Monday, December 19, 2022

Dave Pack Suffering From Severe Case Of Logorrhea




This is a real word. Look it up.



Excessive wordiness and repetitiveness, incessant, compulsive talking


This explains David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God. The logorrhea was in full effect on December 17, 2022, as “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 410)” was streamed live to the entire church during Sabbath Services.


Dave was annoyed by how focused on God the church had become on the Sabbath, so he decided to be more intrusive by force-feeding them his prophetic logorrhea. He had heard reports of brethren skipping his messages because they were tired of his biblical merry-go-round. The last laugh is on them. Try to escape him now, folks.


You would think he would run out of things to talk about since the Mystery of God has been finished ten times over. But, no. He filled 109 minutes that will be discarded in less than seven days.


Jesus Christ returning on December 24, 2022, at 9:40 AM EDT, is still being hammered.


Spoiler Alert


The skimmers love bullet points. Here is the “big stuff” from Part 410:


·      The “little book” of Revelation 10 is the entire Book of Revelation.

·      The 10-day period is inclusive of the Kingdom, not preceding it.

·      The 1335 of Daniel 12:12 and salvation arrive on December 24.

·      We are all born written in the Book of Life, but we can blot ourselves out.

·      The Day of the Lord begins at 9:45 AM EDT on December 31.

·      The Pale Horse of Revelation 6:8 is green.


Despite another date that came and went this week, Dave loves to troll the audience.


@ 00:00 All is still well. And we have really really kept Christ’s patience. No doubt about that.


The whole plan of God is now seven years and then a thousand. There. I just saved you nine minutes of your life. Thank me later.



I have been surprised by the impact of the website on Dave’s behavior. I mentioned in October during interviews and in articles about the Man of Sin sitting in the temple of God and that nobody sits more than David C. Pack.


He has not sat once since then. He sat all spring and summer. But even with after-meal Bible studies starting in October, he has chosen to stand at the lectern. Every time. That makes me go, “Hmm.”


Smaller things I have brought up have been mysteriously addressed in a message after. I opted to not point them out since they were minor. However, the current thwarting of Dave’s will is worth focusing on because he is the one who brought it up.


The sour look on his face is due to the elephant in the room that just sat on his potato chips.


@ 09:59 Now, I have a document here…and it’s the Book of Revelation on eight pages. Four pages, eight sides. And it’s all kinds a colors on it…I considered printing it for you today and posting it in Member Services for brethren around the world…But I have to be ever-mindful that there are just outright evil people among us, and they'll post it to the world and attack it.


Newsflash, Dave: Nobody cares about your stupid document.


Even if I had a copy, there is no point in posting it. I have stacks of those types of documents that are entirely worthless. A color-coded mess is what they are. Between the colors, bold text, underlines, and all-caps right up to the physical margins, they are an offense to the eyes and painful to read, on top of being worthless.


I would have to ask Ryan Denee how many trees were killed each time Dave printed out those useless multi-page legal sheets for the Headquarters congregation.


I would have to ask Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy how much weight they lost running back and forth from the printer due to some change that meant 100 copies had to be reprinted at the last minute.


@ 10:59 Now, if we had another year or more, I'd probably just release it because it's so stunning what I've learned.


We have another year, and he still will not release it. As of next Saturday night, the local congregations can have a bonfire with them. Once Christmas fails, everything else will fall apart.


@ 11:20 But, for now, if I released it, some of the relatives of our members around the world study the internet to attack the relatives who are in The Restored Church of God. They give them no end of grief, and I would literally be fueling some of the family members because of what enemies post…your relatives cannot throw things up in your face that look crazy to them because they just don’t understand it.


The real crazy that can be thrown in somebody's face is a video of David C. Pack declaring salvation comes in November. Or eternal life will begin on December 9. Or because they are at the Feast of Tabernacles, they “made it.” A PDF document does not have the same zing.


This must have been a real thorn in his flesh because he brought it up again later in the message.


@ 59:25 If this were sitting on your lap, I coulda made it easier. You just follow the colors. I’m sorry. But, there are wicked people in the worldand their names will, you know, get settled one way or another per the Book of Life. We’ll just see. God is their judge.


Boo hoo. That terrible internet.


The irony of all of this is two-fold.


Firstly, David C. Pack’s words are enough of a “weapon” that nobody needs a messy jumble of pages in PDF format to embarrass members of RCG. If anyone received eight legal-sized pages of colored gibberish, it would only be used to fuel intense shrugging. Even I would not bother to read it, much less wave it under someone’s nose.


