All Eyes on Abib 1
David C. Pack will continue to trudge through the dismal swamp of biblical corruption for as long as the members of The Restored Church of God allow him. Operating with self-assigned power, the Pastor General will perpetually deceive by dragging out “The Greatest Unending Story!” until he retires into the grave.
David C. Pack is a false prophet who will never be correct about when the Kingdom of God or Jesus Christ will come. His dark, private interpretations are guaranteed to be false because the mouth that spews them is false.
Brethren who pay RCG their tithes, offerings, and Common have willfully chosen to surrender their authority to hirelings who prove weekly they care not for them, despite what Bradford Schleifer tells himself in the mirror. Even widows are merely necessary resources to exploit for the gain of wicked men.
The whited sepulchres, including Edward Winkfield, Carl Houk, Jaco Viljoen, Frank Lydick, Salasi Jezhi, Frank Lydick, Jim Habboush, Andrew Holcombe, Raymond Garb, and the notable coward Ryan Denee continue to leech manipulated support from mentally depleted members so these enablers can continue enjoying their ceiled houses and shiny shoes.
Powered by human steam, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God surrounds himself with a cabal of debilitated sycophants desperate to avoid the wrath of their human idol. Headquarters is a labyrinth of maneuvering politics and flatteries, allowing David C. Pack to operate unopposed in the ethical vacuum on the Third Floor in the Hall of Administration.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Welcome to The Restored Church of God.
Even disagreeing brethren are signaling their passive approval with silent complacency by attending, which gives credibility and pays homage to a blaspheming hypocritical liar. Though they suffer in their seats pretending to pay attention, they invite theological filth into their brains to burden their Sabbaths.
The grinding wheels churning prophetic malarkey from the Main Hall will never be depleted. The goal will never be achieved. David C. Pack will never be right. The torment of the members of The Restored Church of God will persist into the vanishing point.
Unless the Kingdom of God arrives just as sunset touches Saturday night in Jerusalem, Israel.
Abib 1 Begins at Sunset on March 29*
in Jerusalem at 11:56 AM ET
or in Wadsworth at 7:47 PM ET
If the Kingdom of God comes, there will be jubilant vindication that justifies the patient endurance of all RCG members since David C. Pack's significant first failure on August 30, 2013.
The Abib 1 theory has been rattling around inside the head of David C. Pack on and off for years. He does it so annually, you might guess it is a Holy Day.
He was suspicious, proved it inarguably, argued against it, denied it forever, and then readopted it. The cycle repeats more than RCG members dare to remember.
Knowing the penalty for disobedience to David C. Pack’s words is a one-way ticket to the Lake of Fire, I offer to obey his words.
Part 378 – June 15, 2022
@ 37:27 God help us if it doesn’t come ‘cause we’re gonna wait a year. I won’t be telling you we’re gonna wait a month. That’s impossible. You could throw my own words back up against me if you will. You can’t wait a year.
I will, Dave. Oh, I so will.
Abib 1 is Perfect
Part 414 – January 14, 2023
@ 1:25:10 Why would God show us Abib 1 in a definitive way? Absolutely inarguable. I don’t care what any enemy knows. I hope the whole world hears it.
Even when someone tries to fulfill David C. Pack’s hope, he will still consider it an attack by enemies.
Abib 1 is Not Perfect
Part 424 – February 25, 2023
@ 17:25 …Iyar 1 is better is better than Abib 1 for the Kingdom of God.
Unleavened Abib Impossible Epileptic Fit
Part 431 – March 31, 2023
@ 59:12 So, let me make some statements to you. And I wanna just be as emphatic, as bold as I possibly can be. Number one. It is impossible that the Kingdom of God does not come in Abib. You should surely see that. It is impossible that it does not come till the last day of Unleavened Bread. You should surely see that. It’s impossible. You’d have to break the Scriptures, just destroy them in many more places than I even read to you. It’s impossible. It’s impossible that it come in a year where the third day of Unleavened Bread is not a Sabbath. It’s impossible.
@ 1:00:31 I’m gonna just say again. Impossible it’s not Abib. Impossible it’s not the end of Abib. The last day at the end of the day. It’s impossible that it can come in a year where you do not flee on Day 3, which has to be a Sabbath, just like AD 31. That happens again in 2026. And it’s impossible that the whole period is not 10 ½ days.
@ 1:01:14 I can’t come back to you on Sunday or Monday or whenever I’d next speak and tell you that we could alter the things I’m saying here now. We wait three years.
No Going Back to Abib
Part 482 – November 30, 2023
@ 2:02:43 I’m gonna just make it so it’s it’s impossible to believe to ever shift away back to Abib. And I apologize for that.
Going Back to Abib
Part 487 – December 23, 2023
@ 1:13:19 I’m just gonna tell you absolutely on God’s authority, I’ll tell ya this much, and I’ll tell you abso–I mean, just I I I will stand on this on this date: The Kingdom of God comes Abib 1 [2025].
Abib Regrets in Hindsight
Part 506 – April 9, 2024
@ 05:36 Now, how did I know that Abib 1 was wrong?
@ 05:58 I wanna hold up a list of about 43 points I had developed, and it's, "Uh, What If Uh April 8th Passes?” I had a lot of problems with Abib 1.
@ 1:13:03 So so, I I hope that Abib 1 does not mean in your mind any longer that's when everything starts.Or that blows up every metric I've told you. It blows up the Jubilee Year of release. Everything. All of it.
@ 1:17:21 But Abib 1 will throw you off, and you'll think that's gotta be it.
