Saturday, March 21, 2020

Dr Bob Thiel Presents: The Link Between Covid-19 and Baloney

If boredom is a factor in your life at the moment, you have 13 minutes and 54 seconds to waste and you can stand the world's most annoying and distracting gestures not unlike those I have seen in epileptic seizing, here is Dr Thiel's contribution to the current distress.  Ultimately and evidently all this will lead to a  cashless society which definitely is connected to 666 and the ride of the Four Hosemen of the Puckerlips spoken of in Revelation of course. 

Without the Book of Revelation and Daniel, the Churches of God and certainly Bob Thiel would have no message at all and every disaster, small or great is an opportunity to instill more fear into an already rather dicey human dilemma at the moment. 

I can understand that "the flu is far worse" and "Is this a false flag?" might annoy and be considered spreading false information at such a time of this getting his great video canned. 

 Whatever Bob is, he is no scientist as his faith restrictions have clouded his critical thinking,  common sense and good judgment leading to this...

Is Bob Thiel's ministry one of the Seven Last Plagues?
Did God run out of locusts and send The Continuing Church of God instead?
Can hand waving and shoulder shrugging be a sign of the end?
Just What Do You Mean Change the Damn Curtains?
C'mon Now, Just Who Really is The Foolish Shepherd of Zechariah 11:15?

Mark Armstrong Begrudginlgy Cancels Services, Believes He Is Being "flimflammed" Into Doing It

Mark Armstrong has finally spoken out about his take on the coronavirus and whether or not to let his members attend services.

If Mark had his way all of his members would be parked in church services today....however, out of respect for the President and the Governor of Texas he says he will "honor" their request to not assemble in groups of 10 or more.  You can tell by his sarcastic response below that he thinks he and everyone else is being "flimflammed" over this virus.  It is hard for him to sit there and "swallow" what's happening.

“Lock-down” is prison jargon for solitary confinement.  Now it’s being used to describe mandatory quarantining for citizens told to “shelter in place.”  Some states are promising fines and prosecutions for those who disobey. …
We’ve had to make decisions regarding church services, and here’s our position.  Out of respect for President Trump and Governor Abbott of Texas, we’re going to honor their request or order as the case may be, to limit gatherings to ten people or less.  We intend to hold a “skeleton crew” Sabbath service here in Tyler, asking most of the congregation to stay home.  We expect to have the bare minimum on hand for the service in order to keep current sermons and updates going out via DVD, and we also make the current sermons available on Youtube.
We hope the authorities know what they’re doing.  Maybe it’s prudent to wreck the economy on account of this virus, but time will tell.  There’s no doubt that people who’ve held their wealth in the stock market are getting hammered.  Their only hope is to ride this thing out and hope that the market “takes off like a rocket” (as the President has suggested) once the all-clear is sounded.  Assuming it ever is.
Pardon our skepticism, but after being flimflammed by mainstream outlets telling one monstrous whopper after another until their credibility hit rock bottom, it’s not easy to swallow the fear they’re selling.  But it looks as though the President and many state governors have bought into the necessity of quarantining nearly the entire population in the hope that the contagion will be brought under control. …
Those trusting in God are not given to fear.  That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.

UPDATED: Gerald Weston: Sends Out Rules For Sabbath Observance At Home

From an LCG source:

Weston has sent out rules for Sabbath observance at home and other items moving forward:

1. Dress in usual Sabbath attire. 
2. Do not serve hors d'oeuvres. 
3. Do not pause the sermon. 
4. Only listen to live HQ sermon. 
5. Do not use this opportunity to minister shop for messages. 
6. Do not gather with other families. 
7. Stay home alone and use social media to fellowship. 
8. You have no right to complain when we at HQ are slow to respond. 
9. Sit quietly at home and wait for us to speak. Stop spreading rumors. 
10. You will fast on March 28th and tune in for 1:00 PM HQ service. 
11. You will observe Passover and NTBMO home alone. 
12. You will use Livestream or pre-recorded messages to self-administer Passover and NTBMO. 
13. Use the on-line donation system to pay tithes and offerings. 
14. Do not mail us cash. 
15. We may be deciding where you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 
16.  Links and passwords are not to be shared with anyone not members of the church. 
17. Oh one another.

Note:  At first I thought this was a joke, but asked my source if it was true and the person said yes.  I guess I should not be shocked at the callous brazenness of Weston in his attempt to control members, but I should not.  This is the track record of LCG and many of the Churches of God today in 2020.