But more importantly, this entire bitch-session proves how David C. Pack operates on human steam.


Nobody can thwart God's will. Not a person. Not a website. If God wanted His people in the church to have this information, they would have it.


The righteous are as bold as a lion. But Dave rolled onto his back and exposed his belly again. Fear kept him from posting that document. Fear of what “evil people” would do. What are people going to do with the truth? What are people going to do with Bible passages highlighted in colors? Nothing.


That idea is cowardly and lame. More likely, he does not want it to get out because once his Leaning Tower of Christmas Babel falls, those eight pages will further embarrass him. As if his own words from a week ago are not painful enough.


*Watch. The document will be available in Member Services after this article is published. ;)



Welcome to David. C. Pack’s Gallery of Stupid. This taste of wacky things fallen from Dave’s lips this year is far from complete.


How many did you remember?


·      Jesus Christ was conceived around Elul 1 and was born in spring, not the fall

·      Elijah is a title

·      Seven times of punishment in Leviticus means seven weeks

·      The Chinese launched an artificial sun into the atmosphere

·      All humans will be sterile in fifty years

·      Most American families do not ask for a blessing over Thanksgiving supper

·      The countdown to Pentecost was a type of countdown to Trumpets

·      Stephen of Acts 7 was killed for criticizing the Jewish Christmas tree


Dave takes the "foot in mouth" disease to the next level by stuffing both feet and hands into his mouth. Even all of that cannot keep him from talking. He suffers from a chronic case of logorrhea.


Part 410 presents a new consideration for the Gallery of Stupid.


@ 23:37 Here's another small point, but kind of interesting, and it shows how men try to do the best they can, and sometimes they foul things up.


@ 24:39 “…behold, a pale horse.” Has anybody ever looked up the word “pale?” You ever looked it up? The Greek is chlĹŤros. That is not a pale horse at all...The word is chlĹŤros. From which comes chlorophyll. Chlorophyll. Does that give you a clue? It’s green. It’s a green horse.


@ 25:38 But nobody knows that because nobody looks it up.


@ 25:59 Now, that's not a big thing, but it's interesting. It shows you how vast numbers of people can read this book and no one ever notices that the horses are white, red, black, and green.


The Pale Horse being green is not the stupid part. But that vast numbers of people never looked it up. It is as if nobody else in RCG studies their Bibles. And nobody else outside the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium has access to Strong's Concordance. Maybe a handful in the Main Hall did not know this, but most of them did. How do I know?


Dave forgot he had already taught this years ago when he was dismantling "the big T" and building the endless configurations of "W" on the projector screen. (RCGers know what that is.)


I remember first looking up the word “pale” in 2011 during the uprisings in Egypt. An NBC news camera captured a “green horse of Revelation” racing across the screen among rioters. It was world-famous and can still be found on YouTube. The lens flare moved as the camera panned, creating a green horse and rider. The likeness is still quite astounding.


When you search "green horse revelation," you can find page after page of websites and images.

Sorry, Dave. You are not the first to discover this. The fact you assumed that nobody else ever looked it up makes this idea a worthy addition to David C. Pack’s Gallery of Stupid.



Dave's "big stuff" discovery this week was that we all begin written in the Book of Life of Revelation, but we can take actions to blot our own names out.


@ 36:08 Only you can blot yourself out. Sad story. A lady left us a few days ago, “and with no clear reason BLANK decided in her heart she needed step away from the church.” The minister carefully told her, “Now, you understand you’re giving up your crown?” And here’s what she said. She said, “I understand. I’m okay with that.” Now, that’s insane.


“Lady,” if you read this article, please write I will keep your information confidential. I would very much like to hear your side of the story.


Want to know what is really insane? After delivering 410 Parts of a Series, never getting anything right. How about setting date after date with nothing but excuses to show for it? What is insane is to follow a man who takes upon himself titles belonging to Jesus Christ. He is a man who spends a tremendous amount of time preaching about himself because he sees himself all throughout the Bible.


It is insane to believe the words of a man rather than the words of the Bible. It is insane to continue to support a man with a proven history of speaking lies and teaching fraud. It is insane to continue attending RCG after salvation did not come on Pentecost. It did not come on the second day of the Feast of Tabernacles. It did not come on December 9.


It is insane to think there is even the slightest chance anything will happen on December 24.


@ 36:36 Pray for her because maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t too late. There are people who blot their own name out and know it.


Dave equates leaving RCG to willfully blotting your name out of the Book of Life.


