Monday, April 6, 2020

Commercial Break: Stick to the Rules and You'll All Be Fine


Anonymous said...

Simple words of wisdom from a little old lady.


Anonymous said...

What is she to you?

An old lady!

From the Ten Commandments.

It is that time of year.


Byker Bob said...

There are those who flaunt their rule breaking, and contempt for society. Breaking news is that at least one idiot has shot a video of himself coughing on a gas pump handle and posted it on Facebook. Hopefully, residual gasoline would automatically anihilate the virus, but you never know!

There are some things I've done most of my life, like wipe down a beer can before popping the top, because I watched a friend do this years ago, and he smilingly explained to me that "You never know! Whitey might have pissed on it!" Made a lot of sense, although anyone of any color could have perpetrated such an offense. Just depends on what neighborhood you buy the beer in.


Earl said...

DD and BB,

"Follow the rules and you'll be fine."

If y'all were still doing that you'd be ministers in a splinter.

I'll listen to experts, but I won't give up my reasoning on my life based on a claimed expert's changing understanding and re-evaluation about data. A supposed expert medical dr doesn't know everything about the human body or its response. He is not necessarily a data expert or a math expert. He is not a modeling expert. He is not an expert on human behavior.

I am isolating, but I'm also smart enough to know whether a risk is acceptable for myself or others. I can determine different behaviors around more vulnerable people. I can see someone coming and maintain a social distance of over 6-10 feet. I can wash my hands and wear a mask (or not). I can keep my hands from my face.

The fact of the matter is that we will need to begin easing these restrictions relatively soon. Isolation works for a while (flatten curve, hospital overburdening, unknown factors), but it must be lifted. People die for a variety of reasons and covid-19 is by no means the biggest, nor will it even be close.

Anonymous said...

"If y'all were still doing that you'd be ministers in a splinter."

How so?

DennisCDiehl said...

9:59 You're obviously a little sensitive to the generic statement "Follow the rules and you'll be fine" lol Breathe...It's just a Scottish Grandma being cute and encouraging. It's not Adolf Minister barking orders or meant to punch Church of God buttons.

Earl said...

Perhaps you haven't met many Scottish Grandma's...

Earl said...

Anon 10:14,
Just saying that if DD and BB had just followed orders (as presented by the Armstrongists of WCG and then some splinter group) they would have remained in or been offered an elder position.

Btw, DD, no COG buttons to push here.

Byker Bob said...

The splinters have erroneous rule books. I play by another set.