can know that the tribulation is imminent. While we wait, it is extremely important that we prepare by seriously studying doctrine of Holy Scripture and by turning away from idolizing men and corporate organizations to live by every Word of God; in the hope of being chosen for the resurrection/change.
Studying doctrine, worshipping the law, making stupid speculations, etc. the modus operandi of COG false prophets.
There is never any mention of resting in Christ which results in not having to worry about this useless crap. They only part Jesus plays in these idiotic scenarios is that he is coming back really, really pissed and is going to slaughter most of humankind because, well...he's pissed! Pharisee Malm says so!