@ 37:21 But, it's important to know that's not where God starts. He lets…this lady and many others blot their own name out. We all carry an ink blotter if we want to. It’s just that Christ formally does it because of our decision, not His.


@  37:52 And no one ever knew that until today. Not anyone I ever heard or knew that.


Holding folks over the edge of the Lake of Fire was not an adequate enough scare tactic for Dave. This is a new angle on the same reasoning he has used before to keep folks in RCG.


If you leave, you will die eternally. Out of the Book of Life and into the Lake of Fire.


However, none of that makes David C. Pack right. He is a biblical fraud, and God is not guiding him. All the other failed dates this year is not enough for some. Perhaps getting a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking instead of eternal life will be the line in the sand. We shall see.



For those who want to understand what Dave is preaching, have fun.


@ 1:00:44 Little things came popping clear. They’re a part of the Mystery of God, brethren. Again, we’re not done until the Mystery of God is over. This is big stuff. It helps line things up…It's who's in the Book of Life and how God thinks. That's the biggest thing I maybe ever learned in the Book of Revelation. Maybe, I guess you could say, alongside that, the Book of Revelation was "the little book…”


@ 1:03:33 Ten days of Tribulation. That’s why they [the Seals] open immediately. This is a period of punishment. There is no good period or announcement in front of it. And I discovered that this week and it finally resolved this whole business of is it 9 ½ days or 10 ½ days or 10 days. Says 10 days. 10 days. Well, if it’s the beginning of 7 years, it’s dead on. I mean, it’s just right now. It’s as certain as 10 days later when the rest of the saints on the Day of the Lord get eternal life.


If some hold out on the idea that David C. Pack is not really setting dates for the return of Jesus Christ or uses wishy-washy language, try spinning these comments:


@ 1:04:01 So, you can do your math. You go look at when Tevet 1 begins in Jerusalem, and you'll know when you have eternal life.


@ 1:26:09 New Year’s is inside this 10-day period. A day God hates. It's a drunken bash. The amount of adultery and fornication, and other filth that goes on that day is unimaginable to even talk about. So, the Great Tribulation starts on the 31st of December, a few hours before New Year’s celebration. Jerusalem time.


People do not need a confusing color-coded document to “attack” RCG. All they need is Dave’s words. That should be enough for anyone to prove the church is run by a religious fraud supported by enabling hirelings.


I wonder what Larry Cockshutt and Brian Jackson will tell their shrinking congregations when questions roll in during Sabbath Services on December 24. Pray it is not a “silent night” from Headquarters, fellas.


“Mr. Pack is not a prophet. If he is guilty of anything, it is of being overzealous.”


If they say that, you should pick up your tuna casserole dish and walk out the door.



David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear to determine whether he is true or not.


If the people refuse to hear what their human idol says, that is on them. They have no excuse for ignoring the obvious when the truth falls from the very lips of the man who continually feeds them unending biblical fantasy.


The following quote encapsulates everything wrong inside The Restored Church of God.


@ 1:10:02 I assumed the First Kingdom of ten days being of this world preceded the seven years. I just did. The Bible does not say this. I assumed it. Perhaps I shouldn’t have.


The truth has never been so clear. “The Greatest Untold Story!” consists of what Dave assumes and is not in the Bible. That is why he fails. That is why nothing he says ever comes to pass. Hear him.


@1:10:14 So did everyone. Everybody talked to. Never crossed any minister’s mind that the ten days or fifteen or a month or whatever we thought it was for a while was other than in front of the seven years.


Rather than being a man and accepting responsibility, Dave opts to spread it around. At least he did not roll on his back to expose his genitals again, reminding folks of his chest pains to gain sympathy.


Even if the ministers thought the period was during the Kingdom, Dave would have risen from his chair, puffed out his chest, and blasted them in front of the others. The broken men are whipped into shape, knowing to not speak out of turn or bring up an idea that would upset King Saul.


If you want a javelin in your gut, suggest Dave does not have it quite right.


@ 1:10:29 But God, apparently, held it back so that everything could be made plain, and maybe I'd be able to cover the material we just did.


You cannot have a well-rounded blame session without pointing the finger at God, too.



People in The Restored Church of God:


Even when the man tells you he is a fraud, you choose not to hear him. I believe David C. Pack every bit when he says things like that. He is broadcasting how he thinks. Which spirit is moving him to utter the truth to his own hurt?


If you stay in RCG, you are choosing to have a false leader continue to spoon-feed you assumptions. And you seem to love to have it so.


