Then, Flurry's alcoholic damaged mind went into overdrive and declared that his god had revealed to him that he was the rightful owner of the Stone of Scone which is now located in Scotland. He also made the declaration that he and his cult would soon be digging up Hill Tara in Ireland, where they would uncover the Ark of the Covenant that Jeremiah and his daughters buried while on a shopping trip there thousands of years ago.
In order to be closer to each of these two locations, the PCG sought to buy the old Bricket Wood campus. When they failed miserably to do so, the ended up buying Edstone where they started a British branch of its cult college. In order to finance that and to give Stephen Flurry a new home, they sold the Jerusalem office building and moved everything to Edstone.
Now, as the end times are immanently dawning over the horizon, Flurry deems it necessary to establish another office in Jerusalem.
Now that Flurry's new personal jet and the concert series have been draining the coffers of the church, the PCG is looking to influence its god into providing them a most excellent building at the least price possible.
The god of Armstrongism is a magical god who will bow to the intense pressure of 3,000 people fasting and voila! the new building will appear and Flurry will be happy.
Imagine you are a PCG member and have to drive for 5 - 6 hours to attend church services while your empty stomach is gurgling.
Flurry Asks For Church Wide Fast:
March 3, 2020
I was told by my father-in-law who is in contact with someone still inside the PCG that Gerald Flurry asked for a Church wide fast and prayer for a land deal in Israel to succeed. Apparently Flurry wants to buy some property near to Jerusalem to give the PCG a permanent foothold in the Holy Land. More requests for money are forthcoming as well as the incessant Spring Holy day guilt trip to be put on the membership. I still cringe when I think of those 3 1/2 hour Passover Services with Cal Culpepper glaring at you behind the pulpit.
Also, now all of the Kentucky PCG members have to drive anywhere from 5 to 6 hours round trip to get to the nearest congregation which is north of Cincinnati. I can only imagine wasting your entire Saturday driving hours to listen to a Sermon played on CD. So much for resting on God’s Sabbath. –B.