Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Kevin Denee Blows The Whistle On Restored Church of God's Nefarious Nature

Think Armstrongism died in 1986 or 1994? Oh no. It's alive and well and now "on steroids" in 2022 in The Restored Church of God, headed by new cult leader Dave Pack. In this explosive episode, we talk with @kevindenee, Pack's son-in-law and a former high-ranking member in the RCG who left in 2016. He talks publicly for the first time about the church, ready to blow the whistle on its nefarious nature.

See Spotify for other episodes: Worldwide: The Unchosen Church


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Restored Church of God: A Sober Commentary


A Sober Commentary


This is neither satire nor written in jest.


The “Prophetic Update” issued by The Restored Church of God on July 3, 2022 was easy fodder for playful observations and light-hearted mockery.


But while beginning to comment on the very last sentence, I began to experience something unexpected. My thoughts grew quite somber. I felt a wave of sadness when I reflected on that short collection of words.


On the surface, it appears to be just a “nothing” statement thrown in to tease that new information was on the horizon.


The more time I spend outside The Restored Church of God, the more clearly I see the nefarious tricks that David C. Pack and his “ministers” use against the members.


            You/we will learn more soon!”


This is part of the subtle manipulation David C. Pack employs with the brethren. Some former members call this brainwashing and mind control. If you think I am kidding, please hear me out.


Those few words are filled with meaning. It is part of the “God is revealing to me” fraud.


DCP is learning just as you are learning, after all. WE are in it together, arm in arm on OUR way to the Kingdom of God. He “is merely the pipe” through which God the Father and Jesus Christ choose to give prophetic information to the members of The Restored Church of God.


This sentence is the “I’m in the same boat as you are, lay members” that is frequently written to engender some kind of sympathy for him. He is on the same rollercoaster everyone else is. He is on the same merry-go-round you are. David C. Pack certainly has no hand on the lever pushing it all forward. The “ministers” at Headquarters certainly have no choice but to follow what God is teaching “His apostle and prophet.”—That is what he wants you to think.


He is being “tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine” coming from God, who is continually testing His people “to see who doesn’t care about truth” or who will “answer the matter before they heard it” and “bail out right before the very end of the series.”

David C. Pack has no idea how he is blaspheming the name of God.  He breaks the 3rd Commandment in front of everyone inside The Restored Church of God and has been doing that for years. I wonder if members remember the first time they heard him thunder, “On God’s authority…” from the lectern or the table. Do those same people remember it AFTER one of his teachings and/or dates is proven to be false?


If smoking is considered “idolatry” and viewing pornography is considered “adultery,” just how is saying “On God’s authority…” on a doctrine later proven wrong NOT “taking the Lord’s name in vain?”


We all sin. I sin. A lot. I am not claiming the moral high ground here. That is not the point. The point is that the man is so disconnected from reality, he cannot see what he is actually doing. To himself. To the church. To other human beings. To God’s name.


He claims God’s authority and then teaches fraud. He sets a date for the return of Jesus Christ using his own twisted logic blended with God’s word. When things do not pan out as he preached it would for hour upon hour upon hour, since he is not making all this up, it is really God’s fault when you think about it.


He makes God out to be a cruel trickster. I had to wrestle with that before I left. Do I want to worship the god David C. Pack preaches about? Would Jesus Christ treat His sheep this way?



Here is an illustration:


Master takes His dog to the park to throw the ball around.


Master shows the dog his favorite ball. He waves it around and gets the dog all excited about catching it.


Master moves quickly back and forth, like he is about to throw it.


“You want the ball? You want the ball? I know you want the ball.”


The dog is very excited. He hops up and down and barks, eyes locked on the ball in Master’s hand. Master moves it to the left and to the right. He even hides it behind his back for a moment.


The dog starts barking louder and whimpering because he really wants to catch that ball.


Master does a big throw. The dog spins around and sprints after the ball, but cannot find it. He sniffs around and then looks back at Master who is laughing while holding the ball out plainly in his hand. It was a fake throw.

The dog runs back to Master eagerly with tail wagging.


Master throws it!


No, another fake throw. And another fake throw. And another fake throw.


The dog starts panting, but is still a little excited. He has not yet caught the ball. Even once. They have been at the park for some time now, but the ball has not yet been thrown.


Each “throw” from Master is a “fraudulent throw,” you could say.


“You still want the ball? You still want the ball? I know you still want the ball.”


But Master said this before.


“Here it comes! Get ready! This is really it!”


Master finally throws the ball far and long. The dog races to where the ball landed, except the ball is still only in Master’s hand.


At this point even a dog would know, “Master is never going to throw the ball.”



This is the version of God David C. Pack wants The Restored Church of God to believe and worship.


“Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” could not be more spot-on with “The Greatest Untold Story!” series.


There is no “You/we” in any of this. It is all just a long, tortured vanity project funded by widows and senior citizens.


May God have mercy on David C. Pack for what he has done to people.


May God have mercy on the “ministers” for not only enabling him, but also perpetuating the lies. They might receive the greater judgment because they know David C. Pack is a fraud and do nothing about it, like they lack the power to do so.


I was lied to inside The Restored Church of God.

I was deceived inside The Restored Church of God.

I was manipulated inside The Restored Church of God.

I was drained inside The Restored Church of God.

I was broken inside The Restored Church of God.


And there are still good people trapped inside. That makes me very sad.


This is why I created the website.

Marc Cebrian

See: A Sober Commentary