Sunday, April 5, 2020

Gerald Flurry Still Forcing HQ Members to Gather Despite Oklahoma State Orders To Stay At Home

The governor of Oklahoma has issued orders for all non-essential businesses to be closed through April 30. This also includes that groups of 10 people or more are NOT to meet and that anyone 65 years old and older should stay inside.

This does not mean much to Gerald Flurry and his cult ministers in Edmond Oklahoma.  He continues to make his students attend class. Besides still holding church services, he also is having his HQ ministers hold groups of 10 or less for Passover services. They had the sense to cancel Passover everywhere else but not at the HG. He also has not canceled church services in a lot of places around the country, even in states with stay-at-home orders.

With the vast majority of the Philadelphia Church of God members 65 and older, this presents huge health issues for them.  Even though they have added extra space between the chairs at some services, the older members are scared. Yet, they are more scared to not show up due to the draconian laws of the church requiring them to be in attendance.

Like Dave Pack and Bob Thiel, Flurry has deceived his members into believing that God will protect them from catching the virus.

The narcissism of these men, who have set themselves up to be more knowledgeable than anyone else, is going to lead to the deaths of many COG members as they descend deeper into the madness that they are spiraling down into already.

With many states now arresting ministers for gathering people together, we can only wish this happens to many of these men.

The only problem with this is that they will claim this is persecution and pretend to be martyrs for the filth they teach. Bob Thiel is already claiming he is persecuted.

By following government orders and not holding services is NOT persecution. Doing what is right to protect their members is not persecution.  It is just common sense, but since when has any COG leader ever had common sense.


Byker Bob said...

I don't want to see anybody get the corona virus. It is an awful thing. However, when a tyrant has so little concern for his subjects that he would recklessly endanger them like this, one would certainly hope that his helpless subjects would be the ones who were spared from the disease. The tyrants? Perhaps some painful lessons in leadership need to be learned. Some good ol' ACOG swamp cleaning might do the trick.


the Ocelot said...

Just wondering If HWA was still alive would he still be holding services,or would he follow the instructions in Hebrews 13 and have them cancelled?

nck said...


I've been wondering myself.

HWA was a person who was born in the 1890's and would have seen the Spanish fly, tubercolosis dormant in 90 percent of the population, no peniciline available, young mothers dying from childbirth or a regular cold, extremely high rate of infant mortality.........................(the regular cattle war and the last native risings ;-)

He would have been imbued with the values and practices of a people adapted to that kind of environment. As a matter of fact his bias versus modern medicine migh even have been fueled by the age old practics his generation would have developed to fight a good towel rubdown and the good old fashioned


As it was prohibited to go outside without a mask in the United States in many areas during the spanish flu.


nck said...




Anonymous said...

Ocelot, there was one tight-budget year in the 1960s when they almost cancelled the Feast of Tabernacles. Garner Ted commented about this somewhere, so you should be able to Google it for yourself.

The plan was to resolve the financial difficulty by asking brethren to send HQ their entire second tithe, not just tithe of the tithe. But that would have made the cynical nature of the whole scam too obvious, so the plan was shelved (those last are my words, not GTA's).

Anonymous said...

Flurry & Pack are unstable, narcissistic, grandiose personalities. Mark it down, they will do something to cause people to die before it is over with. Their messiah was HWA, not Christ. The reason men like this loved the church government & primacy of Peter doctrine is because they wanted to be the head Czar. When have they ever showed mercy or compassion for the average lay member?

Anonymous said...

Mat 4:7 - Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Flurry looks constipated!

Maybe he'll get some suppositories in the offering Thursday.
