When our cult leader died… we didn’t get the rapture, but we did get a PR-heavy funeral packed with world leaders, bizarre history lessons, and a whole lot of spin. In this episode, Nancy and I react to the funeral service of Herbert W. Armstrong, the founder of the Worldwide Church of God — the man who said Christ would return before his death… and then, well, didn’t.
Join us as we break down this wild farewell filled with global condolences, failed prophecies, and the not-so-subtle attempt to cement his legacy as a "world humanitarian" instead of a religious empire-builder.
We're here to laugh, grieve, and deconstruct the spectacle with a heavy dose of wit, sarcasm, and healing. If you were ever part of WCG or another high-control religion, this one’s for you.
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This video contains commentary, criticism, and educational analysis of material from the Living Church of God’s Tomorrow's World program. This use is transformative in nature, as it provides unique insights, critical perspectives, and educational value not present in the original material. The content is used under the terms of fair use as outlined in Section 107 of the Copyright Act, which allows for limited use of copyrighted works for purposes such as criticism, commentary, education, and research.
Our live reaction and discussion aim to inform viewers about the fallacies found in and illogical nature of this material while fostering dialogue on its lasting impact to those affected by the ideology.
If you're analyzing a funeral service from almost 40 years ago... well, it looks like they're desperate for a topic.
Herb's a "world humanitarian?" What a joke. He taught 1975 knowing full well that the date didn't come from God. I've had members tell me that they lost the will to live as the date approached. Many accordingly made foolish decisions. They didn't do the college course they originally planned, they didn't seek a mate, marriages couples didn't start families, people put off medical treatment etc, The extent of the damage will never be known since the victims are too embarrassed to admit that they were scammed by a con artist.
And Herb's motive for pushing 1975? Soviet communism was failing. God used WW2 to divided Europe into the communist and moderately free western half in order to prove/disprove communism. Herb used 1975 to try to coerce God into returning prematurely to hide the result. Herb would have claimed that the west was only doing better because God had blessed America due to His promise to Abraham. So closet commie Herb threw thousands of his members under the bus to push a evil ideology. I believe this because the holy spirit verified my suspicion. Others need to do the same.
Know what this needs? A political cartoon style image of Herbert W. Armstrong off to the left of the screen, pointing at Patti and Nancy with a devilish grin on his face, and a dialogue bubble above his head with the words "I caused this!"
What did you think of the V-Pillow, Feastgoer? I don't think they bought that from Mike Lindell.
I' d be very surprised if the Royal Family and others would have any fond words today about this man with all that's come out and no PR machine
Having only ever heard Garner Ted's take on his dad's funeral and death and what his family thought about the WCG arranged funeral and how the Armstrong family was left out of any arrangements by Joesph W Tkach and co, the apostate sisters take is rather mild!
The self serving fan fare of it all was over the top and rather odd when we know what subsequent events occurred .
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