Exit and Support Network has the following up about a sermon given by one of Gerald Flurry's minions. It is another speech about how to fleece the members of their money. God forbid if they ever talked about Jesus, grace, justification, sanctification, or any other New Covenant teaching. Instead, they bow down at the End Times Altar, the Money Altar, and the Holy Rock. Armstrongism gets crazier by the minute!
Dwight Falk Uses Clever Way to Increase Holy Day Offerings:March 7, 2022
Dwight Falk, in his authoritarian and non-empathetic voice, gave a Sermonette: “Help Through Offerings” where he used a clever way to manipulate members into giving more money for their holy day offerings. He started off reading an email that he said they received from a lady in Canada who is a subscriber but not a member and read her words which said, “We really need our Prophet to speak on the Russian issue. Help, pastor Flurry!” He based his entire sermonette on this two sentence email and said this is how members’ holy day offerings help people like her (who are” crying out for help”) and that they (PCG) only have a “short time” before there is a famine of the Word. He quoted Jesus’ words in John 9:4about working “before the night cometh” to insinuate PCG only had a short time left.
He also quoted Ezekiel 33:33: “And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them” to associate the words “prophet” and “among them” with GF. Even though GF takes upon himself the name “Ezekiel” as one of his many titles, Falk conveniently didn’t mention that even though the people in Ezekiel’s day would sit and listen to Ezekiel when he was prophesying about the fall of Jerusalem (which happened), it had no effect whatsoever on the people, as they didn’t heed what he said.
So what is GF going to get out of all this if America is destroyed? Only a smug satisfaction that “he was right”? Hoping people will say, “Oh, GF was a true prophet?” And where will GF be at this time? Hiding in an underground bunker somewhere? Overseas at Edstone? For certain, he won’t be in the place of safety in Adullam. Most will not even remember GF except his followers who would no doubt be in a panic. I think of Psalms 118:8: “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” This whole thing is a crock of nonsense from a power-mad leader and is only to keep the money flowing into their coffers. –Anonymous