Friday, July 8, 2022

United Church of God Pastors Retreat and Summer Camp For Teens Shut Down Due To Rampant COVID Infections


COVID infections hit over half of the pastors at a pastors retreat and half of the campers at Camp Pinecrest were infected. I am shocked they did not declare this the work of Satan.

July 7, 2022 
Both teen and pre-teen camps have been held, and a retreat was held for the pastors in the Northwest region. 
While the first camps of the year were successful and a joy for everyone, COVID-19 has “reared its head” and was disruptive at our Northwest pastoral retreat, where more than half of those who attended came down with COVID-19 (all cases were comparatively mild and everyone is recovering well), and at Camp Pinecrest which began just this past Sunday. 
Let me explain what has happened and why the decision was made to close Camp Pinecrest when a few campers came down with COVID-19. 
The staff did their very best to ensure no one had COVID-19 upon arrival at camp. But, despite following many protocols, the virus showed up just two days into the camp. 
Without going into unnecessary detail, suffice it to say that no one should ever question our love and desire to serve and provide for our children in the United Church of God. In fact, it is the safety of our children that has always been the number one principle stressed going back to the inception of the United Church of God and the United Youth Camps program in 1995. 
You may recall that we had an outbreak of COVID-19 at Pinecrest last year, and we did our best to plan in advance for that possibility this year, coming up with an extensive plan and policy developed with input from the Council of Elders, administration and the camp directors in an attempt to minimize the spread of COVID-19 at future camps. 
The reason we needed to close Pinecrest this year is because we are bound to follow the current COVID-19 plan and policy that is in place. And here is the directive from the plan that led to the very difficult decision that had to be made to shut down Pinecrest when we did: 
CAMP SHUTDOWN DIRECTIVE & CONTAINMENT PLAN: If a COVID test is positive, or other highly infectious disease is found at camp, the sick camper or staffer must be kept isolated and sent home as soon as reasonably convenient—the sooner the better. The Camp Director must both call and email the parent of this situation. If it is demonstrated that the sick camper or staffer was around only a small identifiable group, then that exposed group must be immediately isolated and tested. If any camper or staff in that group also tests positive, closure of the camp is to be considered after consultation with the Camp Director, the Camp Nurse, the overall UYC coordinator, the MMS director and, if possible, a consulting MD. 
However, if a member outside that small group also tests positive for COVID, or any other similar infectious disease, it is to be presumed that there has been a widespread exposure to the contagion and the camp must be closed (shut down) and all campers and staff sent home. IN ADDITION if a person has generally mingled with other campers and staff (prior to isolation, testing and identified as having COVID, or another infectious disease), then that camp must be immediately closed down and all campers and staff sent home. 
All parents of campers must be notified by a phone call and/or an email that a COVID case (or other infectious disease) has arisen at camp and directed to pick-up their child as soon as possible. Parents will be advised to quarantine that child and have him/her tested upon arrival home. 
The evening before a camper at Pinecrest tested positive for COVID-19, a camp dance was held. There was, of course, significant interaction then, not to mention all the group meals, Christian Living classes and camp activities that are scheduled every day. Clearly the infected person “generally mingled with other campers.” Also, an additional person tested positive for the virus in the same dorm as the infected camper. 
Based on our very recent experience at the pastoral retreat in the northwest, there was concern that many more would be infected with the virus and that the prudent and right thing to do under the circumstances was to comply with established policy in an effort to minimize the spread and its impact on our campers, staff, families, and even local churches. 
Knowing how much our teens love camp and how much we love to provide camp for them, this was a difficult decision to make from every perspective. But we had a plan in place that all agreed upon, and we had to follow it. 
Given the current condition of COVID-19 infection, which seems to be milder than last year, we will be discussing this policy with camp directors and administration during the upcoming week to determine whether revisions are necessary. We will communicate with parents and staff once those discussions are held and any decisions are made. 
We are so very sorry for the inconvenience and disappointment that the closure of Camp Pinecrest has caused. Please be assured we will be reviewing everything in order to prevent, to the best of our ability, such inconveniences in the future. 
Please keep all of God’s people in your prayers. He is our Guide, Shield, Protector and Sustainer. Ask Him to watch over every gathering of His people, including every camp, and to shield us from this virus and any other sickness or problem that might affect our gatherings. 
And please keep the families and local congregations that have lost pastors, elders, and loved ones in your prayers. Our God is the “God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). 
Take care, brethren, and have a restful, inspiring and uplifting Sabbath!

