Monday, April 6, 2020

"If you are a member of a Church of God splinter, you come from an organization that was born in false prophecy...And to this very minute it is led by men and women who continue the family tradition without shame or remorse."

As the Bereans Did has an excellent post up about the COVID-19 virus and how the Churches of God are reacting to it.  As we have witnessed over the last few months, as the pandemic reared its ugly head, various COG leaders have gone into fits of ecstasy over the pandemic as a sure sign from God that he is pissed at humankind and is ready to usher in the tribulation where the full force of his wrath will be on display. Of course, just as we have witnessed for decades in the church, all of these prophecies now being uttered by COG leaders have been and will be utter failures.

In the early 1930s, Herbert W Armstrong started his own ministry on the sly, not letting his COG7 leaders know. What did he do? Let's take a look at his message:

"...19 years after the first seige, or 585 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar made his final siege, drove out all the Jews, took complete possession of the land, and the Times of the Gentiles came fully in. And 2520 years later, or 1936 A.D., the Times of the Gentiles will have completely ENDED. As nearly as we can calculate from the dates of ancient history, the year 1936 will see the END of the Times of the Gentiles. Those "Times" have not been completely fulfilled until that year."
-Herbert Armstrong, Plain Truth, June/July 1934, pp.4-5

That's right. He started with false prophecy about the imminent return of Christ. Did Jesus return in 1936? No. Did that stop Mr. Armstrong? No. 
To save myself the time and effort of writing all this out again, I will direct you to our article "All Systems Are GO!" where we document HWA's repeated false prophesies that did not stop until his death.

HWA tried to weasel out of it all by claiming that he didn't "prophesy" but "predict." No. He DID prophesy! We have documented it. Read our article, "An Inconvenient Plain Truth" and see. We document over 60 time-specific prophecies from one small window of time, and some of those were done in the name and authority of the Almighty God. That's 60 time-specific prophetic failures, from only one publication, from only one decade. How many more are there? Countless!

We have plenty more articles that you can find on our Categories page.

Now, you might be thinking, "How is any of this relevant to me? This isn't 1972 and I don't follow Herbert Armstrong." It is relevant to you because it wasn't just William Miller, or Ellen G White, or Herbert Armstrong, but everyone that followed those people - including the leaders of the Church of God splinter groups today. And those people are relevant. When Dave Pack named his group "Restored" what do you suppose he was restoring? Why, the Worldwide Church of God, of course! Just Google it. It says so right there. When Gerald Flurry named his group "Philadelphia Church of God" it was because that was the name Herbert Armstrong chose for his next church, should the government of California force him to give up leadership of the WCG in the Receivership debacle in the later 1970s. Why do all Church of God groups call themselves Church of God? Because they all come from the Worldwide Church of God. They are not just following naming convention here. This is a continuation in every sense. Herbert Armstrong may not be directly relevant to you, but he is directly relevant to every leader of every Church of God splinter - and that makes this relevant to you.

If you are a member of a Church of God splinter, you come from an organization that was born in false prophecy. It was raised on false prophecy. It makes its living off of false prophecy. And to this very minute it is led by men and women who continue the family tradition without shame or remorse.
Read the complete article here: COVID-19: No More Fearmongering

Commercial Break: Stick to the Rules and You'll All Be Fine

More Bullshit From the Persecuted Dr Robert Thiel

"The reality is that around the world, and certainly not just in the US, we are seeing government officials asserting they are above religion."

No Bob, that's not the reality at all.  Government, as per your own Romans 13, which you fail to acknowledge because it goes against your need to feel persecuted, is trying to save lives and put an end to this nightmare.  

People like you prolong it.  It has nothing to do with prophecy. Nothing to do with "The Man of Sin."  Nothing to do with you imagined end times. It has nothing to do with Jews not eating bats and rats and elephants nor does it have anything to do with blame.  Shit happens on the planet Bob and good judgment and common sense along with human cooperation will go a hell of a lot further in solving this than your imaginary friends in high places ever will.  

You're the prophet. Why did you fail to see this disaster coming?  And posting the concerns of the medical profession, immunologist and those that prepare for such things over years of looking ahead in the evolution of viruses doesn't count as "prophecy" That's science and what immunologists do.  We don't call them prophets and you're not one by a long shot. 

And too...why aren't you promoting homeopathy as the cure to all things?  We all know why don't we Bob?   It fails to deliver, fails utterly in the proof department and would be prescribing quackery in times like this.  And some government authority that is burdened with protecting the public might be giving you a call ala Romans 13 and the scientific and medical community as well to challenge your ignore-ance. 

At any rate, we are not seeing government asserting they are above religion. We are seeing common sense and good judgement has to be practiced and sometimes enforced upon the ignorant, self righteous, need to feel persecuted and reckless Churches, pastors and members. 

In this case, as with Dave Pack, this would YOU too.