Christmas Eve will come and go. Christmas day will come and go. Nothing David C. Pack teaches you will manifest. Part 411 will explain what "we" missed. Just like 410 is explaining what "we" missed. There is plenty of blame to spread because Dave will not have it all focused on him. The limelight, yes. The responsibility for error, no.


Your Pastor General told you that you would receive eternal life last week and again this week. It did not happen. How does that not trouble you to your core? Why would you believe him when he says you will receive eternal life next week? How could you ever believe him about anything?


Get out while you can.



@ 1:44:21 Now, if Tevet 2 comes without Jesus Christ, I just wanna say something very plainly. I want everybody to hear me. I’ll have no idea the year God’s Kingdom comes. I won’t. I don’t believe that’s gonna happen, but I’m telling you because I don’t believe it’s gonna because I’ve stress-tested the living daylights outta this picture. I have no idea. There wouldn’t be a 411 explaining something. I’ve done all I can possibly do.


@ 1:48:28 If the Mystery of God is not over…I wouldn’t know how to explain it.


Christmas is all-or-nothing, folks. Watch the days ahead. There will be Pathetic Updates. There will be Part 411. Timing will get pushed, and God will be blamed. Something none of the ministers at Headquarters saw will bail them out of a tough jam just in the nick of time.


Despite his spelling out that he has no idea what he is doing, people will choose to stick it out. To their own hurt. To their own shame. He will push through the chest pains to keep talking and talking and talking. The logorrhea will continue.


The only way for him to stop is for him to be stopped.


Happy Article #100!

Marc Cebrian

See:   Logorrhea

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Whew! We have at least 7 more years! Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!

With Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry's creature they call "christ" ready to return any day now, it is comforting to know we have at least seven more years till the crap hits the fan, at least according to the only true prophet the church has in this day and age.

Leave it to the Great Bwana to Africa and 150 Caucasians to have the inside scoop on when his creature is returning to wreak havoc in the world, punish those that criticize the one true leader, and usher in the mythical kingdom where the Great Bwana will be held in such high esteem he will sit at the right hand of the creature he calls "christ". After all, he had a dream about this so it HAS to be true!

Can Jesus return in 2023 or 2024?
Will Jesus ever return? Various ones, including certain Protestants and Muslims have pointed to 2023 as the year He will. But are they looking at the wrong things? Can we see a 2023 or 2024 rapture? How about September 17, 2023? What are the signs that Jesus said to look for that precede His return? What parts of the Book of Daniel did Jesus say to look to? Have we seen any of those signs yet? Does Jesus come before or after the tribulation? Can Jesus possibly come before 2023? Are there clear signs that will point to when Jesus will return? Why do some say we need to wait at least seven more years? Why should Christians care? What about supporting the work of God? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.

Why would a Christian care what Bob says? Why would a Christian support his "work"? 

UCG Still Seeking To Understand Itself After 27 Years

ht to a UCG source

The United Church of God has been in existence now for around 27 years after their great apostasy from the mother church. Since their split off from the mother church, they themselves had a devastating split that they never have fully recovered from. Retention of members is also an issue as people come and go in UCG like a revolving door as people church hop to the next COG they think is doing the best "work".

When they split off in 1995 they had a chance to start a new church, free from any of the past rules, thoughts, and practices they had grown up with in their mother church. Sadly, it was business as usual with them, and the same tired and worn-out actions and policies were soon in effect leading many to say UCG was the most boring liberal COG out there.

Every year when the Council of Elders meets they are faced with many of those issues that they never had the guts to deal with in the first place. The COE met earlier this month and these are some of the things they still need to work on after 17 years:

    Feast of Tabernacles: we had great attendance, numbers increased over last year with higher in-person attendance. We need to put perspective on the Feast of Tabernacles for what it truly is; we need to stress the value of the holy convocation, especially the opening night at the Feast of Tabernacles. The opening night service should set the tone – praise, worship, fellowship with God and family; we are there to worship God. 

    Every single COG is having a problem with members who do NOT show up for the opening night of their Feast. 

    Visiting local church areas: Mr. Shabi mentioned that it has been satisfying meeting the people and has found it very inspiring. He added that visiting the brethren is important to Him.

    Buildings owned by the Church: Mr. Shabi shared his thoughts about the benefits of them. When God opens the door to purchasing buildings, we need to pursue them and use them to help build relationships and educational opportunities.

    One of the biggest faults of the COG is not having local buildings where they have a presence in their communities AND set an example by contributing to those communities. The COG has always been a transient church with no ties anywhere other than where their HQ's are located. 