Mark Welch

LCG: Prospective Member Tells How LCG Treated Him After He Asked A Question

The Living Church of God is the epitome of brotherly Philadelphian love at its finest!  That love is so potent and Christ-like that they love to share it with prospective members.

Living Church of God Is Corrupt:
July 4, 2022 
I used to think that the LCG was a church that could be the genuine article and wanted to know more about them. I contacted them in [city removed] and told them I’d seen their Sunday programs on the local TV and wanted to know more about them. 
To cut a long story short, I was sent various literature about the Sabbath, God’s Holy Days etc, and was sent DVD’s in job lots of about 5 or 6 every now and then which were sermons by the then Rod Meredith. 
When I contacted them one day by phone in [city removed] and told them I could not see why tithes were still enforceable, my DVDs never came anymore. When I phoned later to inquire about why the DVDs were not coming anymore, I received a very chilly response and learnt it was because of my attitude to tithing. 
This immediately told me that money is their god so the elders and other high ups can live the easy good life at the expense of their members. 
I’m so thankful that my questioning them about why tithes are still in force saved me from an horrendous mistake in joining the LCG. 
My advice is keep well away from this corrupt “church.” They are not the genuine article at all. –B. T.   Exit and Support Network

LCG: Satan's deceptive influence is leading LCG members astray


Satan's deceptive force is leading LCG members astray!!!!

Here we go again, boys and girls! LCG members are getting smacked down yet again for letting Satan influence them and leading them off course. After all, Satan is the most powerful god in the COG, way more powerful than God himself who cannot keep people on track. Since they deny the Holy Spirit, it is no wonder there are so many problems.

Christianity has always known that a Christian's destiny is in Christ and to be like him, not to be some god or goddess ruling over planets or kingdoms with rods of iron as COG myths teach.

In Romans 8:28-29, Paul says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

Paul also says that every believer’s destiny is to sonship and to be holy and without fault in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In Ephesians 1:4-5, Paul states: “Just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.” 

Paul also states that our responsibility is to fulfill our call to holiness. Ephesians 2:10, that we are created in Christ Jesus so that we can do the things which God has pre-planned.

Okey dokey, that is pretty plain, but then there is the Living Church of God who is more concerned about being kings and priests and gods and goddesses ruling in a magical kingdom to come than it is teaching the world about Christ and the works that were accomplished through him. No magical kingdom will exist without knowing that first. But, this is the COG after all, and it is more important to be a future god than it is dwelling in a relationship with Christ or even God himself.  How can anyone be prepared to be a priest or teacher when they are never taught about Christ?

Stay Focused on Our Mission: The lessons of history show that mankind and God’s Chosen People have drifted off course again and again due to Satan’s deceptive influence. Adam and Eve made wrong choices that sent the course of human history off in a wrong direction (Genesis 3). Ancient Israel turned from God and suffered consequences—and modern Israelite nations are heading down the same path. Jesus called disciples and raised up His Church to preach the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14–15; 16:15), to warn the world of the consequences of sin (Isaiah 58:1), and to announce events that would indicate His return was near (Matthew 24). The mission of God’s Church is also to prepare a people to rule with Jesus Christ as kings, priests, and teachers in His coming Kingdom (Luke 1:17; Revelation 5:10; Isaiah 30:20–21). To qualify for this challenging and exciting reward, we must avoid being distracted by the trials and temptations of this world (Matthew 13:18–23) and remain faithful and focused on our calling and our God- given mission (Matthew 24:13; Revelation 3:8–12; 17:14). 
Have a profitable Sabbath, 
Douglas S. Winnail