Saturday, March 21, 2020

UPDATED: Gerald Weston: Sends Out Rules For Sabbath Observance At Home

From an LCG source:

Weston has sent out rules for Sabbath observance at home and other items moving forward:

1. Dress in usual Sabbath attire. 
2. Do not serve hors d'oeuvres. 
3. Do not pause the sermon. 
4. Only listen to live HQ sermon. 
5. Do not use this opportunity to minister shop for messages. 
6. Do not gather with other families. 
7. Stay home alone and use social media to fellowship. 
8. You have no right to complain when we at HQ are slow to respond. 
9. Sit quietly at home and wait for us to speak. Stop spreading rumors. 
10. You will fast on March 28th and tune in for 1:00 PM HQ service. 
11. You will observe Passover and NTBMO home alone. 
12. You will use Livestream or pre-recorded messages to self-administer Passover and NTBMO. 
13. Use the on-line donation system to pay tithes and offerings. 
14. Do not mail us cash. 
15. We may be deciding where you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 
16.  Links and passwords are not to be shared with anyone not members of the church. 
17. Oh one another.

Note:  At first I thought this was a joke, but asked my source if it was true and the person said yes.  I guess I should not be shocked at the callous brazenness of Weston in his attempt to control members, but I should not.  This is the track record of LCG and many of the Churches of God today in 2020.

Satan Attacks Bob Thiel!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, the horrors! Considering his video was full of deluded prophetic nonsense, Vimeo did the right thing.  Why should more people be deceived by this liar than there are already?

Here is want Vimeo said about his video:

Hello Bible News Prophecy,Your video “COVID 19 Leading to 666?” has been removed for violating our Guidelines.
Reason: You cannot upload videos that depict or encourage self-harm, falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.
For more information on our content and community policies, please visit guidelines.
If you believe this was an error, please reply to this message as soon as possible to explain. (Please be aware that Vimeo moderators take action as violations come to our attention. “I see other people do it” is not a valid explanation.)
Vimeo Staff
This then drew a swift response from the self-appointed unordained prophet:

So, to appeal, I wrote the following: 
Dear Vimeo:
You removal does not make any sense to us.
Your stated reason for removal was “You cannot upload videos that depict or encourage self-harm, falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.”
Our video DOES NOT “depict or encourage self-harm, falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.”
None of those matters are in the video.
Is the real concern that you do not believe that we can quote biblical prophecies and tie them in with world events?
Because that is what that video does.
If there is a specific statement made that you have a problem with, please let me know.
But reviewing your guidelines, we violated none of them.
Please reconsider as this makes no sense to us.
The problem is that we have a self-appointed liar who is preaching heretical nonsense.  There is nothing prophetic about what Thiel is presenting other than the self-convinced delusions of a disturbed little man.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Will COG's Help Those Members In Need Who Are Off Work During The Coronavirus Shut Down ?

We all know what the answer to that will be...

Please list those COG's that will financially help church members in your comments below...