Abib Regrets Piled On
Part 509 – April 20, 2024
@ 27:15 I mean, I was so suspicious of Abib 1, but I ran into some problems with Abib 1. But, in principle, are we learning that Abib 1 was right?
@ 1:24:47 And Abib 1, for was for a long time right in principle. It’s a New Moon. But just the wrong one.
Ever Learning But Forgetting
Part 558 – February 15, 2025
@ 2:04:11 But, once you learn it’s Abib 1, so God could not let us know until it was the applicable year.
@ 2:07:49 It simply won’t work to wait one year. If it didn't come this year, we would absolutely wait in vain next year, hoping God was false.
Abib 1, 2025 Assurances
Part 559 – February 22, 2025
@ 14:10 So, our understanding of delay meant was all wrong. It’s always been Abib 1.
@ 14:47 I absolutely believe it’s this year. I’m not just hopeful. I absolutely believe it.
Part 560 – March 1, 2025
@ 11:15 But the fact that the Kingdom begins on on Abib 1 in the year of God’s choosing has becomeimmutable church doctrine. [pounds on table] It cannot be moved.
@ 1:34:16 So, this is all settled. No matter how long you you me years you wait.
Abib 1, 2025 Caveats
Part 563 – March 15, 2025
@ 35:59 But, I've come to believe it is going to be either the 29th 15 days on top of 2,580, and that takes you to bang, Passover to the minute. Or, or it’s going to be Passover to Passover, which would be a real simple kingdom.
@ 49:35 I’ll wait and watch to Passover, if necessary… There's a big [chuckles] and now this is gonna sound discouraging, but only be a 15-day wait. Even power case for Passover should we hafta wait.
Part 564 – March 22, 2025
@ 00:22 And certain hints about “Mr. Pack think it's Passover,” and people are speculating [chuckles]. I I will say that this week and next week, if we're here, it's all I'll say for the moment, will will will not disappoint.
With all eyes on Abib 1, the members of The Restored Church of God should prepare to be disappointed.
The ornate carving on Dave’s Abib 1 Escape Hatch is the Passover Push to buy him two more weeks of stalling before the All Believing Zealots need to swallow yet more patience.
RCG members across the globe are already quietly anticipating the inevitable Church Administration email update stating the obvious: “Brethren, it appears we have more time. Fascinating proofs have come to light. We can’t wait to share this exciting, inspiring information with you.”
Just because the Pastor General forgets he proved and disproved and proved and disproved Abib 1 before does not excuse the brethren from not remembering. After Passover 2025 departs, David C. Pack will dust off his growing excuse notes and repeat what he said before.
Is this article an attack or an archive? Is it written by an enemy or a scribe? Does it spread slanderous lies, or does it expose uncomfortable facts?
With all eyes on Abib 1, the shift to waiting until Passover is as predictable as the setting sun. David C. Pack has played this game 123 times before and will continue as long as the brethren keep lining his pockets.
Brethren, open your eyes to the truth behind Abib 1 and David C. Pack.
Update: David C. Pack Cancels Abib 1, 2025!
After completing this article, I continued to listen to "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 564)" given on March 22, 2025. As is his gutless custom, David C. Pack dissolved the significance of Abib 1 this year.
Part 564 – March 22, 2025
@ 1:16:57 I'm gonna just tell you. Nothing's gonna happen next week because I I always I sh–wrestle–I've got too much material. I can't finish it. 'Cause we've got some amazing stuff to cover [chuckles]. Some amazing stuff.
Some "amazing stuff" that is not true because he is a biblical fraud and a liar.
David C. Pack just thwarted God's plan to bring the Kingdom of God because he had "too much material." Brethren of The Restored Church of God, let that sink in.
So much for “immutable church doctrine.” Right, Brad?
With the approval of the Headquarters hirelings and the unpaid field mollusks, you allowed your Pastor General to waste 19 hours, 4 minutes, and 54 seconds of your time while claiming God's authority.
Starting with "The Greatest Unending Story! (Parts 552 & 553)" on January 11, 2025, David C. Pack preached the prophetic significance of Abib 1, 2025. You allowed him to mislead you for two months during 12 sermons. And he dissolved Abib 1 in 11 seconds.
As you have been warned repeatedly, those who believed David C. Pack have been made fools of for the 124th time. Yet, you let him keep doing it. How many more disappointments will you endure before you face reality?
Despite Dave pre-emptively throwing in the towel, the countdown timer on will continue to tick down to the official start of David C. Pack's Failure #124. Passover 2025 will be #125.
Keep all eyes on that.
See: All Eyes on Abib 1
Its Abib one until it isn't. Why anyone believes this false "minister, prophet, pastor general, etc," is on them.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
It also helps evil to triumph when bad people (such as RCG members) who mistakenly think they are good support other bad people (such as DCP) who pass themselves off as good.
@ 1:16:57 I'm gonna just tell you. Nothing's gonna happen next week because I I always I sh–wrestle–I've got too much material.
Where's the "faith talk" here? If the church leader sounds doubtful, what does that teach the membership? (As if they weren't doubtful already.)
He wants abib? The only bib he will ever get will be if he has a dream like Peter and goes running off to the local Crab Shack!
Too funny, thanks for the play on words. Can't wait to repeat it to my rcg relative.
Hahaha - “it’s not gonna happen after all because I have too many important things to say so we have to put off the millenium for now”. Wow! I shouldn’t laugh at this, we actually do all need to repent and not laugh at others who have lost their way, it’s actually pretty sad, and just distracting.
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