    Congregational Care: We are commanded to take care of the sheep, the people (John 21), it’s an important part of our responsibility. We need to help congregations/ministers/members through education. Our lives are different, society has changed. We’re all trying to navigate these changes – we need to be guiding our brethren.

    The COG tradition has always held the members at arm's length as if they had dirty diapers on. Engage with them when necessary or if you need money. Constantly berate them for never doing anything right. Blame them for the delay in the return of Christ or issues in the "work". 

    Talent: We have a ton of talent at the home office and within the church – we need to use it.
    Mr. Shabi commented that the Home Office is in a unique position; we should be willing to set the standard for all congregations based on God’s vision for the church.

    When has any COG HQ ever truly recognized "talent" in their employ or in the church as a whole? Pasadena surely never did and that tradition carries over into UCG and other COG's.

    Ambassador Bible College: classes are in full swing; Mr. Shabi has attended some of the classes and is impressed with how it all works together, students and all. It’s an important part of the work of the Church.

    The earth-shattering educational system of UCG is its ABC program which now includes 26 students. Let that sink in again, 26!

    ABC is nearing the end of the first semester with 26 students, with the current expectation that three young ladies from Chile will join the class in January.

    The home office: The facility itself is a beautiful place: we have a wonderful studio, it has a purpose and it will be used more and more going forward. 

    So, you dump money into beautiful buildings and studios and are not using them effectively now?

    Media Department: Mr. Shabi appreciates getting to know the younger people who are working in the media department and the talent they possess. He mentioned that we need to tap into this talent and use it to effectively reach both the older and the younger generations alike.
    Are we being effective? We need to ask these questions and seek the answers on how God would have us be effective in our preaching of the gospel and taking care of His people. 

    UCG's current "effectiveness" translates in numbers below as incredibly sad. The impact is minimal, if at all, in the world.

      • United News circulation is currently at 18,677, which is 1.2% more than this time last year and our all-time high.
      • Our coworker count is now at 8,7260.8% lower than the same time last year. Our all-time high was May 2022 with 9,023.
      • Our donor list now includes 9,440 people—10.9% lower than this time last year. (Our all-time high was 10,913 in January of 2022.)
      • Total Beyond Today magazine circulation worldwide is at 326,806 for the Nov.-Dec. 2022 issue—which is 0.1% less than the same time last year. Our Sep.-Oct. 2022 issue was 335,467—our highest since January 2013.
      • U.S. magazine subscribers are at 277,363 for the Nov.-Dec. 2022 issue. This is 0.7% less than the same time last year. Our Sep.-Oct. 2022 issue was 285,250—our highest since March 2012.
      • The December subscriber development letter from Rick Shabi is being prepared to send to 186,695 subscribers. It offers “Tools for Spiritual Growth.” Responses are expected to begin coming in during the final week of December.
      • Those people on our U.S. file associated with the Church (teens, members, associated) as of November 30 is 11,9371.4% lower than last November.
      • The number of telephone and website responses from Beyond Today TV since 2006 stands at 401,172.
      • The Church’s Beyond Today YouTube channel at has had 15.25 million video views since November 2006 (a 5.8% increase since last November) and has 68,600 subscribers (a 4.9% increase since last October).
    The United Church of God website is a major key to what we are doing. The home page has been static for a few years. A home page redesign will be rolled out in Jan-Feb 2023. 

    New designs for web pages do not attract people to churches. The actions of the church and its members are what attract people to a church. If you can't even keep your own members engaged how can you impact the world around you? 

    We need to have that ladder of engagement: follow-ups, who is coming back, why, what caused this and how can we keep them coming back? 

    In the 80 some years of the Armstrongite era of the COG over 150,000 people had come and gone in the church (pre-1995). No one ever followed up or really cared. Instead, it was easier to call them Laodiceans and glibly state they had their chance at the truth and will now have to suffer till God wakes them up (while we, the Philadelphians, are in Petra). 

    The New Testament commentary needs to be finished ASAP. 

    Holy Hanna! We do not need another COG weighing in on how scripture needs to be interpreted with an official commentary! The church has its own version of the Bible, thanks to Fred Coulter, so I guess it should have its own Bible commentary. It's strange that they chose the New Testament since they care so little about what its central message is as compared to its worship of the Old Testament and all its laws. 

    The United Church of God international ministerial work: Although a large portion of our membership is based in the United States, we have to keep in mind that we are an international work. We need to engage and work even closer with our international ministry and membership so that we can understand their needs and how best to support them.

    Ask any person on the street in any city in the U.S. or any other nation and no one will be able to tell you who they are. Ask any person on the street what they teach about Jesus and no one can tell you.